Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How the Nine Traits of the Messianic Generation are Coming Alive in the Modern World By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

A page from the ‘Gemara’, which when combined with the Mishnah constitutes the Talmud, the Oral law of Judaism. (Photo: Mendy Hechtman/FLASH90)

How the Nine Traits of the Messianic Generation are Coming Alive in the Modern World

“There shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time; and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to reproaches and everlasting abhorrence.” 
Daniel 12:1-2 (The Israel Bible™)
In the search for signs of the onset of the Messianic era, many look to the Bible and Prophets. The rabbinic sages who wrote the Talmud, a collection of Jewish biblical commentaries, were also granted a modicum of prescience. One section of the Talmud describes, in detail, the characteristics of society preceding the Messiah. In many ways, it is a disturbingly accurate description of our culture today and its unique traits, never seen  before in history.
This description, found in the tractate of Sotah, folio 49b, lists nine traits of the days preceding the Messiah.
1) Insolence will increase and honor dwindle
The internet has drastically changed the dynamics of modern society, making fame a more a matter of shock value than merit. The web has given rise to a culture of shamelessness and permissiveness in which freedom of expression manifests in internet trolling and bizarre viral videos. The phenomenon even received the presidential seal of approval when President Barack Obama met with Glozell Green, a woman whose claim to fame was eating cereal from a bathtub.
2) The vine will bear its fruit but wine will be dear
Today’s global economy has led to a situation in which a fertile country could go into debt and be unable to feed its population. This is precisely what Venezuela is experiencing today. Hoarding food and prepping became illegal in 2013. Last year, the government instituted rationing of electricity and forced farmers and food manufacturers to sell 30-100 percent of their goods to the state at set prices. Today, there are long lines for basic commodities and serious concerns that Venezuela may be on the verge of a catastrophic economic collapse, leading to an economically-induced famine. Given the state of the global economy, this is dangerously close to becoming a common phenomenon.
3) The government will turn to heresy and there will be none to offer them reproof
Without touching on US President Barack Obama’s ambiguous religious life, he has often been criticized for political heresy in his harsh treatment of the Bible of the United States: the Constitution. Discussions about gun control make no reference to the second amendment, and his executive order granting amnesty to illegal immigrants is in litigation for its questionable legality. Obamacare has several points which are criticized for violating basic constitutional points. Yet Obama has placed himself above reproof by issuing executive orders with impunity.
At the same time, the ongoing Republican campaign for the presidential nomination has taken on a religious dimension, with nearly all of the candidates emphasizing a strong religious aspect to their platforms. It seems that many Americans have decided they would like to see less heresy and more religion in the White House.
3) The meeting place of scholars will be used for immorality
American universities were created to transform students into successful, educated contributors to society, yet morality on today’s campuses has taken a sharp and disturbing downturn. Studies have shown that as many as 40 percent of college students can be defined as alcoholics, and more than half of all university students will use illicit drugs. Even more disturbingly, sexual assault is rampant in today’s universities. Some studies estimate that 19-27 percent of college women and 6-8 percent of college men are sexually assaulted during their time in college.
4) The dwellers on the frontier will go about begging from place to place without anyone to take pity on them
Today’s refugee issue has become a modern epidemic. 14 million Syrians have fled their homes, and six million of these were forced to leave their country – four million in the last year alone. At least 340 children have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea since September and officials claim the actual figure may be much higher with many bodies lost at sea. Despite international efforts, the situation has grown beyond any ability to cope with it, and taken on social dimensions that have become the focus of debate.
5) Youths will put old men to shame, the old will stand up in the presence of the young
In today’s culture of youth, achievement at a young age is idolized and lauded, and older generations, despite having built the foundation of the modern world, are pushed aside as they age out of technological advancement and relevance. In 2014, Forbes wrote in its annual ‘Under 30 list’ highlighting the achievements of young entrepreneurs, “This is the time to be young and ambitious. Never before has youth been such an advantage.” It seems that lifetime achievement awards have gone out of fashion.
6) A son will revile his father, a daughter will rise up against her mother….and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household
Last month, a 20-year-old Syrian man personified this disturbing forecast when he  killed his mother in the city of Raqqa because she urged him to leave ISIS. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights stated that there have been several cases of sons killing their father for similar reasons, but this was the first documented case of matricide.
7) The face of the generation will be like the face of a dog
Sometimes the simple reading is the most poignant. Hillary Clinton shocked many at a recent campaign speech in Reno when, while making a point, she began barking like a dog.
8) A son will not be ashamed before his father
The rabbinic commentary describes this as a condition in which the young take over the roles of authority traditionally held by society’s elders. This is certainly true in today’s marketplace in which uber-rich youngsters rule over men and women with decades of education and experience. Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, reset the biological business meter when he founded Microsoft at the age of 20, making Steve Jobs (born the same year as Gates) seem over the hill when he waited until the age of 21 to found Apple. At 23, an age when most people are coping with the very beginnings of their career, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, was a self-made billionaire. David Karp, a high-school dropout, founded Tumblr when he was 20 and now, at the ripe old age of 26, has a personal worth of more than $200 million.
9) The wisdom of the learned will degenerate, fearers of sin will be despised, and the truth will be lacking
Nowhere is the fulfillment of this prediction more evident than in the blatantly unfair treatment of the State of Israel on today’s world stage. The dialogue surrounding the conflict in Israel is dominated by outright lies, including claims – now widely accepted – that deny facts previously undisputed. Despite the absolute absence of any historical Palestinian nation, opponents of Israel claim that the Palestinians have been a nation in the land of Israel for thousands of years, with historical and religious ties to the Temple Mount. This view was even propagated by one of the world’s premiere journalistic sources, the New York Times, which stated that proof of the Jewish Temples “proved elusive”.
The Israel debate is mired in absurdity. The world’s top thinkers, politicians and religious world leaders who should know better, blindly vilify the Jewish State and support its enemies. The attempts of Israeli security forces to protect Jews and citizens from Palestinian terrorists have been called “extrajudicial executions”. The United Nations has censured Israel, the only democratic nation in the Middle East, more times than any other country in the world. Pope Francis has crowned PA President Mahmoud Abbas an “Angel of Mercy”, despite Abbas’s blatant incitement of violence against Israelis.
One must look no further than the worldwide rejection and condemnation of the Jewish State, a beacon of democracy, faith, and light, to see the truth of this forecast.

How Well Do You Know Jerusalem?! ✡ "Peace Within Your Wall" - ISRAEL365

Peace be within thy walls, and serenity
within thy palaces.


יְהִי שָׁלוֹם בְּחֵילֵךְ שַׁלְוָה בְּאַרְמְנוֹתָיִךְ

תהילים קכב:ז

y'-hee sha-lom b'-khay-laykh shal-va b'-ar-m'-no-ta-ikh

Today's Israel Inspiration

Since the destruction of the House of God, the Holy Temple, we focus on bringing holiness into the world "within the walls" of our personal dwellings. In Jewish tradition, a home filled with spirituality and living within God's precepts, is referred to as a "miniature Sanctuary" - מקדש מאט - "mik-dash mi-at." Bring blessings into your home with a special "Birkat Ha'Bayit," Blessing for the Home, written in both English and Hebrew.

MOST Inspiring Thing
About Israel

A film crew travels all over Israel, and asks Israelis from all walks of life, “How does Israel inspire you?” Their answers will astound you!

Syrian Refugee: "Jews are Most Humane & Generous People of this Era"

While most of Israel’s Arab neighbors routinely vilify the Jewish State, one Syrian refugee has set out to express his gratitude to the one nation he least expected to offer a helping hand.

Hand Carved Stone Mezuzah Case

Choose a beautiful, handmade Mezuzah case made from stones from the Holy Land of Israel! Carved by artists who lovingly shape them with the words of the Mezuzah scroll ever present in their mind. Available in various shades of ivory and charcoal, you can choose between a simple, but stunning, rectangularly designed case, or a case carved in the shape of the modern day map of Israel.
Sizes: 5″x1″, 8″x2″

Israel Photo Trivia

How well do you know Jerusalem?! Guess what this beautiful structure is!Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook.

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Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Monday, February 22, 2016

Assassination Attempt on Netanyahu Averted By Ahuva Balofsky BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Jerusalem terrorists had plotted to assassinate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. [Photo: Israel Security Service]

Assassination Attempt on Netanyahu Averted

“O my God, in Thee have I trusted, let me not be ashamed; let not mine enemies triumph over me.” 
Psalms 25:2 (The Israel Bible™)
Hamas terror cell operating out of Jerusalem had been planning a mass casualty attack with the added goal of assassinating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Hebrew-language news site Walla! reported Sunday. Although indictments were filed last month in the case, the details were only recently cleared for publication.
The cell consisted of six members, with direct support from operatives in Gaza. Cell leader Ahmed Azzam, originally from Kfar Yussuf but living in Abu Dis, revealed during interrogation that the group had planned to detonate a bomb at Jerusalem’s Great Synagogue or Payis Arena during a speech by Israel’s leader.
According to the website, the cell had already secured a safe house in Abu Dis, a Palestinian town within Jerusalem, and amassed chemicals needed to build the explosive, such as potassium, hydrogen peroxide and fertilizer.
Under interrogation, Azzam revealed that he had first become interested in conducting a terror attack on behalf of Hamas while in an Israeli jail. In August, he established contact with one Abu Omer, a Hamas representative in Gaza, who provided support and direction. In November, he recruited 22-year-old Hizzam Sanduka, nicknamed “The Mechanic” for his knowledge of vehicles.
Sanduka was responsible for the bomb placement. It was also he who selected Netanyahu as a potential target. Working with a partner, he obtained the necessary components from Jerusalem-area nurseries and pharmacies. As a resident of Jerusalem’s Old City, he was able to use a car with yellow Israeli license plates, which made it easier to get around without arousing suspicions, but Sanduka told investigators he still drove to Jaffa after purchasing his supplies to verify whether or not he was being followed.
Is there archaeological proof of the Exodus? Find out in "Patterns of Evidence: the Exodus" DVD
Sanduka had also worked as a guard in an Israeli security company, and had been stationed in the past at the Arena, and thus intended to use his connections to gain access to the final target. Since he had been part of the team which built the stage in the Arena, he had considered it an ideal opportunity to plant the bomb, with the intention of taking out the Israeli leader and those closest to him. He told investigators the only reason he had not planted explosives at the time was that he did not have the knowledge or means to prepare them.
Sanduka also recruited Fahdi Abu Kia’an,19, a Bedouin from southern Israel, known to be a supporter of the Islamic State (ISIS).
The cell debated a variety of terror methods, including kidnappings and suicide bombings. At one point, Azzam asked Sanduka to obtain a larger vehicle in order to smuggle more supplies, as well as potential suicide bombers, into Israel. The cell members also considered different targets, such as Malcha Mall or the port in Jaffa, where the carnage would be highest.
Indictments have been handed down against Sanduka and Kia’an so far, and another one was filed by the military prosecutor against 25-year-old Azzam.
As Proverbs (19:21) indicates, “There are many devices in a man’s heart; but the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.”

Michael Snyder on The Jim Bakker Show: Could War War 3 Happen This Month?


Watch here: Michael Snyder on The Jim Bakker Show: Could War War 3 Happen This Month?

Jim's Prophetic Word received in 1999
-31 things to watch for

Brigette Gabriel

Michael Snyder

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2939 | Aired on February 19, 2016

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"12" - Thoughts of the Lord in numbers and other ways" - newest book by Steve Martin

-Thoughts of the Lord in numbers and other ways

Paperback: $7.99 

Kindle Version: "12" - Thoughts of the Lord in numbers and other ways. $2.99

When it came time to title this book, I knew it was no coincidence that this is my 12th published work. I count it very special. Not only is this book my 12th, but there have been other “12s” in my life. I live at our house location with the street numbers “12120”. My favorite NASCAR driver was “24” – of course, made up of the numbers 2 x 12. I turned “12 x 5” just over a year and a half ago. 

Reaching the BIG 60 means I am still going in the Lord’s grace and provision! My 12th trip to Israel will occur in May of 2016. That is very special to me, as the primary work of our ministry is to bless our Jewish friends in their Promised Land, with actual friendship and financial support. Both in word and in deed. Knowing there are 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles selected by Yeshua (Jesus), 12 elders now seated around the throne, 12 months in each year…well, you get the point. 

This book consists of my last 26 Now Think On This messages. Someone once mentioned that my writings would have been simply called "journaling" years ago, and in their mind probably should be for private use only. They wondered why I would continue to publish my Now Think On This messages into book form which I share with others. 

At first I was taken aback with the comment, considering it as myself being questioned of the real intended purpose I had with my messages. But a few hours later on that same day, when I sat down and started to read Doug Addison's book on his 2016 prophetic words (which he said he received during September of 2015, the time of Rosh Hashanah, considered by many the Jewish New Year), an encouraging word stood out and uplifted my spirit. That word (among many!) was, "God spoke to me to pull all my words together into book form. This allows people to remember and pray about them." (Page 3, 2016 Prophetic Forecast, InLight Connection, 2015) 

And so I say that is one main reason why I do too. In fact, the Lord also had spoken to me that same inspired word, back in November of 2010, after I returned from Israel and sought Him as to my question, “Not what?” in regards to the next step in our new ministry Love For His People, Inc., having just formed it in April of that year. When He responded by telling me to “Write love letters” I did so, which then became my blog messages. As do so many teachers of the Word, their messages eventually are the basis of their books which follow. A great example that I adhered to with several of my previous books. 

Thus, not only to share what I believe are inspirations from the Lord Jesus with you, but also to leave them as a legacy for my children and grandchildren. They will know even more what Dad/Grandpa stood for, and will be encouraged, along with others like you, to do so also. Be blessed in your pursuit of the Lord Yeshua, the Coming Messiah, as you seek Him in all you do. 

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew), 

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Charlotte, NC
Feb, 7, 2016

About the Author

Steve Martin served with three Christian ministries from 1987-2010, all having a national and international outreach focus. During that time he made 14 ministry trips to Israel, China, India, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom. On his overseas journeys Steve enjoyed sharing written journal entries with family and friends back home, through Internet media. His light-hearted stories gave an up close and personal touch for those reading along. 
Many could imagine being there themselves. His extensive collection of photos taken during these trips, of both local scenery and common people on the streets, has touched thousands through their varied images. In 2010, Steve and Laurie began Love For His People, Inc, a 501©3 non-profit humanitarian aid ministry. This work touches the natural and spiritual lives of those around them with needed encouragement and strength. 
His regular messages Now Think On This are posted on the ministries Love For His People and Now Think of This blogs. They are also on Facebook and Twitter, featuring words of spiritual enrichment, along with selected photos. 
Since 1994, Steve and his good wife Laurie have lived in the Charlotte, NC area, after having homes in Illinois, Michigan and Florida. Now married for more than 38 years, they enjoy their four adult children and spouses (Josh and Chelsie, Ben, Hannah and Jonathan, Christen and Andrew), along with our seven additional grandchildren – Daniel, Logan, Dylan Joy, Jensen, Payton, Jack and Levi Zachary. 
While continuing to serve organizations with his accounting skills, he enjoys writing, photography and growing the ministry of Love For His People, Inc.

Paperback: $7.99 

Kindle Version: "12" - Thoughts of the Lord in numbers and other ways."12" - Thoughts of the Lord in numbers and other ways. $2.99


  • Paperback: 176 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (February 7, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 152380226X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1523802265
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 11.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item

World War 3 Could Very Easily Turn Into The Very First Nuclear War In The Middle East - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

Nuclear War - Public Domain
World War 3 Could Very Easily Turn Into The Very First Nuclear War In The Middle East 

Saudi Arabia already has nukes, Iran probably does, and the Russians are one of the two great nuclear powers on the entire planet.  So if Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their Sunni allies do decide to conduct a full-blown ground invasion of Syria, could someone ultimately decide to use nuclear weapons when their backs get pushed up against a wall?

As you read this article, there are thousands of military vehicles and hundreds of thousands of troops massed along the southern border of Turkey and the northern border of Saudi Arabia.  If the command is given and those forces start streaming toward Damascus, it is inevitable that the Syrians, the Iranians, Hezbollah and the Russians would fight back.  It would literally be the start of World War 3, and the Saudis and the Turks are trying very hard to convince the United States to be involved.

But the truth is that we don’t want any part of this conflict, because it could very easily become the very first nuclear war in the history of the Middle East.

Perhaps you didn’t know that the Saudis already have nukes.  Of course the official position is that they don’t, but it is a fact that they were the ones that funded the development of Pakistan’s nuclear program.  It is an open secret that the Saudis have the bomb, but nobody is really supposed to talk about it.

That is why it was so alarming what Saudi political analyst Dahham Al-‘Anzi told RT just recently
Earlier this week a Saudi political analyst told RT’s Arab network the kingdom has a nuclear weapon.
Dahham Al-‘Anzi made the claim while saying Saudi Arabia is engaged in an effort to “minimize the Iranian threat in the Levant and Syria.”
Although Saudi Arabia has officially denied it has a nuclear weapons program and has publicly stated it opposes nuclear weapons in the Middle East, it has funded a military nuclear program and received scientific assistance from the United States and Pakistan.
You can watch video of this exchange right here

If you don’t want to believe him, perhaps you will believe the former director of the CIA counter-terrorism operations center.  He told Fox Business that everyone in the intelligence world knows the Saudis have nukes

If the fur started flying in Syria and Russia and Iran decided to start bombing Saudi airbases, would Saudi Arabia resort to using their nukes?

Let’s hope not.

In the event of a massive ground invasion by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their allies, it is actually more likely that Russia may decide to be the first one to use nukes.  An invasion force of hundreds of thousands of troops would vastly outnumber the relatively small Russian force that is already inside Syria, and so the Russians may feel that the only way that they can keep the Sunni powers out of Damascus is to use tactical nukes.

Russia has more tactical nukes that anyone else in the world by far, and there are some reports that indicate that Russia may be prepared to use them in Syria.  For example, former Associated Press reporter Robert Parry, the author of America’s Stolen Narrative, says that a source has told him that the Russians have already warned Turkey that this could potentially happen
If Turkey (with hundreds of thousands of troops massed near the Syrian border) and Saudi Arabia (with its sophisticated air force) follow through on threats and intervene militarily to save their rebel clients, who include Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front, from a powerful Russian-backed Syrian government offensive, then Russia will have to decide what to do to protect its 20,000 or so military personnel inside Syria.
A source close to Russian President Vladimir Putin told me that the Russians have warned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Moscow is prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons if necessary to save their troops in the face of a Turkish-Saudi onslaught. Since Turkey is a member of NATO, any such conflict could quickly escalate into a full-scale nuclear confrontation.
Given Erdogan’s megalomania or mental instability and the aggressiveness and inexperience of Saudi Prince Mohammad bin Salman (defense minister and son of King Salman), the only person who probably can stop a Turkish-Saudi invasion is President Obama. But I’m told that he has been unwilling to flatly prohibit such an intervention, though he has sought to calm Erdogan down and made clear that the U.S. military would not join the invasion.
Are you starting to understand how serious this is?

With all of the talk of a potential invasion in recent days, the Russians are on high alert and are rapidly preparing for a direct conflict with both Saudi Arabia and Turkey.  The following comes from Infowars
Still, the Russians are taking no chances and they have put all their forces into high alert. They have very publicly dispatched a Tu-214r – her most advanced ISR (Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance) aircraft. You can think of the Tu-214R as an “AWACS for the ground”, the kind of aircraft you use to monitor a major ground battle (the regular Russian A-50Ms are already monitoring the Syrian airspace). In southern Russia, the Aerospace forces have organized large-scale exercises involving a large number of aircraft which would be used in a war against Turkey: SU-34s. The Airborne Forces are ready. The naval task forces off the Syrian coast is being augmented. The delivery of weapons has accelerated. The bottom line is simple and obvious: the Russians are not making any threats – they are preparing for war. In fact, by now they are ready.
In addition, it is important to remember that it is quite likely that the Iranians have nuclear weapons as well.

Of course the U.S. government and the Iranian government both insist that Iran does not have nukes, but many of those in the know insist otherwise.

For instance, you may want to consider what retired U.S. Army Major General Paul Vallely and U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Dennis B. Haney are saying.  The following comes from an article that was authored by Jerome Corsi of WND
In a joint statement, Vallely and Haney say an accumulation of available evidence shows a coalition of Russia, China and North Korea have assisted Iran since 1979 in achieving a nuclear weapon, despite sanctions, under the guise of a domestic nuclear energy program.
Vallely explained to WND that he and Haney have taken a systematic approach to evaluating each component needed to deliver a nuclear weapon, from the development and testing of a ballistic missile system, to the design of a nuclear weapons warhead, to the development of the weapons-grade uranium needed to produce a bomb.
“To come to our conclusion that Iran is a nuclear weapons power right now, we supplemented publicly available research, plus information from intelligence sources, including Iranian resistance groups such as the National Council of Resistance of IRAN, NCRI,” Vallely explained.
I happen to agree with Vallely and Haney.  I cannot prove it, but all of the intel that I have received indicates that Iran already has nukes.

Hopefully I will not be proven accurate any time soon.

It had been hoped that a cease-fire could be negotiated that would at least temporarily defuse tensions in Syria.  Unfortunately, it does not look like the shooting is going to stop, and this is going to put immense pressure on both Saudi Arabia and Turkey to do something to rescue the radical Sunni militants that are on the verge of defeat.  The Saudis, the Turks and their allies have poured enormous amounts of money and resources into this war over the past five years, and now they are faced with the choice of either accepting defeat or directly intervening in this conflict themselves.

But in order to conduct a full-fledged ground invasion, they are going to need justification for doing so.  There are some that are suggesting that we could soon see a false flag attack that would provide that justification, so that is something to watch out for.
I can’t remember a time when our planet has been so close to World War 3 potentially beginning.

And if it does break out, I believe that it is quite likely that nuclear weapons will be used.

So what do you think?

Do you agree with me?


Think of the Holy Spirit as a person, not an "it."

The Holy Spirit: A Person, Not an 'It'

Think of the Holy Spirit as a person, not an "it." (Lightstock )
One evening when our oldest daughter Anna was in college, I, Mahesh, was suddenly overcome by a strong urge to pray. I did not know why, but I knew the Holy Spirit was alerting me and giving me this sense of urgency.
I began to pray in the Spirit, and continued to pray for nearly three hours until I felt the inner prompting leave. It was late in the evening when I left my study, and I saw Anna's light was still on where she was preparing for her final exams. I stuck my head in the door to say good-night and heard myself saying, "Please drive your mother's Jeep instead of my car in the morning."
She ordinarily drove my car to school every day. I had no particular reason to make the request, but when she nodded without looking up, I told her a second time just to make sure she had heard me. Then I went to bed.
The next morning, our phone rang just before eight o'clock. It was the police department. Our daughter Anna had just been involved in a terrible car crash.
When we arrived at the scene, the EMS and fire department were fervently working to extricate our daughter from the destroyed Jeep. She had hit a slick spot in the road and lost control of the vehicle. It was wrapped around a tree in a shallow ravine. Everyone involved was certain that our daughter was either dead or dying.
Bonnie rushed to the car as they finally got Anna out. The patrolman on the scene said, "It's a miracle your daughter is alive." He had never seen an accident like that where the driver had not been instantly killed. "Those airbags are what saved her life."
We know that it was a lot more than airbags that protected our daughter that day. It was the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives to guide and help us in crucial times that had watched over our daughter. I realized that my urgent need to pray the night before had been for my daughter's safety. I also realized that my instruction to drive her mother's Jeep came as a result of my time in prayer.
My car was an older model and did not have airbags, but her mother's car did. I did not know any of the events that were about to happen, but my Friend the Holy Spirit did, and He was watching over my family and me.
Through experiences like that, both Bonnie and I have learned that we are utterly dependent upon the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We have also learned just how much He cares for us, relates to us personally and is always there to give us the assistance we need. And He wants to relate to you, too.
About this Person
When we start thinking about the Holy Spirit, we have to realize He is a Person and not an "it." That means He has a specific personality. Let us describe Him to you.
The first thing to know about the Holy Spirit is probably this: He is happy. It is His nature to be joyful. It is also His nature to be humble, for He is very gentle. He is also powerful and strong, so when He comes alongside any one of us, He is able to fill up the places where we are empty; to heal the places where we are broken; to strengthen the places where we are weak. That is the very nature of the true God.
He has feelings and longings and desires. He is always at peace and He is everywhere.
King David wrote these words about God in one of his psalms:
"Where shall I go from Your spirit, or where shall I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell at the end of the sea, even there Your hand shall guide me, and Your right hand shall take hold of me" (Psalm 139:7–10, MEV).
Only God is omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (everywhere present). His Presence is His Spirit. This invisible and perceptible Presence permeates the entire universe. There is nowhere that He is not. He is present everywhere at the same time. No distance can separate you from Him; there is nowhere that you can go to be hidden from Him.
God knows everything. There is no place where things happen that He does not know about them. There is nothing you are facing—be it infirmity coming against your body or external circumstances or relational disaster or national crisis—that He has not already gained the victory over through His great power. Those who know Him have consolation in every situation because He does not change.
Excerpted from Getting to Know the Holy SpiritMahesh and Bonnie Chavda have been ministering with their Best Friend, the Holy Spirit, for over 35 years. In that time more than a million people have come to salvation and thousands more have received healing from physical, emotional, and spiritual brokenness. Both Mahesh and Bonnie carry a desire to see believers around the globe fully awakened to their purpose for living, walking in power, abundance, and joy in every area.
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here