Tuesday, July 3, 2012

'US quietly bolstering presence in Persian Gulf' - Jerusalem Post

'US quietly bolstering presence in Persian Gulf'

According to 'New York Times' report, US sending planes, ships to Gulf in bid to protect Hormuz, reassure Israel over Iranian threat.

US warships stationed in Persian Gulf
Photo: REUTERS/Handout

The United States has quietly increased its military presence in the Persian Gulf to deter Tehran from attempting to shut the Strait of Hormuz, according to a New York Times report published Tuesday.
Linking the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean, the Strait is used to transport about a fifth of the world’s oil on a daily basis, and the popular assessment within the IDF is that Iran – which borders the channel to the north and east – has the ability to shut it down if it so chooses.

The report identified a number of visible elements of the US buildup in the Gulf, including sending increasing numbers of aircraft, including the F-22 Raptor, which boasts stealth capabilities, into two separate bases in the Persian Gulf. The planes join jets and carrier strike groups already in the area.
According to the report, the the US navy has also been sending advanced ships capable of enhancing the country's ability to patrol the Strait and reopening the waterway should Iran try to block shipping. In addition, the navy sent a converted amphibious transport and docking ship and doubled the number of minesweepers assigned to the region.

“The message to Iran is, ‘Don’t even think about it,’ the Times quoted a senior US Defense

Department official as saying on condition of anonymity. “Don’t even think about closing the Strait. We’ll clear the mines. Don’t even think about sending your fast boats out to harass our vessels or commercial shipping. We’ll put them on the bottom of the gulf.”

Iran's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee drafted a bill on Sunday calling for Iran to try to stop oil tankers from shipping crude through the Strait of Hormuz to countries that support sanctions against it.

More than a third of the world's seaborne oil exports pass through the narrow Strait of Hormuz from the oilfields of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. Qatar's liquefied natural gas exports are all shipped through Hormuz.


Yad Vashem Softens Criticism of Pope Pius XII

Yad Vashem Softens Criticism of Pope Pius XII

Yad Vashem has modified its account of Pope Pius XII’s actions toward the Jews during WWII, following long diplomatic dispute.
Yad Vashem entrance - photo by Steve Martin
By Rachel Hirshfeld
First Publish: 7/3/2012

Vatican Reuters
Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum has modified its account of Pope Pius XII’s actions toward the Jews during World War II, following a long diplomatic dispute with the Vatican.
Critics have long contended that Pius, who was pope from 1939 to 1958, could have done more to prevent the systematic slaughter of Jews in Nazi-Europe. The controversial issue has since become the single most divisive issue in Vatican-Jewish relations.

A wall panel at the Yad Vashem memorial still lists occasions when the wartime Pius did not protest the slaughter of Europe’s Jews, but also offers accounts those who say the church’s “neutrality” helped save lives.

“This is an update to reflect research that has been done in the recent years and presents a more complex picture than previously presented,” Yad Vashem said in a statement. “This change is not a result of Vatican pressure,” the statement added.

Antonio Franco, the papal envoy in Israel, called the move a “positive evolution.”

In 2007, Franco threatened to skip that year’s annual Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at Yad Vashem to protest the panel’s old text. While he eventually relented, the dispute heightened tensions between the Vatican and Israel, as well as the Pope’s image among world Jewry.

While the Vatican claims that more Jewish deaths would have resulted if the Pope had been more critical of the Nazis, critics argue that he could have and should have done more.

The old panel displayed at Yad Vashem said Pius XII was "active" in obtaining a treaty with Germany to protect the Church's rights "even if this meant recognising the Nazi racist regime."
It said he cancelled a letter denouncing racism and anti-Semitism, and failed to protest publicly the murder of Jews. It accused him of declining to sign the Allied declaration condemning the extermination of Jews and said he had failed to take actions to prevent the transport of Jews from Rome to Auschwitz.

The new panel attributes the signing of the deal to Pius XI, and notes that he made reference to the deaths of hundreds of people during a 1942 radio address, though he did not specifically mention Jews.

"The pope's critics claim that his decision to abstain from condemning the murder of the Jews by Nazi Germany constitutes a moral failure," the panel says. "The lack of clear guidance left room for many to collaborate with Nazi Germany, reassured by the thought that this did not contradict the Church's moral teachings." "His defenders maintain that this neutrality prevented harsher measures against the Vatican and the Church's institutions... thus enabling a considerable number of secret rescue activities," it adds.

Yad Vashem in the past said the panel would only be changed if the Vatican agreed to open its archives to researchers and evidence showed Pius XII's role had been misrepresented. The Vatican has yet to open those archives fully, though it has made public selected documents. But Yad Vashem said on Sunday that new research "has clarified certain issues, while still leaving many questions open."

After decades of reluctance, the Vatican recognized Israel in 1993, followed by Pope John Paul II’s official visit to the Jewish state in 2000, during which he stopped at Yad Vashem. The current pope, Pope Benedict XVI, visited Israel in 2009.


Mitt Romney Planning Summer Visit to Israel

Mitt Romney Planning Summer Visit to Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney plans to visit Israel this summer, the New York Times reported Monday.

"He's a strong friend of Israel and we'll be happy to meet with him," Ron Dermer, senior advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told the Times. "We value strong bipartisan support for Israel and we're sure it will only deepen that," Dermer said.

Romney has been critical of Obama's policies toward the Jewish state, accusing him of throwing Israel "under the bus."

"I think, by and large, you can just look at the things the president has done and do the opposite," Romney said in June when asked about Israel.

The two-day visit will take him away from the campaign trail during a crucial period of his general election fight against President Obama. But Romney hopes it will help him gain support of Jewish voters, evangelicals, and conservatives. It could also help boost his foreign affairs credentials.

Details of the trip have yet to be disclosed, but Dermer said he will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior government officials, including President Shimon Peres, in Jerusalem during his two-day visit.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Stunning Synagogue Floor Discovered in Galilee

Stunning Synagogue Floor Discovered in Galilee

Mosaic floor of 1,700 year old synagogue shows Samson placing torches between the tails of foxes.
By Gil Ronen

From the mosaic.
From the mosaic.
Jim Haberman

A monumental synagogue building dating to the Late Roman period (around the 4th-5th centuries CE) has been discovered in archaeological excavations at Huqoq in the Galilee.

Huqoq is an ancient Jewish village located approximately two to three miles west of Capernaum and Migdal (Magdala). This second season of excavations has revealed portions of a stunning mosaic floor decorating the interior of the synagogue building. The mosaic, which is made of tiny colored stone cubes of the highest quality, includes a scene depicting Samson placing torches between the tails of foxes (as related in the book of Judges 15). In another part of the mosaic, two human (apparently female) faces flank a circular medallion with a Hebrew inscription that refers to rewards for those who perform good deeds.

“This discovery is significant because only a small number of ancient [Late Roman] synagogue buildings are decorated with mosaics showing biblical scenes, and only two others have scenes with Samson [one is at another site just a couple of miles from Huqoq – ed.],” said Jodi Magness of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Kenan Distinguished Professor in the department of religious studies in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences.

“Our mosaics are also important because of their high artistic quality and the tiny size of the mosaic cubes. This, together with the monumental size of the stones used to construct the synagogue’s walls, suggest a high level of prosperity in this village, as the building clearly was very costly.”

The excavations are being conducted by Prof. Magness and David Amit and Shua Kisilevitz of the Israel Antiquities Authority, under the sponsorship of UNC, Brigham Young University in Utah, Trinity University in Texas, the University of Oklahoma and the University of Toronto in Canada. Students and staff from UNC and the consortium schools are participating in the dig.
Excavations are scheduled to continue in the summer of 2013.

Woman's head, inscription in Hebrew. Jim Haberman
Dig leaders with mosaic. Jim Haberman

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy Birthday To My Good Wife!


Laura Jean Unzicker was born 53 years ago,
In the home of Lorraine and father Otto.
Two sisters, Linda and Judy, had already come,
Later in my eyes, she was "the one."

A little spunky, with "Dorothy Hamill" hair keen,
She caught my look, when a youthful seventeen.
Married just a year later in life's time, by gosh,
She since gave birth to Ben, Hannah, Christen, and Josh!

And as we moved from state to state,
She followed the Lord's hand, with me, her mate.
Faithful and diligent, giving all she had,
She is the best, and me, oh so glad!

So happy birthday to my good wife,
Who has made quite the impact in life.
And since we met, just 36 years ago,
Her love grows for family, friends and yo!


Happy Birthday to Laurie my love!

Your husband,


Palestinians Want Bethlehem as 'Heritage Site'

Palestinians Want Bethlehem as 'Heritage Site'

Palestinians are asking a U.N. agency to designate parts of biblical Bethlehem as endangered world heritage sites.

Letters were sent to the global cultural organization UNESCO, saying the international community has a "legal and moral responsibility" to the sites.

Palestinians want recognition for the Church of the Nativity and a Bethlehem pilgrimage route, but UNESCO turned down the bid, saying it needs more work.

Some Israeli government officials have contended that the Palestinians' request is an effort to wipe out traces of Jewish history. Christian denominations are opposed as well. A decision on the matter is expected this week.

Putin: Russia already recognizes 'Palestine'

Putin: Russia already recognizes 'Palestine'
Putin: Russia already recognizes 'Palestine'
Russia reinserted itself into the Israeli-Palestinian "peace" process in a major way this week with a highly publicized visit by President Vladimir Putin.

While meeting with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday, Putin said that Russia had no problem recognizing an independnet Palestinian state, noting that Moscow had already done so during the days of the Soviet Union.

"We [recognized Palestine] 25 years ago, and our position has not changed," said Putin.
Putin thanked Abbas for his "responsible" leadership, either ignoring or rejecting the fact that even the Obama Administration now views Abbas' intansigence and insistence on pre-conditions as the main obstacle to restarting peace talks.

"Palestinian leadership, and the president personally, have been behaving responsibly to achieve peace based on the two-state solution," said Putin.

Putin also threw his weight behind Abbas' efforts to reconcile with Hamas and forge a national unity government with the terror groups, despite the fact that Hamas remains openly dedicated to the destruction of Israel.

The Palestinians hailed Putin's visit as "historic" and named a street in Bethlehem after the Russian leader, which was something of a faux pas considering Europeans typically only name streets after deceased persons.

Abbas' office said he is keen to hold the next Middle East peace summit in Moscow, where the Palestinians feel thier position will be more favored than in Washington or other Western capitals.
Putin met earlier in the week with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres, but those talks were reportedly focused far more on Iran and Syria, rather than on the conflict with the Palestinians.

Putin warned Israel against a preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, insisting that such an endeavor would "backfire." He also urged the West, presumably including Israel, to keep its nose out of Syria's affairs. Russia is cautiously backing the regime of Bashar Assad againster a Western-supported insurgency.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Israel PM Netanyahu Hosts Bible Study

Israel PM Netanyahu Hosts Bible Study

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has revived a decades-old tradition: Bible study at the Prime Minister's house. The Prime Minister opened the first session of the "Bible Study Club" at his official Jerusalem residence.

"We're studying the Bible and the Bible is the book of the Jewish people, but also the book of universal values," Netanyahu said. "It's the story of the Jewish people and it expresses the hope that we will return to this land."

Netanyahu has revived a tradition started by Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion. "I think in many ways it's a parable for humanity because if the Jewish people we're able through this vast odyssey in time to ford all the rivers, to cross the chasm of annihilation, and to come back to our ancestral homeland, to rebuild our lives, this means there's hope for all humanity," Netanyhu told the group.

Netanyahu asked Jewish Bible teacher Micah Goodman to lead the session.

"I communicate Biblical stories and Biblical ideas and how the Bible could guide us in very sophiscticated, modern challenges of Jewish sovereignty in Israel, we have to communicate that to secular Israelis and to religious Israelis," Goodman said. Goodman told participants that they were there to try to uncover the secrets of the book of the Jewish people.

Netanyahu, his wife, Sarah, and more than a dozen rabbis and scholars studied the book of Ruth from the Jewish scriptures, known to Christians as the Old Testament.

"I thought I was going to lead the conversation but it turns out that our Prime Minister is quite an intellectual and he doesn't only have what to say, he's got some very interesting things to say and he asked me very tough questions," Goodman told CBN News.

Goodman also said that as the leader of the Jewish people in a volatile Middle East, Netanyahu needs a refuge from time to time.

"He escaped to the Bible, to something that's beyond time, beyond politics, beyond the day to day. And diving into this great text and dealing with these great ideas, somehow, he felt like it was a breath of fresh air for him," Goodman explained.

Netanyahu said he studies the Hebrew Bible with his sons every sabbath. Two years ago, his younger son, Avner, placed third in the Annual International Bible Competition held in Jerusalem.

Goodman said that Netanyahu told the group that when he reads the Bible, he's always shocked at how relevant it is.

"And so we're studying our map and our compass and our foundation, the Bible," Netanyahu concluded. "And you're all welcome to join us, especially if you can learn Hebrew."

Friday, June 22, 2012

Golden Age Club in Jerusalem

Greetings all.

I received this post recently on my Facebook page from a friend and thought it would be good to share on "Love For His People" blog.


Steve Martin

"I'm trying to find people to help stop the senior club next to my house from closing. I wrote this:

Don't turn out the lights!

Each day, 20-25 elderly people come to the Golden Age club on HaShayish St. in Jerusalem, Israel. At the Club they meet, talk, share, support one another, celebrate their birthdays and their grandchildren and even their great-grandchildren's birthdays together.

They celebrate the Jewish holidays, organize arts and crafts exhibitions and so much more … when they come to the Club loneliness retreats, and they are among friends.

The Club began operating in the early '90s. Each member has their story - they are alone or sick, disabled, a survivor of the Holocaust... some of them fought or lost children in Israel's wars.

But the Club is about to be closed because the Jerusalem Municipality is withdrawing its subsidies.

Cutbacks began in January 2010 when the Club hours were cut and it began opening only three days a week. In October 2011 the subsidized transportation system was halted (subsidized by AMIT – the Association of volunteers for aid for the elderly in Jerusalem) meaning some of the members could not physically get to the Club.

In our community today, an increasing number of elderly individuals can go for many weeks without seeing another person or are unable to even leave their homes.

Community support for the elderly is of the highest importance. Socially, and also to support their emotional and cognitive needs - the Club gives them all of this.

Closing the Club means to turn off the lights for the elderly who have given of themselves since the beginning of the State and even before.

We can not let this happen! Please give a hand to help! Together we can change this grim reality of shutting the elderly out of their refuge from loneliness and isolation, and allow them to live the rest of their lives with dignity and friendship.

Thats what I wrote for now- its just heartbreaking. One woman said that sometimes they dont have money for yarn (They knit at the club) so they look in the garbage for sweaters to unravel and use its yarn.

I was there the other day- the afternoon program has people between the ages of 75- 90 working on electronic cords- they get some pocket money One cried and said that if the club closes he has nothing to live for.

I am deeply concerned for the well being of these people as they will not have anywhere else to go if this avenue closes for them.
I was hoping that you might know an organization/ company/ private person that may want to assist.
I just need to find that one person that knows a person that knows of a company or somebody willing to help... They need $20,000 for a whole year of it being open... Maybe I need to find 20 people to donate $1000 each or even 200 people to donate $100... That might be easier..
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Thanks so much...


This is our facebook group. Please join us... https://www.facebook.com/RespectOurElderly
  • Each day, 20-25 elderly people come to the Golden Age club on HaShayish St. in Jerusalem, Israel. At the Club they meet, talk, share, support one another, celebrate their birthdays and their grandchildren and even their great-grandchildren's birthdays together. Each member has their story - they are...
  • Thursday, June 21, 2012

    Lawmakers Join in Support of Detained Iranian Pastor

    Lawmakers Join in Support of Detained Iranian Pastor

    The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously in favor of a resolution calling for the immediate release of imprisoned Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani.

    Tuesday's vote followed a petition with more than 120,000 signatures of people urging lawmakers to approve the measure.

    The American Center for Law and Justice has been following Nadarkhani's case and advocating on his behalf. ACLJ Chief Counsel Jordan Sekulow said he is "hopeful" that the entire Senate will propel the resolution forward.

    "Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has sacrificed so much for his faith and has refused his captors' calls for him to renounce Christ," Sekulow said in a message to supporters.

    He added that the resolution is key to strengthening the international fight against religious persecution toward Nadarkhani and others.

    The ACLJ is now pressing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to call a full vote on the issue.
    Nadarkhani is facing death by hanging in Iran for refusing to recant his Christian faith. He's been in prison away from his wife and two sons since 2009, often under harsh treatment and poor living conditions.

    The American Center for Law and Justice has also started a Twitter campaign to spread the word about Nadarkani's case. @CBNNews has joined the effort. Learn how you can "Tweet for Youcef" here.

    Wednesday, June 20, 2012

    'Son of Hamas' Makes Movie Exposing Islam

    'Son of Hamas' Makes Movie Exposing Islam

    Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Christian convert and the son of a Hamas leader, is now working on a movie about the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

    Yousef announced the project at a press conference in Jerusalem Tuesday. It was his first visit to Israel since he left in 2007.

    "I think this is the time to expose the real nature of Islam," Yousef told reporters.

    "Islam is not a religion of peace," he continued. "Islam is a religion of war and most Muslims don't understand the true nature of Islam. This is the time and I would like to announce it today here from Jerusalem, next to the Temple Mount."

    In Yousef's book, Son of Hamas, he explains how he worked with Israeli security to stop terror attacks against the Israelis.

    Many Palestinians, including Yousef's parents, view him as a traitor to Islam and worthy of death.
    "I'm not to be addressed as his mother because he's not my son," Yousef's mother, Rubha told Reuters. "He gave his loyalties to a religion other than Islam. We're Muslims and he attacked our religion."

    But Yousef remains unapologetic about his Christian faith.

    "Usually people are ashamed when they do something wrong. People love to live in the darkness ... I live in the light. I didn't do anything wrong by saving human life," he said.

    Southern Israel under heavy fire, 11 wounded

    Southern Israel under heavy fire, 11 wounded
    Southern Israel under heavy fire, 11 wounded

    Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired more than 50 rockets and mortar shells into southern Israel on Tuesday and into Monday morning. Eleven border policemen were wounded in one of the attacks.

    The attacks began during the pre-dawn hours Tuesday, and continued with a hail of rocket fire throughout the day. The only casualties reported were from a direct missile strike on a building near the coastal town of Ashkelon, where 11 officers with Israel's Border Police suffered light-to-moderate shrapnel injuries.

    The assault continued on Wednesday morning with more short-range Kassam rocket attacks and at least one medium-range Grad missile attack that targeted the town of Beersheva.

    Israeli forces responded with numerous overnight aerial raids on terrorist installations in Gaza. A number of terrorists were reportedly killed in the Israeli reprisals, but army officials cautioned that the situation was likely to get a lot more intense in the coming hours and days.

    Gaza's Hamas rulers have actually claimed responsibility for many of the rocket attacks, a departure from the group's usual policy of letting smaller allied terror groups take the blame for attacks on southern Israel.

    It is likely that Hamas is feeling emboldened by the assumed Muslim Brotherhood victory in Egypt's presidential election. Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, and views the rise to power of the latter in neighboring Egypt as the start of a new era of "resistance" against the Zionist regime.


    Tuesday, June 19, 2012

    Iran, Syria, Russia, China Plan Massive War Games

    Iran, Syria, Russia, China Plan Massive War Games

    JERUSALEM, Israel -- Iran, Syria, Russia, and China will take part in the "biggest-ever war games in the Middle East," Iran's semi-official FARS News Agency reported Tuesday.

    According to the report, 90,000 troops, 1,000 tanks, 400 aircraft, warships, submarines, destroyers, and minesweepers will rendezvous along the coast of Syria within a month for the massive exercise.
    Egypt has given China permission to send 12 warships through the Suez Canal, which reportedly will dock at Syrian ports over the next two weeks.

    The announcement comes on the second day of meetings between Iran and the P5+1 -- the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany -- in Moscow.

    Both Russia and China have vetoed military intervention in Syria and additional economic sanctions against Iran at the U.N. Security Council.

    Tuesday's announcement also comes on the heels of Russian President Vladimir Putin's announcement that he will visit Israel on June 25.

    Así es Israel

    Ahava Love Letter - “No Rejection”

    Ahava Love Letter

    “No Rejection”
    “For the sake of His great name, the Lord will not reject His people,
    because the Lord was pleased to make you His own.” (1 Samuel 12:22)

    Dear family of friends,

    Most of us know of rejection. We understand, and have felt the pain of, this hurtful emotion. When carried out beyond the soulish realm into the physical arena, it can be devastating. I would think that all of us have experienced it at the receiving end at one time or another, in soul and body.

    In 1 Samuel 12:22, quoted above, the prophet Samuel delivered a message to the nation of Israel at the end of his life. He prophesied that the Lord would not reject them as His people. After what they had already gone through, in deliverance from Egypt and the ongoing battles against surrounding peoples, this had to be a great word to hear. To know that the living God would not reject you, for His great name’s sake, was one promise to hang onto.

    I am trusting it also can be a promise for those of us who are grafted into the spiritual vine, as believers, whether Jew or Gentile.

    As we stand on the Lord’s promise to cover our back, and our front, even in the midst of false accusation, we can face the enemy and defeat him, not only on our behalf but for others who need our strength and support.

    A primary purpose of the ministry of Love For His People is to stand with those who daily face worldwide rejection and the onslaught of the enemy, primarily our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. We already know that the Lord stands with them - just the fact that Israel and the Jewish people are still around today is proof enough. But we are also called as believers to stand with them, those living in Israel, as they hold claim to the Promised Land given to them.

    Love For His People is committed to stand with His chosen ones, and will hold to His eternal word that “for the sake of His great name, the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own.”

    I know many of you share this heartfelt commitment also. In my communications to friends in Israel, I know they appreciate it very much indeed. I also am aware that they continually need our prayers, encouragement, and financial help as never before.

    We appreciate and thank you who have faithfully shared in this ministry of prayer and financial support for Jewish believers. Please consider sending a gift today to that end. When we hold up their hands, the Lord Yeshua promises to hold up ours.

    Ahava to my family of friends,

    Steve Martin


    Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider sending a monthly charitable gift of $5-$25 each month to help us bless Messianic Jews in Israel. You can send checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
    ©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134      

    Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       

    Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

    Blogger: http://loveforhispeople.blogspot.com         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

    Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

    Ahava Love Letter #30   Origianl published date: Aug. 16, in the year of our Lord 2011 

    Monday, June 18, 2012

    Eight Gates of Jerusalem Today

    Sites and Insights: Gates of Jerusalem - Jerusalem Post
    06/18/2012 17:47

    There are 8 gates of Jerusalem today; but the Bible promises 12 in the future.

    Jerusalem Light Festival, Damascus Gate
    Photo: Courtesy
    Wayne Stiles has never recovered from his travels in the Holy Land. Follow him on Twitter (@WayneStiles) or on his blog at www.waynestiles.com.

    The walls and gates of Jerusalem have expanded and contracted over the centuries like the breathing of a living being.

    The walls of the Old City of Jerusalem are such that we have to enter through the gates—just as people did for thousands of years.

    Gates were more than passageways. They served as places for personal business and civic affairs (see Ruth 4:1). Gates often took their names from the distant cities they faced, like Jaffa, Damascus, and Shechem.

    The gates of Jerusalem today mostly date from the time when Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilt the walls around 1537. Moving counterclockwise around the wall:

    Jaffa Gate

    Jaffa Gate (BiblePlaces.com)

    Because the Jaffa Gate also faces Hebron, where Abraham is buried, Arabs call the gate, Bab el-Khalil, “Gate of the Friend,” because of Isaiah 41:8. The gate offers easy access to the Citadel Museum and a walk on the ramparts. General Allenby memorably entered Jerusalem in 1917 through the Jaffa Gate.

    Zion Gate

    Zion Gate (BiblePlaces.com)

    Immediately south of this gate sits modern “Mount Zion.” Its Arabic name, Bab Nabi Daud, “Gate of the Prophet David”—came about because David’s tomb supposedly rests on Mount Zion. A misnomer on all counts, biblical Zion (as well as David’s Tomb), rests east of its modern designation. The gate wears a pockmarked facade, voiceless scars from the fierce fighting for the Jewish Quarter in 1948.

    Dung Gate

    Dung Gate (BiblePlaes.com)

    The unusual name stems from a gate that stood along the city’s south wall in the time of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 2:13). The Targum identifies the Dung Gate as the “Potsherd Gate” of Jeremiah 19:2. In antiquity, the city dump lay in the nearby Hinnom Valley, and the Potsherd Gate served as the exit by which the citizens took out the garbage.

    Golden Gate

    Golden Gate (BiblePlaces.com)

    Bricked closed for more than 1,000 years, this gate is sometimes confused with the “Beautiful Gate” of the Second Temple (Acts 3:10). Muslim tradition holds that a conqueror or the Messiah will enter through this gate. Indeed, the Bible does predict the glory of the Lord will enter the Temple by means of “the eastern gate” (Ezekiel 43:4), but who knows if it refers to this one. Regardless, no bricked gate will deter the Messiah.

    Stephen’s Gate

    Stephen's Gate (BiblePlaces.com)

    Christians have identified this gate with Stephen’s name in honor of his martyrdom outside the city (Acts 7:58-60). However, Byzantines placed his death outside a northern gate. Another name, “Lion’s Gate,” comes from the stone reliefs of two lions (or panthers or jaguars) that flank the gate.

    Herod’s Gate

    Herod's Gate (BiblePlaces.com)

    Sometimes called the “Gate of Flowers,” or Bab ez-Zahar, this gate took Herod’s name in the 16th or 17th century because pilgrims mistook a Mamluk house near the gate to be Herod Antipas’ palace. In this area the Crusaders penetrated the walls to capture the city in 1099.

    Damascus Gate

    Damascus Gate (BiblePlaces.com)

    A fine example of Ottoman architecture, this is the most beautiful of the gates of Jerusalem. Excavations below the gate reveal a triple-arched gateway that Hadrian built—the northern extent of the Cardo street from the second century. Outside the gate, an Arab market offers fresh fruit and vegetables. The Jews call it the “Shechem Gate,” and the Arabs refer to it as the "Gate of the Column.”

    New Gate

    New Gate (BiblePlaces.com)

    The antiquity of the city walls is betrayed by the “New Gate,” opened in 1887 as a means of convenient northwest access to the Old City. I lodged for a week in the Christian Quarter years ago, grateful for the easy access the New Gate allowed to the city streets.

    The Future Gates of Jerusalem

    The 8 gates of Jerusalem have stood for centuries. But the Prophet Ezekiel predicted a day when the gates of Jerusalem would total 12—one for each of Israel’s tribes (Ezekiel 48:31-34).

    Ezekiel also mentions that when the Messiah reigns in Jerusalem, the city will even receive an additional name: “The Lord is There.”

    Wayne Stiles has never recovered from his travels in the Holy Land. Follow him on Twitter (@WayneStiles) or on his blog at www.waynestiles.com.

    Romney seeks Christian vote with support for Israel

    Romney seeks Christian vote with support for Israel
    Romney seeks Christian vote with support for Israel

    US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Saturday committed himself to staunchly supporting Israel in its showdown with Iran should he win November's election against President Barack Obama.

    "I would make it very clear that for us, as well as for them, it is unacceptable for Iran to become a nuclear nation," Romney told a Christian political gathering in Pennsylvania, where he accused Obama of being "more frightened that Israel might take military action than he is concerned that Iran might become nuclear."

    The unequivocal declarations of support for Israel were seen as an effort to boost Romney's elect-ability among conservative Christians, a segment of Republican voters with which Romney is unpopular with due to his Mormon faith.

    In related news, the results of a survey published this week showed that a 70 percent majority of Israelis view America as a strong and reliable ally, and 91 percent fully believe that if Israel were facing an immediate existential threat, the US would come to her aid.

    On the other hand, a growing number of Israelis do not trust Obama. Only 38 percent of Israelis said they have a positive view of Obama, while 23 percent do not like the US president at all. The rest responded with a neutral stance.

    Should Romney succeed in his White House bid, 30 percent of Israelis believe the Republican will improve US-Israel relations, while 26 percent see relations remaining the same as they are today. Only 6 percent felt Romney would be worse for Israel than Obama.

    The survey was carried out by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, the Bar-Ilan University Center for International Communication, and the Anti-Defamation League.


    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    Expert Gives Proof of Jewish Sovereignty over Jerusalem

    Expert Gives Proof of Jewish Sovereignty over Jerusalem

    JERUSALEM, Israel -- Jerusalem is the most contested city in the world. But who does it belong to according to international law?

    A two-day conference, entitled "The Status of Jerusalem Under International Law, Future Options for the City," addressed that crucial question this week. The conference highlighted the research of Dr. Jacques Gautier, a lawyer and expert in international law who presented his work to Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat.

    "The intention was to present the facts," Gautier told CBN News.

    Gautier's work, called "Sovereignty over the Old City of Jerusalem,"a is 1,300 pages long, with 3,200 footnotes. It took 25 years of research to produce.

    "I found there was a moment in history when decisions were made under international law that are pertinent and relevant today," he said.

    Gautier points to the 1920 San Remo Conference. After World War I, the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers, with the legal authority, decided "in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."

    In fact, Chaim Weizman, who attended this conference, immediately declared this is the most important moment in the history of the Jewish people since the Exile. It's the turning point from the point of view of international law," Gautier said.

    "It's already been decided. And I want the world to stop ignoring what took place in San Remo; what took place with the council of the League of Nations," he continued.

    Yet most of the world either denies, ignores, or is ignorant of the right given to the Jewish people under international law.

    "Right now in the media (and) at the U.N., you constantly hear that the Jewish people are there as outlaws, they're trespassers, they're thieves, they're wrongfully there," Gautier explained. "If my conclusions are well founded and they're in fact there as a right, according to international law and they're not thieves," he said.

    "We cannot deny the rights that have been given to the Jewish people," he concluded.

    After 25 years of research, Gautier is convinced all of Jerusalem has been granted to the Jewish people as part of their national homeland.

    Wednesday, June 13, 2012


    You are invited to join us!!

    Worship, Dance, Shabbat Candle-lighting

           Cathy Hargett - Founder, Highway To Zion

    You are invited to join us!!
    Ze'ev Nevo is a speaker you do not want to miss!
    Please come!

    Friday, June 15, 2012  ~~ ~ 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

    ~ I N T R O D U C I N G ~

    Ze’ev Nevo
    Director of Israel Media Ministries
    Gifted Speaker, Israeli Sabra, and most importantly,
    devoted disciple of Yeshua ha Mashiach!

    To give you a preview into Ze’ev’s story, read these excerpts
    from his profile:

    “Being a son of a Holocaust survivor and growing up in a secular Jewish family in Jerusalem, I never thought too much about God. After all, how can I believe in God after the Holocaust? Who would believe that today I am writing to you not just as a believer in God but as a believer in Jesus? I came to faith in Jesus (I usually call Him by His Hebrew name Yeshua) in 1999 when I was 27 years old…….It was in 2006 that I felt I must do something more extreme to share Yeshua with the people of Israel.  That’s when I began to serve full time with an evangelistic organization in Israel…..Then, one night, a very unusual thought came to me — I knew it was the Lord….. A journey of faith began that day that took my family and I out of Israel for the sake of Israel… much like the story of Joseph.”

    Ze’ev is a powerful and winsome speaker who challenges your mind and your spirit with his insights.  His heart to reach his Jewish people with the truth of Yeshua ha Mashiach through the founding of Israel Media Ministries will touch you and inspire you to be part of the restoration of Israel. 

    Messianic Worship Band!
    Leader, Steve Martin of Love for His People Ministries
    Laurie Martin (LFHP), Patty Paquette (HTZ), Ron Bowen (LFHP)
    Gid Anthony (BY), Wane Daroux (BY)

    Worship Dance!
    Congregational worship dance with Highway to Zion Messianic Worship
    Dancers and representatives from Beit Yeshua’s Machol Dancers
    and anyone and everyone – whosoever will! -  who wants to come forward and dance together
    as the sons and daughters of the God of Israel, in the joy, praise, and worship of Yeshua ha Mashiach!

    Raintree Country Club
    8600 Raintree Lane
    Charlotte, NC  28277
    RSVP if you're coming! :  Highwaytozion@aol.com

    Israel: Jesus was not born in Palestine!

    Israel: Jesus was not born in Palestine!

    Israel: Jesus was not born in Palestine!

    Israel is conducting a last-ditch diplomatic effort to prevent the Palestinian Authority from officially registering the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem as a World Heritage Site belonging to the country of "Palestine."

    Later this month, the UN's World Heritage Committee will meet in Russia to debate inclusion of several sites from around the world. The committee confirmed that the Church of the Nativity is one of sites to be discussed.

    The Palestinian effort to label Jesus' birthplace as being part of "Palestine" was made possible by last year's decision by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to officially recognize the fictional state.

    Israeli officials told local media that the Church of the Nativity is indeed a World Heritage Site, but that listing it under "Palestine" is both erroneous and harmful to the peace process. The Palestinian Authority has for years been trying to paint Jesus as one of their national heroes and further deny both his Jewishness and affiliation with Israel.

    Yasser Arafat used to openly declare Jesus to be a Palestinian as he kicked off Christmas from Bethlehem every year. His successors, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and prime minister Salam Fayyad, have continued the trend.

    "Christmas is an opportunity to celebrate the Palestinian identity of Jesus Christ," declared Fayyad as he flipped the switch lighting a 50-foot Christmas tree in Bethlehem's Manger Square last December.

    The lie has fully permeated Arab society in the region.

    In a December 3, 2010 interview with Palestinian Authority TV, Samih Ghanadreh from Nazareth was asked about his new book "Christianity and its Connection to Islam." Ghanadreh told the host that he remembers fondly how Arafat would label Jesus as "the first Palestinian Shahid (martyr)," to which the host matter-of-factly responded, "Jesus was a Palestinian; no one denies that."


    Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    Worthy Is The Lamb

    The Lord Is Good (Hillsong)

    Gaza kindergartners want to 'blow up Zionists'

    Gaza kindergartners want to 'blow up Zionists'

    Kids at Islamic Jihad kindergarten celebrate end of year by demonstrating how Palestinian prisoners are 'tortured' in Israel. Teacher: We educate them to love resistance, Palestine
    Elior Levy
    Published: 06.12.12, 18:08 / Israel News

    Children attending a kindergarten in Gaza that is run by Islamic Jihad celebrated their graduation by dressing up in army attire, waving toy rifles and chanting anti-Israel slogans.

    "It is our obligation to educate the children to love the resistance, Palestine and Jerusalem, so they will recognize the importance of Palestine and who its enemy is," the kindergarten's director said.

    מדמים חייל שמטביע עצור פלסטיני

    'Palestinian prisoner tortured.'

    The children were dressed up in uniforms of Jihad's armed-wing, the al-Quds Brigades, and each of them received a toy rifle. Some of them held up photos of Islamic Jihad founder Fathi Shaqaqi.

    סוף שנה בעזה

    'Palestinian prisoner and Israeli guard'

    The event was attended by the children's relatives, some of whom belong to Islamic Jihad and other armed Palestinian factions.

    חגיגת סיום של הילדים הקטנים בעזה

    'Until I die as a shahid.' Gaza kids during party

    During the ceremony the children were asked to stand next to mock coffins draped with flags of the various armed factions. The flags bore the images of "shahids (martyrs)."

    הילדים על רקע מסגד בהר הבית

    Kindergartners defend 'al-Aqsa mosque'

    One child, Hamza, said "When I grow up I'll join Islamic Jihad and the al-Quds Brigades. I'll fight the Zionist enemy and fire missiles at it until I die as a shahid and join my father in heaven.

    "I love the resistance and the martyrs and Palestine, and I want to blow myself up on Zionists and kill them on a bus in a suicide bombing," he said.

    During the ceremony the children "demonstrated" how Israel treats Palestinian prisoners. In the display, handcuffed children depicting inmates were placed in cages, with an "Israeli guard" standing nearby.

    Another child depicting an Israeli prison guard placed the head of a "Palestinian prisoner" in a bucket of water to demonstrate how Palestinian prisoners are "tortured" in Israel.

    "At every kindergarten graduation ceremony we focus on the children to represent the role of struggling and resistance in the way of Allah so they will grow up to love the resistance and serve the cause of Palestine and Holy Jihad, as well as to make them leaders and fighters to defend the holy soil of Palestine," one of the teachers said.
