Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jordanian Sheikh: Israel Belongs to the Jews!

Jordanian Sheikh: Israel Belongs to the Jews!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 |  Yossi Aloni ISRAEL TODAY  
Sheikh Ahmed Aladoan of Amman, a member of Jordan’s well-known Adwan tribe, posted to Facebook this week that there is no such place as “Palestine,” and provided references from the Koran to back up his assertion.
One of the Koranic verses provided states that Allah gave the Holy Land to the sons of Israel until the Day of Judgment (Surah Al-Ma’ida, verse 21), and the other (Surah Al-Shara’a, verse 59) says that the land was bequeathed to the Jews.
The sheikh turned to those who “distort the words of the Koran,” whom he labeled as liars, and questioned where they had even come up with the name “Palestine.” He insisted their claims to the Land of Israel were forfeit because “Allah is the protector of the Children of Israel.”
And if that wasn’t enough, the sheikh went on to turn the tables on the anti-Israel propaganda machine by accusing the Palestinians of killing children, the elderly and women, of using human shields, and of having not an ounce of mercy for even their own children.
The sheikh’s words caused a storm in the Arab media, and were picked up by the Israeli Embassy in Amman.
The Arabic daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi further explained the sheikh’s position, noting that he supports the notion that Jordan is Palestine, and insists that Arabs living both in Jordan and the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories would almost all love to be Israeli citizens.
The Adwan tribe issued a statement distancing itself from Sheikh Aladoan’s remarks. But the sheikh was not intimidated, and insisted he would continue to make his voice heard on these matters.
Last year, Sheikh Aladoan visited Israel and spent time with the chief rabbi of Tsfat (Safed), Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu. The sheikh informed Rabbi Eliyahu and his students that in the Koran, “there is no name ‘Palestine’ for this land, and therefore, the Arabs should not be fighting the Jews over control of this land.”
Watch the following video of their encounter. Most of the video is in Hebrew, but around the 2:00 mark, Sheikh Aladoan’s assistant translates his words in English.  
PHOTO is for illustration purposes only. The sheikh in the photo above is actually Sheikh Jabari of Hebron, another powerful tribal leader who also agrees that this land belongs to the Jews.
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UN Blasts N. Korea Leader for Nazi-Like Crimes - CBN News (700 Club)

UN Blasts N. Korea Leader 

for Nazi-Like Crimes

By George Thomas
CBN News Sr. Reporter
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The United Nations has implicated North Korea's Kim Jong Un in crimes against humanity "strikingly similar" to those Nazis committed in the world's most secretive nation.

A U.N. panel issued a report listing atrocities that include systematic execution, torture, rape, and mass starvation.

In 2011, Kim Hye Sook, the panel's chief witness against the state, granted CBN News the first American television news interview.

For 28 years, Kim languished inside North Korea's oldest concentration camp. Although she eventually escaped the camp, some of her family were less fortunate.

"I lost seven members, including my grandmother, mother, brother, and my husband," she told CBN News.

Kim saw daily executions, mass starvation, and mothers killing their children to survive.

"Often these prisoners were killed over petty things, like stealing food," she told CBN News. "The guards would always gather other prisoners to watch the execution. It was a form of intimidation. The command was then given to fire at the prisoners."

Rape, murder, torture, slavery, sexual violence, forced abortions -- those were just a few of the words found in the 374-page report the United Nations said amounts to crimes against humanity.

"The commission of inquiry has unanimously come to the conclusion that there is abundant evidence of great wrongs of this kind," Michael Kirby, chairman of U.N. Commission of Inquiry, said.

Kim told U.N. investigators that food was so scarce fellow prisoners killed their own children to survive.

"One time a mother put her 9-year-old daughter in this big cast iron pot and boiled her," Kim recalled. "She was a too big for the pot so the mother had to chop her legs and head to fit the body in the pot."

The report estimates that between 80,000 and 120,000 political prisoners are still held in prison camps.

Jeong Kyoung-Kang was one of them. He told CBN News that before being released from North Korea's Yodok labor camp, he was severely tortured for alleged spying activities.

Specifically, Kang said the prison guards performed the Pigeon Torture in which the prisoner is hanged from the wall with his hands tied behind his back. He was in this position for several days.

"This happened repeatedly," Jeong said. "It's like you are hanging upside down. Your muscles tense up and your chest sticks out like a bird. I thought I was going to die."

An estimated 30,000 Christians are also reportedly being held in prison for their faith. Owning a Bible, praying, worshipping are all acts that can put up to three generations of a family in jail.

The United Nations is expected to submit their findings to the International Criminal Court with potential charges against the regime's leadership.

Meanwhile, North Korea dismissed the report, saying, "It is nothing more than an instrument of political plot aimed at sabotaging the socialist system."

Good Friend of God - Lonnie Rex - God answered, "Because you are willing." Rick Joyner, Prophetic Perspective

Lonnie Rex - World Wide Compassion

Lonnie Rex - World Wide Compassion
Rick Joyner - MorningStar Ministries


Rick Joyner
Lonnie Rex

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Lonnie Rex has been used to bless others in mighty ways. Building orphanages in South Korea is one of the ways he has made a lasting impact.

Watch the interview here: 

Rick Joyner and Lonnie Rex

Sharing Love From Sweden - The Body of Christ by Eva Haglund

Shalom Steve and friends!

I send you many greetings from Stockholm!

I heard the first flower is ready to come up - maybe the spring is coming in Stockholm.

Hope so. It is beautiful with all flowers in the spring and new things in the nature. It is like God doing new things in our lives.

I have been thinking and have some thoughts to share.

Thank you for all you do for God at Love For His People"!



Here are some of my thoughts to share:

I read about what Morris E.Ruddock wrote about when people were gathering in small groups and God met them. He also talked about to carry each other burdens and about Acts.2:46. I like what he wrote!

The Body of Christ needs this today!  The church is not the building. I believe in 1 Cor.12 that we Christians need each other and Jesus as the head, whom everyone needs first. He is the source. 

We need more of Jesus. As Jesus wants to be our Friend - not just to come and ask for things. He wants love in Body of Christ with real friendship. In real friendship it is natural that people also meet in a home and eat together and have fellowship as in Acts.2:46

It is written in 1Cor.12 that as in a usual body "the hand" needs the " foot" and so on that we Christians need each other - all with different gifts. I think it is meant about friendships here, not just in a church building. You cannot know everyone well but we are all Christains in Body of Christ. Instead of being as one man, sometimes as the church we ought to stand together as one Body  - needing each other. 

We all need each other. Jesus is the best friend you can have and we need Him firs. I also think about when Jesus talks about love to each other in John.15:12 "This is my commandment , that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one`s life for his FRIENDS". 

Jesus is talking about real friendship here. God is love and showed a lot of love. He came as a servant and washed the disciples feet - as I think this is also a picture of showing care to each other. Carrying each other´s burden. Helping each other.

It can be to comfort, to help anybody with practical things who has a big need; pray for anybody who does not feel well; visit anybody who do not feel well. The enemy has stolen a lot of real friendship in the Body of Christ and we need more of this back. 

If a person lives far away you can write at e-mail for instance or call when you cannot meet in person. Jesus prayed that love among Christians would be a testimony to the world. John.17:21. Agape. The world needs love. All need love around us and God is love.1 John.4:8.

Sometimes evangelists are passionate for God wanting to win the world but they do not understand fellowship, friendship and that the people who get saved need people who take care of them, to show love and care.

Many people are wounded today and counseling is also fellowship. In John 21 Jesus taught on fellowship, practical love, breakfast, and a warm fire for the hungry, frozen and tired.

We need to learn to know of Jesus more and more .He loves us and loves when we talk to Him. He wants us to be with Him. He loves when we read His Word - the Bible.

Jesus is a real friend.

God of love,

Eva Haglund

Pro-Life Prodigy Battles to Save 'Culture of Life' - Lila Rose

Lila Rose - President of Live Action

David Brody
CBN News Chief Political Correspondent

David Brody is an Emmy Award-winning veteran news journalist who has interviewed many prominent national figures during his career of nearly 25 years. Currently, David covers the White House and interviews national newsmakers across the country. Follow David on Twitter @TheBrodyFile and "like" him at

Feb. 19, 2014 CBN News

MINNEAPOLIS -- Lila Rose, president of Live Action, has become an emerging force in the pro-life movement at only 25 years old.

Rose began this journey as a teenager and now finds herself taking on the likes of Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider.

She's refused to back down in her battle to save the "culture of life."

"We're objectifying, we're dehumanizing human beings, and that is never right and we have to stand up against that and expose it," Rose said.

And expose it she has. By using hidden cameras, Live Action investigated Planned Parenthood clinics.

In one incident, Rose posed as a 13-year-old, saying she was having sexual relations with a 31-year-old.

That's considered child abuse and should be reported to local authorities. But Live Action's cameras captured a worker making the following statement:

"I didn't hear the age. I don't want to know the age," the worker said.

Rose's investigation has led to firings, political investigations, and media attention. She's been named one of the most influential women in Washington, D.C., under 35.

But critics claimed the undercover videos are edited in a misleading way - although Live Action provides all original footage to media outlets.

Life-Changing Image

As one of eight home-schooled children, Rose found her calling at a young age.

"I came across a book at about 9 years old in my parent's house, bottom shelf called, The Handbook on Abortion," she recalled. "It looked like a history book of some sort."

"(I) was interested, opened it up, it fell to the center and what I'm looking at is the image of a child in the first trimester, maybe 10 weeks old, newly forming arms and legs, newly forming little face who had been the victim of a first-trimester suctioned abortion," she said.

That image put her on a pro-life mission. She started Live Action in high school then took her cause to the University of California, Los Angeles.

"Many people, especially those on our college campuses, don't know the huge tragedy that is taking place," Rose told a group of UCLA students.

Her activism increased and the undercover investigations began. Now, Rose's organization employs 10 full staff members and they're growing.

Pro-Life Generation

Although Rose and her Live Action team are known for those undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood, her real heart is to change the hearts and minds of young people.

"I challenge them, saying, 'Your life is a gift. Your life has a purpose. There's no greater cause than the cause of life in our country,'" she told CBN News.

Rose said that she's seen hundreds of young, dedicated teenagers.

"There's definitely passion," one pro-life teen said. "Everyone I talk to, everyone who supports the cause is just super into it. There's no one who is, like, mediocre about it. Everybody's super passionate about it and wants it to change."

Statistics back up that claim, with one recent study showing 51 percent of 18 to 29-year-olds believe abortion should either be totally illegal or only available with some exceptions.

"The youth is the most pro-life generation that we have," said Sharon Wilson, coordinator of the youth program Respect Life at the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.

Wilson noted technological advances like 3-D ultrasounds that can show babies' faces make a big difference for them.

"There's a whole biological aspect of it that these kids get that the culture of death can't push on to them because they know better," Wilson said.

"It will be this generation that will change the laws and change the hearts specifically on the areas of abortion," she predicted. "It's their generation that has been lost."

Rose agreed.

"A key market for us is young people," she said. "We need to reach my generation and future generations."

Life with a Purpose

Rose cited that as the reason she works to teach them the importance of life.

"God created us with a purpose," she said. "Before He formed us in the womb, He had a plan for us."

Rose acknowledged the fight she's fighting is both seen and unseen.

"In all of this there is something deeper going on than we can even see in front us," she explained. "There's a spiritual battle, an epic battle happening in our midst."

"If we become activists and go out there and even if it's the best cause, even if we're fighting for justice and righteousness and good things, but it's not being completely infused -- and prayer is infusing it with the spirit of God -- with the love of God, then we are nothing," she said.

Rose said she just wants to make her life count for something and knows all of this begins and ends with Jesus, who she calls her "first friend."

"Life is short, and my life could be very short," Rose acknowledged. "We don't know how long our life will be. Life is but a breath tomorrow."

"We may not have it so use today for love," she urged. "For loving God and sharing His love and His salvific plan and purpose for each person, sharing that with everybody we meet."

Doug Addison: Clarity is Coming! Some New Radical Positive Events Will Start Happening in March

Doug Addison:
Clarity is Coming! 
Some New Radical Positive Events 
Will Start Happening in March
The Elijah List

Doug AddisonExpect Things to Clear Up

If things don't seem all that clear right now, don't worry. February's uncertain times will become clearer towards the end of the month.

Clarity is coming and some new radical positive events will start happening in March. Expect to see the clouds lift by the end of the month while God pours out encouragement in March through April.

Attacks of 2013 Become Authority

What were your struggles and how did the enemy attack you in 2013? Your attack in 2013 is the area of your new authority this year. In many cases, the enemy overplayed his hand against you and 2013 was about trying to get you to quit.

For those who stuck with it, God is giving new levels of authority and anointingBut there is a key to this new promotion this year: we must get rid of accusations against others.

God is releasing new anointing and authority to those who are humble and able to love others.

A key verse for this time is Matthew 7:12, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

God spoke to me that if you have anything against someone else, it is time to put it behind you. Especially if you are holding evidence saved to prove you are right. Let it go. 

It's time to trust God to fight your battles and let go of any grievances because they will disqualify you from promotions this year.

New Ideas and Inventions

Covenant Promise by Jennifer PageI had a prophetic dream this month that God is releasing from Heaven new strategies, ideas and inventions right now. 

I was standing next to an angel and suddenly a high-tech umbrella appeared in my hand that not only shielded me from the elements but also had a mist of refreshment falling down on the inside. The dream means that God's angels will shield us while bringing a creative, inventive spirit. 

When we are protected by God, new divine strategies and inventions create Kingdom finances even through tough times.

I also had several dreams of violent weather. God is saying do not worry about how things look but trust that God will open up opportunities to be blessed in any situation.

God gave Isaac a strategy to reap a hundred times during a terrible famine.

"Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him." Genesis 26:12

In every downturn there's always a way to reap. Ask God for eyes to see what you can do right now in your situation.

Super Bowl Score

Even though the Super Bowl was not that super this year, unless you are a Seattle Seahawks fan, the final score was intriguing to me. I felt it was significant and knew that again, like last year, it was not intended to say that God is judging.

Taking a look at the final score, Seahawks 43 to Broncos 8, God led me to some powerful verses packed in Isaiah 43 which many of us know. 

Here God brings comfort during rough times, forming us into people of godly character, able to lead others by following Holy Spirit into new things (Isaiah 43:1-2, 5-8 and 18-19).

Check out the verse corresponding to the final score, 43-8 to Isaiah 43:8: "Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf." Isaiah 43:8 NIV

God is opening people's eyes and ears. People who have no idea about the power of His Spirit will be led by those called by God's name. Like the power of God's Spirit, who helped deaf Seahawks fullback, Derrick Coleman, who "stuck with it" and despite his disability, gained much new authority.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."Isaiah 43:18-19

God's challenge in the game of life is to take comfort during character-forming times. Your heart's re-shaping helps you and others show God's awesome goodness. Read through the entire chapter of Isaiah 43 because it is packed full of promises from God to pray into your life.

Get Rid of Judgment

When God does something new, quite often the previous movement is judgmental towards it. This is repeated throughout Church history. 

God is doing something new right now to draw in people who have been rejected by Christianity. I have been encouraging people everywhere to embrace anyone who needs God and not judge them.

Before we can help others, we must ask God to look at our own hearts and see if there is any judgment against others.

I've been praying a prayer for a while, "God, show me what the enemy does not want me to see about myself." 

And also, "God, reveal to me anything I might have in my heart towards others." 

As we get rid of judgment, we are better able to embrace people who are different than us.

Let's pray together that God would help us be more persistent so we can "stay in it." And we would have judgment-free eyes to see clearly and find new ways to hear how to use our new authority to touch many.


Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.

From the desk of Steve Shultz

Doug Addison's word is very much needed for the Body in this hour. I know some of you have been dealing with great struggles and storms...and this word will really help and encourage you.

What an encouragement from Doug as he shares: If things don't seem all that clear right now, don't worry. February's uncertain times will become clearer towards the end of the month. 

Clarity is coming and some new radical positive events will start happening in March. Expect to see the clouds lift by the end of the month while God pours out encouragement in March through April.

Be greatly blessed!


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Assignment Not Yet Done - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Assignment Not Yet Done
by Steve Martin

 “…since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;” (Acts 17:25-28 NASU)

The Lord speaks to you unexpected sometimes. I think He waits to get a word in when there is a break in the music we have on the radio or in our ear; when the conversation between people takes a pause; or when the complaint we just “voiced” in our thoughts has died done for a minute. That can be a good time for Him to interrupt our train of thought.

And so it was, driving home from work on a Tuesday late afternoon. I know I was asking, wondering, begging and complaining – all in my head of course, “When will this job be done?”

I continued maneuvering around the heavy traffic, Jeff Gordon #24 NASCAR style of course, and listening to the CD in the car. Mostly I was day dreamingly complaining. I am sure you have done that too.

“When can I get on with what I really think I should be during in this time of my life?” I was murmuring again in my thought pattern. I wasn’t really expecting an answer. I was just wanting it to be known. To the Lord, of course, in case He had forgotten of my situation these past months.

“When your assignment is done,” came the unexpected reply.

I shut my thoughts up immediately. Not only had He, in that brief statement, told me when the time would be completed, but even gave me the way to move on. When I had completed the assignment He had given me to complete on this job, He would direct me to the next one. Thus I could rest in that, be assured of that, and get on doing what I was called to do while there.

His word to me was “as clear as a bell”, as a former boss would say after making his point.

Often in these writings, believing it is quite so, I share the fact that we each have specific purposes to fulfill in this life, according to the wise plans of God the Father. Out of His infinite wisdom and knowledge, being Omniscient (all knowing) and Omnipotent (all powerful), His ways are above our ways. That in itself can give us peace, knowing He is always in control.

"...appointed times and the 
boundaries of their habitation."

Having a basic understanding of our purpose and function, as part of the Body of Messiah, and using our gifts and talents faithfully in that purpose, will enable us to know the current assignment the Teacher has given. Then we can do it to the best of our ability, complete it, and move on to the next one.

When we have completed all the assignments He has put in our personal life book, then we will have completed the race, and will receive the eternal reward He promises to give to us.

Now think on this.

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

NOW THINK ON THIS - How They Came About - Steve Martin messages

Feb. 18, 2014

Greetings all.

When the Lord was speaking to me about an "updated" name for my Ahava Love Letters, I wasn't sure what the new name of the articles/messages would be. So I just listed about 20 possibilites on a sheet of paper, and then asked my good wife Laurie to circle one or two. I was hoping, actually, she would select a few that I thought would be good. 

She circled "Now Think Of This." (Now husbands, you need to respect the intuition and wisdom of your wife. She has been given to you as a gift from the Lord, as your soul mate/helper. And she has good input!)

In some ways, I think these words were part of my remembrance from my days at Derek Prince Ministries (the second set of years from 2001-2005.) Derek Wesley Selby, the graphic artist, Director of Communications, and another grandson of Derek Prince, was seeking ways to expand the ministry. Radio, books and the next generation were the emphasis. He came up with the idea of a one-minute message on radio, from his grandfather Derek's vast collection of recorded audio and video messages over the previous 25 years. 

Derek Wesley called it, "Think About This." We tried it for while as a ministry radio outreach, but it didn't reach the level we wanted. So it lays in the archived files now I am sure.

So back here in January, 2014, I was at a junction in this outreach of Love For His People. What was the Lord wanting to call the name of my regularly published messages, rather than Ahava Love Letters? I had really loved the name, still do, but I felt a name change would expand the readership. The first name had been in place since November, 2010. We started using this new name in late January, 2014.

Just today, Feb. 18, 2014, I was reading a word from The Elijah List from Kathie Walters. In it she was describing peppermint refreshing (which has nothing to do with this article) but she wrote something that very well did.

And angel was speaking to her, in a dream.

"'His love has no limits.' Think about that, Kathie. Your mind can't even imagine something limitless."

"'His grace has no measure.' Think about that too...there is no measure at all to even be able to measure Jesus' grace. There's nothing in the world to measure it with."

He went on singing one line at a time, and then telling me, "Think about that," which is what "selah" from the Psalms means ("think on this"). Kathie Walters

I never knew that. Or if I did, I certainly had forgotten. (Another senior moment, at age 59.)

It is good to know that the Hebrew word selah, from the Psalms, means "think on this." 

Now Think On This can thus mean that.  

I love it when the Lord confirms His rhema (now word) to us. 

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People