Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Joey LeTourneau: "The Meek and Mighty Are Coming!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Joey LeTourneau: "The Meek and Mighty Are Coming!"

THE ELIJAH LIST Oct 30, 2017

Steve Shultz     From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This might seem like an oxymoron statement: "The meek and mighty are coming." But that is exactly who God is releasing in this day...and I'd say this word by Joey LeTourneau is spot on!
So many of you will be able to relate to this article and I can just hear you saying even now, "That's me! He's talking about me!" AND yes, he is as Joey shares here:
These meek and mighty ones have not built of their own strength, but they have persevered, trusting God, to establish and finish promises that only He can—all the while living in humble dependence upon His Word, both written and fresh. It is literally what they have lived off of in the fields and caves while waiting for now.
Amen to that. To all you meek AND mighty's your time! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5)
There are so many kings who have sat at the Lord's table, that much of the world and even the Church would not recognize them as kings. Just like Samuel called for David from the fields, God is calling a company of the meek and mighty to come forth now to take their inheritance of the earth, and release the Kingdom they've been humbly and powerfully trained in from the inside out. These kings are needed to arise and walk in their humble authority. The inheritance of these meek and mighty gives them access in the world to give it the best foot-washing creation has ever known outside of Jesus Himself!
Meek is not weakness. It is humility, dependence on a greater power, self-discipline, and a kind and controlled strength that has been reserved until now. Creation is waiting to recognize the voice of these meek and mighty ones asking, "When will they arise?"
"We can't despise these moments in each step we are following the Spirit which may feel so small and misunderstood."
These meek and mighty ones have not built of their own strength, but they have persevered, trusting God, to establish and finish promises that only He can—all the while living in humble dependence upon His Word, both written and fresh. It is literally what they have lived off of in the fields and caves while waiting for now.
Zerubbabel's Testimony
"This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6)
"Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of 'Grace, grace to it!'"(Zechariah 4:7)
"The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands shall also finish it." (Zechariah 4:9)
Zerubbabel was worn and weary. He had laid the foundation of his calling with the temple, but was about to give in to discouragement. In my Bible's notes, it highlights how Zerubbabel was to finish his calling without putting trust in the resources, ways, strength or numbers of man. Rather, God encourages him, and us, that the Spirit of God will accomplish this and that it will not go unfinished. Every mountain will be moved and divine grace is declared over it, all the grace necessary for completion. God was saying, "I will complete this through you not by your strength, but because you have learned to depend on Mine."
These meek and mighty are ones who have learned to be led by the Spirit, even when it's hard and doesn't make sense, and trusting God rather than results or man's ways. These tested ones are meek and mighty because they have learned to rejoice in their weakness, knowing that only His grace is sufficient enough to perfect what concerns them, because His strength is made most perfect in their weakness, and they are okay with that (2 Cor. 12:9). (Photo via freeimages)
Prophetic exhortation: Come forward you meek and mighty ones, and be who God has made you to be without reservation! God and all creation offer you this invitation. The world needs the uncompromising, humble authority of your voice, your heart and your service! Pastor Bill Johnson says it best: "Rule with the heart of a servant, serve with the heart of a king." Now is not the time to retreat because of opposition or discouragement. Now is the time to let the meekness in you, which the world has called weakness, become a most timely, redemptive strength.
Fathering Small Beginnings: The "Other" Joseph
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." (Zechariah 4:10)
There are so many new beginnings that are like a shoot springing forth, out of the ground, across the earth. They are now small, but they are what you and all of creation have been waiting for.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
The Son was born in Bethlehem, in a manger nonetheless. For the Father, this huge, hidden event was the moment His family's eternal hope had finally come to life. Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem was truly the smallest of beginnings, a modest family house to be born into to say the least. Yet it is also what God's whole house—and family—was built upon.
The Messiah had to be born in a manger before the government could be seen upon His shoulders, and it took a faithful few who trusted God's voice, beyond their own ways or understanding, to birth such to life. As you know, it's incredibly challenging to trust through the unseen, let alone when the unseen might not make a lot of earthly sense. When the unseen and misunderstood beginning God directs you toward is birthed in such a small way, well, it requires a lot of faith and patience for all involved to see it through.
"Come forward you meek and mighty ones, and be who God has made you to be without reservation!"
The manger brings the Father, and all of Heaven for that matter, so much joy! He has always worked through manger strategies. It's just that few that recognize the packaging that so many of God's greatest moves come hidden within. Most want to move into a fully renovated home rather than trust the Father through every step of His building process. Most don't want to start with a baby swaddled and surrounded in hay. The smells around Him didn't say "Christ" in human language, but all of creation knew that the Son they were waiting for had been born!
The "Other" Joseph
Can you imagine the responsibility of "fathering" Jesus during those early, intense years and decisions? We so often talk about Joseph of the Old Testament, and for good reason. But it's not often enough that we recognize the inner depths of surrender and strength it took to navigate the narrow path Joseph had to while "fathering" Jesus.
Joseph stepped beyond the fear of man to steward the unlikely and the misunderstood. Joseph led his young, uncommon family through the smallest beginning of impossible conception, through the most hidden baby shower or launch party the world has ever known—which happened in a manger.
He led them from one land to another, meeting with angels and listening to the Lord amid the pressures of murderous threats and the judgments of man. Joseph as a father to Yeshua was perhaps the greatest steward the world has ever known—not just through his faithful protection of Mary and Jesus, but the forward path he pioneered through his dependence on God. Joseph was a man, a husband, and a father who didn't feel the need to prove anything to the world. He was meek, mighty and surrendered to the vision of the tiniest seed that would one day become the Tree of Life for us all. Joseph is a "father" we must learn from and lead like in the season and path before us.
Your Small Beginning
Right now, many, many people have these manger-like situations being used to birth new, small beginnings that all of Heaven is hopeful for. Most of those small beginnings that those like you are carrying don't have fanfare or a big following, just a few shepherds and wise men sent your way occasionally for encouragement to help see it through. (Photo via Pixabay)
We can't despise these moments in each step we are following the Spirit which may feel so small and misunderstood. Like Joseph and Mary, we are merely stewarding through absolute surrender, faithful obedience, and a passion for the Lord that won't be compromised. What looks like a baby surrounded by hay in the wilderness might actually be a hope that carries the government of the Father's Kingdom family to the world.
"...And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Joey LeTourneau
Heavenly Hope Ministries 

Joey LeTourneau, his wife Destiny, and their six children are based in the hills of central California. They have lived and traveled all over the world looking to unearth the treasures God has hidden in people, places and new possibilities. Joey is the author of seven books and together they speak, train and empower others to see God's worldwide family restored—one heart at a time.
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Monday, October 23, 2017

Dutch Sheets: Satan Is About to Get a Migraine as This Revelation Unfolds - CHARISMA NEWS

When the church steps into its calling, there will be an explosion of God's power. (Pexels/Tookapic)
I don't think we have ever seen the expression of the government of God on planet Earth at the level we are about to see it. I am not just talking about the American church. In fact, we have some work to do. I'm talking about the church worldwide that will be the full expression of the kingdom of God. The full representation of the King will be released on this earth through the ekklesia. As this revelation unfolds, everything will change. We are about to move into an outpouring of Holy Spirit that, for the first time since the book of Acts, involves a full expression of the five-fold nature of Jesus—apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. All of these are about to be manifested through the church. I suspect that Satan has a migraine.
"And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. Even on the menservants and maidservants in those days I will pour out My Spirit" (Joel 2:28-29).
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
  • Shout and praise, because when you live a fully sold-out life in Christ, you are giving Satan a migraine!
  • Call forth the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and pray that they would fully operate together for the sake of kingdom advancement!
  • Pray for the full power-filled expression of these leadership gifts! Ask Him to increase any manifestations of these grace gifts in you!
  • Pray for a John 16 unity in the ekklesia that couples the gifts with the power of love for one another and ka-boom! Power explosion coming to America and the earth!
A prayer you can pray:
God, I shout my praises to You, for You are worthy of them! Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus! To God be the glory and honor and majesty! Kingdom of God, come! Cause the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to come forth out of their preparation places. It's time to work together in the beauty of unity, so the reality of Jesus is seen in the U.S. and all around the world! Increase my own anointing and perfectly fit the gifts you've given me into the plan You have for my area to see Jesus! Amen.
Today's decree:
I decree that God is pouring out an end-times anointing on His Church to prophesy, dream dreams, see visions and reap a harvest that will cause the enemy no end of angst! 
Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries and served on the board of directors for numerous organizations. Dutch's greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its godly heritage. He burns to see people find God's "dream" for them and tap into their destiny. Dutch is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. His international best-seller, Intercessory Prayer, has sold nearly 1 million copies worldwide.
This article originally appeared on
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Monday, October 9, 2017

"Who Is Jesus?" - Pastor Derwin Grey of Transformation Church Indian Land, South Carolina USA

"Who Is Jesus?" 
Pastor Derwin Grey
Transformation Church Indian Land
South Carolina USA

Transformation Church website click here: TC Church

YouTube Published on Oct 9, 2017 Steve Martin

"Who Is Jesus?" - Pastor Derwin Grey of Transformation Church Indian Land, South Carolina Oct. 8, 2017 (Steve & Laurie Martin's 40th anniversary!) Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Category Travel & Events
License Standard YouTube License

Sunday, September 3, 2017

"A New Sound and a New Season: A Word for the United States" by Nathan Shaw, Dunedin, New Zealand - THE ELIJAH LIST

September 2, 2017

"A New Sound and a New Season: A Word for the United States" - Nathan Shaw, Dunedin, New Zealand

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve ShultzThis word from Nathan Shaw of New Zealand is "power-packed" with revelation straight from the Throne of God. Many have been saying that we are getting a "new sound" and that's both over the Church and over our nation.

I always appreciate when prophetic voices from other nations write about the we know our great nation is on the hearts of many!

Nathan shares this powerful word:

As I began to call forth a new sound over the United States, a powerful spiritual authority came on me. I started doing something I had never done before. It was like I was reaching into President Trump's voice and pulling out the new sound. With authority, I kept reaching in and declaring, "I call forth the new sound! I call forth the new sound!" As we pray like this, the new sound will come forth with greater anointing, authority and clarity. We have authority to call forth a new sound over the President, the Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the Media, and the Church.

God is reminding us over and over of our true priestly anointing and the authority we DO carry to bring great change! 

(To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"A New Sound and a New Season: A Word for the United States"

by Nathan Shaw, Dunedin, New Zealand

The political situation in the United States is full of contention and strife. The primary issue is not politics. There is a spiritual battle raging. The real issue is the destiny of a nation. Into this situation, God is calling His people to exercise priestly authority. Priests have spiritual authority (1 Peter 2:5, 9, Revelation 1:6, 5:10). In praying for the United States, God led me to do two things:

1. Call forth a new sound.
2. Take authority over the air waves.

The Bible talks about a new song (Psalm 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1, Isaiah 42:10, Revelation 5:9, 14:3). Interestingly, this new song is connected with a change in the atmosphere and a change in spiritual government. Israel's King David carried this new song. He was used by God to call forth a new sound over the nation of Israel. Contention and strife were replaced by proclamation and praise. The atmosphere over Israel changed dramatically. The destructive force of internal conflict that was tearing the nation apart was replaced by a national resolve to confront their true enemies.

As I began to call forth a new sound over the United States, a powerful spiritual authority came on me. I started doing something I had never done before. It was like I was reaching into President Trump's voice and pulling out the new sound. With authority, I kept reaching in and declaring, "I call forth the new sound! I call forth the new sound!" As we pray like this, the new sound will come forth with greater anointing, authority and clarity. We have authority to call forth a new sound over the President, the Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the Media, and the Church.

Taking Authority Over The Air Waves

The second step God led me to do was to take authority over the air wavesSpiritual government is released through air waves. Air waves carry voices, sounds and attitudes. These voices, sounds and attitudes, become seeds that bring forth a harvest. Satan is called the prince of the authority (Greek exousia) of the air (Ephesians 2:2). But satan is not the only authority operating. There is also the authority of the new sound which carries both the government and the heart of God.

In the book of Ephesians, Paul highlights the real battle, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12). The battlefield where this "wrestling" takes place is the air waves. That's why the weapon that combats demonic agendas is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, wielded with authority and anointing (Ephesians 6:17). God's Word carries His government and His heart.

When demonic agendas are clamoring for attention, they dominate the air waves and leave little room for anything else. We can take authority over the air waves so that they are cleared and set apart for godly agendas. We don't have to be intimidated by the contentious sounds that are coming from the media, the government, or the arts. The priestly authority God gives us is much greater.

A New Season

When Israel stepped into the land of Canaan, they entered into a new season. With this new season there was a different sound. While they wandered in the wilderness for forty years, things were relatively calm. They lived under a continual grace from God that released the basic provisions that they needed. They spent this time in barren and sparsely occupied regions. This meant that they caused little contention with other nations. When Israel stepped into Canaan, this changed. Now there was an anointing to possess the land. Israel moved from maintenance anointing to change agent anointing. That was a big shift. It caused an uproar. Change often does.

The United States is in a season of change. For some it can seem like God was in the relative calm and quiet of the previous season and not in the uproar and chaos of the new season. But realize that sometimes chaos is actually caused by God. It's time to move into the new season. Don't be intimidated by the chaos.
Step into your priestly authority and call forth God's purposes. Call forth the new sound. Take authority over the air waves. Foundations are shaking and will continue to shake. Old foundations will unravel and disintegrate. New foundations will come forth. God is setting things up for a great awakening. Great shaking will be followed by great awakening. It's gonna be huge! 

Nathan Shaw
Heart of David Ministries

Nathan Shaw helps bring individuals and churches into dynamic encounters with God's indescribable love. Over the last twenty years he has been instrumental in ushering in significant moves of the Spirit in over ten different nations. Many have experienced life-changing prophetic encounters and dramatic visitations from God. Nathan is the author of two books: Passion and Fire and Unto the Least of These. Nathan is senior pastor at Fire and Destiny Centre, Dunedin ( and Celebration Church, Mosgiel (

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

David Lebo: "A Tsunami of My Spirit is About to Hit the USA!" - THE ELIJAH LIST


David Lebo: "A Tsunami of My Spirit is About to Hit the USA!"

THE ELIJAH LIST Jul 26, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Bill Yount:
God is bringing His prophets out of the woods who have preached to trees long before they have preached in pulpits.
David Lebo is such a one who the trees have heard from. He's a trail blazer from the hills of West Virginia, who has been called to the nations.
I have known David for many years and we have ministered together. With fire in his bones, he ministers prophetically, seeing the gold in people, as the Holy Spirit burns away the wood, hay and stubble. From this message you will know that he has hung out in the woods with Jesus. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministry
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


"A tsunami of My Spirit is about to hit the east coast of the United States of America and sweep across this great land—from the east to the south, moving across into the west, then north into Canada and down into Mexico. The entire Western Hemisphere will be affected by this revival and awakening," says the Lord God Almighty.
"O America, My beautiful: prepare for the impact. For a tsunami of My Spirit, is about to come upon you! Nothing can stop what I am about to do in this nation! Nothing devised by man nor any demon in Hell can stand against this move of God. Only a warning sound can be given!
"Shock waves will be felt throughout this country and around the world. Wave upon wave will come. It will be relentless. It will come from person to person, from church to church, from region to region, and from state to state. For I am breaking open the fountains of the great deep that lie within My people! (Photo via Unsplash)
"It's the power of God that they never knew was there. But I have had reserved for them all along! They will know who they are, Whose they are, and what is at their disposal. They are coming forth with My power and My anointing to take back what has been stolen from them. They will take new ground in My name fully weaponized by My Spirit," says the Lord.
Consuming Waters and a Mighty Shaking
"Nothing will be left untouched by these waters! Everything will be affected! With this tsunami will come a tremendous shaking in the land. I, the Lord God, I will shake everything. Every stone that has been laid by the hands of men will be torn down. Only those stones that are laid by the hand of God shall remain because, I am the Lord God—I am the Architect! I am the Builder!
"Return to your first love! America: I am calling you back! Back to the foundations of what this country was built upon—the truth of My Word."
"I am building My Church. I am building My Tabernacle. I am building My Temple in this day, and in this hour. My people, they are My Temple—individually and corporately—they make up the Bride of Christ. Individual temples making up a larger House of the living God.
"This shaking will be unlike any other shaking that has ever been felt in the earth or in the Body of Christ. Lines will be drawn. Sides will be taken. Some will reject, but more will come in."

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve
The battle cry of this revival is: Choose this Day Whom You Will Serve! If God be God serve Him! If Baal be God serve him. It is a showdown of the ages. It's like Elijah on top of Mount Carmel. You cannot serve two masters. The days of sitting on the fence are over!
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
"I, the Lord God, I say unto you: Choose this day whom you will serve! If God be God serve Him. Take Him at His Word. Listen, believe, and do! Walk in obedience to whatever I am saying to you in this hour!
"My sheep know My voice; they hear My cry. They listen to My voice, and My voice alone. They speak the language of My Kingdom, and all other voices are a foreign language! This is critical to listen for My voice of instruction and whatever I may say to you—this is what I require.
"But to hear My voice, you must come into the 'Secret Place' of the Most High God—the Holy of Holies! You must come back to a 'Covenantal Relationship' with Me! Return to your first love!
America: I am calling you back! Back to the foundations of what this country was built upon—the truth of My Word. I have heard the cries of My Remnant," says the Lord, "the tide has shifted! I have heard from Heaven and I am sending down My answer." (Photo via Unsplash)
Blessing Follows the Shaking
"There will be a great shaking in the land, followed by tremendous blessing. Some may have thought it was too late for America, but I want you to know today that I have heard the cries of My Remnant. I have seen your tears in the night time hour and America: you will shine your light once again.
"America will be a 'lighthouse' to the nations once again! She will shine with the flames of My fire burning hot with the glory of God. She will be a 'Burning Bush' for Me, humanity on fire with My glory. Her 'trees' will not be consumed. America's trees will shine brightly with the glory of God! Hallelujah!
"They are coming forth with My power and My anointing to take back what has been stolen from them. They will take new ground in My name fully weaponized by My Spirit."
"She, once again, will affect nations for the Kingdom of God. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. America is rising once again. America is on the rise—if she listens to the Most High God. If she humbles herself before My mighty hand.
"'If My people who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.' (2 Chron. 7:14 NIV) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
David Lebo
Tidal Wave Ministries International
Rev. David and Vicki Lebo are founders of Tidal Wave Ministries International, Inc. They have a burning passion for revival and awakening among the nations all for the glory of God. Carrying a Jeremiah chapter 1 calling as a prophet to the nations, Dave boldly proclaims the word of the Lord as a voice of "One crying out in the wilderness: prepare ye the way of the Lord."

He has been in the prophetic ministry for 24 yrs. He is author of his first book: Abiding Under The Shadowreleased in 2010. Dave and Vicki have been happily married for 31 years, have 3 children, and 5 grandchildren while currently residing in Hedgesville, WV.
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