The Hebrew month of Shevat, in which we celebrate the festival of the trees, always falls in the winter season. How strange to celebrate bare, frost-covered trees at this frigid time of year! Yet during the month of Shevat, deep within the bare tree, new life is awakening, and the sap of the tree begins to rise. The rejuvenation of the trees sends us a powerful message. We all experience cycles of low energy and stagnation in our lives. The message of Shevat is not to despair for there will always come an opportunity for growth. Tap into the potential of this special Hebrew month of Shevat, and plant a tree to grow and blossom in the Land of Israel.
In the busy city of Jerusalem, a few dozen Gazelles are given the chance to roam free, protected by Israel’s first urban nature reserve. The 250-acre reserve is open to all visitors, whether person or animal, making it a great new destination.
With only six seeds discovered in excavations at Masada, researchers set out to cultivate a Judean date palm, a species not seen here for more than a millennium. Here are the incredible results!
Two 24 karat fine gold plated bookmarks available from Etz Chayim. The words Eshet Chayil, which are written on one bookmark means “woman of valor.” A woman of valor is someone who is filled with wisdom and creates an atmosphere of love in the home. The other bookmark contains the words Ein Od Milvado, which means “there is none besides Him.” The sentence proclaims that there is only one God, and no other gods exist. Both items have deep meaning and are woven into the material with beautiful designs into a bookmark that can be used for marking where you are reading in your most prized pieces of biblical text or literature.
A snow-covered flower blossoms in the Land of Israel.
Thanks to all who responded to yesterday's photo trivia. If you guessed the Tower of David at Jerusalem's annual light show, then you're absolutely right! |
Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Grace Foo of Singapore. Todah rabah!
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It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
I always enjoy your emails in the USA- Robert Gerber
Hello & warm greetings from the Frozen Far North: Minnesota! I love reading about Israel & Jerusalem. Such an extraordinary & blessed place! Jerusalem looks like a truly awesome city to visit, such a vibrant, modern society amid such ancient (& holy!) historical buildings. The very long history is the most interesting to me. The struggles & victories, the Hand of God at work through it all.... Y'all are so blessed! I wish y'all the very best & pray for the safety & protection of the people of Israel. May the Lord God Almighty bless y'all & keep y'all well & thriving! Shalom, my friends! ~Kate |
Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA