Showing posts with label Kathie Walters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kathie Walters. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2015

"The Angel and the Scarecrow and Your Harvest"- Kathie Walters

Several nights ago I had a dream. In the dream I saw a scarecrow walking towards me. He was carrying a silver bucket, full of seeds. For those of you who may never have lived in the country – when the farmers planted seeds, they would often put a scarecrow in the field to scare away the crows, who would come and try and steal the seeds.
Well, I was a surprised to see an angel dressed like that – and he was smiling.
So, I woke up and there he was, standing right by my bed. "Put your hand in the bucket and draw out a big handful of seeds," he said. I did, and I could feel the seeds falling over my hands as I scooped a big handful. "These seeds are from your harvest." (Photo via Freeimages)
There are times and seasons in the Spirit: times to pray, times to declare, times to receive the answers, and declare the answers. When people pray and give, and give, and minister, etc., guess what? Then there is a time of harvest.
The angel is bringing your seeds of harvest – but when he told me to dig in my hand and get a whole handful of seeds, he also said, "Be sure and re-plant some of the seeds, especially towards Israel."
I immediately had a vision of my friends, Sid and Joyce Roth. I knew that Sid is wanting to get his book into every Jewish household in Israel. It's called, "They Thought for Themselves." I made up my mind to plant some seeds right there and got up and immediately wrote out a check. The other seeds will manifest in the next few days. God is good.
You Will Have Help Defending Your Seed
Now, I have to tell you something else about your harvest field. This is the field where you have watered and planted and prayed, and helped and ministered and traveled, even when you were tired and just wanted to go to bed and close the door.
There is a time to do that, by the way – Jesus did it. Remember when Jesus and the disciples were being crowded out? "So many people were coming and going," that Jesus said, "Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest(Mark 6:31). I like that – although I love the crowds too sometimes, if God is moving that is.
So, the "scarecrow" angel will help you defend your seed against the "crows," but there are some things that you may still have to do.One thing is to learn to say, "No – this is my harvest," to the enemy. Too many times we just roll over. "Whatever will be will be" is Doris Day's theology; it's not God's theology. (Photo via Pixabay)
"No, This is My Harvest"
One time after a battle with the Philistines (the Philistines were notorious for looking around after a battle to see if there was any harvest fields they could rip off), the Philistines saw a field of barley (see 1 Chronicles 11:13); "Ripe pickings," they thought. But good ol' Eleazar (Eleazar was one of David's three mighty men, and Eleazar means "God helps") saw them go after the barley field.
Well, you just didn't mess with Eleazar, and he got in the middle of the barley field and he said, '"NO WAY!" (my words), "That's our harvest." It says God gave him strength and he defeated a whole troop of Philistines.

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Another time Shammah – another of David's mighty men (Shammah means "astonishing" or "one to be heard") – saw the Philistines had their eyes on a field full of lentils (see 2 Samuel 23:11-12), so Shammah "took his stand in the middle of the field."
He said, "No way, this is our lentil field." He defended it and struck down the Philistines, and the Lord gave him a great victory. You see, it was harvest time.
Well, for a lot of people now is harvest time. I know it doesn't look like it, I know it doesn't feel like it, and you don't hear too much about it – especially if you listen to the news. But I posted several things about people walking on water recently – even from one island to another in Australia. So God can't be asleep, can He?!
The angel is there to protect your seed and to bring your seed – but don't forget to replant some. (Photo via Pixabay)
But you have to do your part – it's your field. It's your harvest. Learn to say "no" to the Philistines. Stand up – do some declaring or speaking in the spirit; Jesus said "speak to the mountain," not make a fuss about it and whine about it and get 50 other people to pray about it. "Speak to the mountain," Jesus said. He didn't say, "This is a good suggestion." It wasn't a suggestion.
There is power in your words, you know. "Declare a thing, and it will be established for you." Your heavenly Daddy spoke and the worlds were framed – how about you? You have the same Spirit.
The scarecrow angel is here to help you – no more rolling over – or, as Godfrey Birtill sings: "No more eagles in the chicken coop."
Live in God's Economy
I love you! I have a 2-CD set called "Faith and Angels" that will also help you with this. There are lots of faith stories, funny animal stories, and angel stories.
Live in God's good news economy not in the government's failed economy, but in God's abundant economy. I want to pray a prayer for you that my friend Prophet Rusty Russell prayed for me a while ago. Ready? You have to receive it:
"I pray for divine encounters and a wealth of revelation and fun that causes you to no longer know debt, but to know wealth... We live in God's abundant on-going, never-failing economy." –Prophet Rusty Russell, Gainesville, FL
Yeah God!
"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire." – St. Catherine of Siena
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"A Passport to Heavenly Realms – You Have Been Given a Rite of Passage" - Kathie Walters

"A Passport to Heavenly Realms – You Have Been Given a Rite of Passage"
Kathie Walters, Macon, GA
The Elijah List

When I went down to Florida a couple of weeks ago, I was looking forward to having a real chill out time... Florida is always so relaxing to me.

I did a seminar at "The Living Room" ministry in Lakeland, and then went and did some ministry with my friend, Pastor Stephen Strader at Ignited Church in Lakeland Florida. Before the first meeting, I got a surprise word. As I was leaving the hotel the Holy Spirit said to me, "Tell people they have a 'Rite of passage.'"

I had heard that phrase before, but I did not know what it meant so on the way to the meeting I began to Google it. I discovered that the "rite of passage" means that you are given a legal right to pass from one place to another, as a canal or passageway like the Suez canal. It also means when you transition from one stage to another or from one group to another.

Sometimes there is a ceremony to mark the change or transition. Someone said that it can be like a graduation or when someone has proved themselves in some way. But it doesn't really mean it is something you necessarily earn. You can be given the "Rite of passage" just because you are moving or making a transition for any reason, or being sent somewhere. When David and I moved to America from the U.K. we were granted a permanent visa, so in that sense we were given a "rite to passage" by the US government to transition from U.K. to America.
Passage into the Spirit Realm

Did you realize that we have been granted "Rite of passage" to enter or transition into the Spirit realm? Not because we graduated in some way but because Jesus bought our inheritance with His life and death and sealed it with the shedding of His Blood. (Photo by Jennifer Page "Heaven's Dreams"

We are born into this world into an earthly realm. We are not born into the realm of God's Spirit; that's why through Jesus we need to be born AGAIN into the spiritual realm. When you were born again, you were given the "Rite of passage" to enter from one dimension to another. From the natural into the supernatural.

The Bible talks about the realms of glory. We are changed "from glory to glory" (2 Corinthians 3:18). So there are realms of glory not just one realm. There is the angelic realm, the heavenly realm. There is a heavenly city – a New Jerusalem. I've seen it.

When I was praying one day back in England, I began to see a light in the heavens and then I saw a city. I had never gotten into the Book of Revelation so I had no idea what I was seeing. This city was amazing; it looked like it was made of gold and was filled with incredible light. The light shone from the city and was intense. It began to come into the room where I was praying.

I heard a voice say, "This the heavenly Jerusalem which comes down from Heaven, and the light you see in the midst of the city is the light of the Lamb which lights the city." 

As the light flooded my room it scared me and I ran out of the house. I often think what would have happened if I had stayed?

Have you noticed when people are born again they begin to develop a hunger for the spiritual realm? They begin to get a feeling that there is more: there is more to this life; there is more to this place called earth. That is because the spirit now in them doesn't belong here; the spirit in them comes from above and from another realm – a heavenly place. That's why you will never be happy in an earthbound realm. It's like putting an eagle in a chicken run. You were created for another environment.

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Jesus Paid for Our Passage

When Jesus died and rose again, He purchased your salvation. But salvation includes so much more than we first think. Jesus redeemed us from the law and the repercussions of being under the law and failing to meet its demands. "We have all come short..." the apostle Paul said. Jesus redeemed us from death. He took the keys of Hell and released us from the power of the evil one.

God gave us power to transit into another realm. This other realm is His realm; it's the realm where God dwells and His angels, and it's the realm of the heavenly city and of the spiritual elements of God and His Kingdom. He made us joint heirs with Christ. It's not just when we finally get to Heaven, it's here now. His Kingdom has come among us and in us and He wants it to flow through us and affect those around us.

We receive by faith the things He has provided and made available through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It's a new and living way and we should walk in it.

He gave you a new nature to transplant you or translate you into another realm and into the realm of eternity. This is the realm of Heaven where the presence of God dwells continually day and night. Jesus purchased you the RITE OF PASSAGE with His Blood. So that now you are not restricted or limited to the natural realm.

The supernatural realm, the realm of miracles and wonders, is yours if you will receive it. 

You have to believe what God says about you. You are a son and daughter of the Almighty God, an heir of His Kingdom. He doesn't come down; He reaches down and lifts us up into the same realm where He is. How do we experience all this? Good News... you don't have to earn it and you don't have to qualify. There isn't a test. Jesus already took the test and HE PASSED (for you). (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Stay Tuned In

Sometimes we miss something just because we are not tuned in or not expecting something to happen out of the ordinary. It was at the end of a meeting in Indiana a while ago, and people were laying on the floor just soaking in the presence of the Lord. As I walked by, I saw a chariot over one man. You know God loves to take you and show you the heavenly places and other places where He is moving. I said to the man on the floor, "You know there is a chariot right over you." I walked on.

Later that man came and told me that when I said that about the chariot, he tuned in spiritually and saw the chariot that I saw. He got in it and was taken to several different countries and had a personal face-to-face encounter with God.

The spiritual realm is so close. The new man lives there all the time – permanently. That's the real you isn't it? So start believing what God says about you. He will never leave you; you are the apple of His eye. Keep your spiritual antenna up. There are so many treasures for you in His heavenly house – the spirit realm.

Many Blessings,

Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Sleeping Lion in You Wakes Up - Kathie Walters and Dr. Theresa Phillips

The Sleeping Lion in You Wakes Up 

by Kathie Walters and Dr. Theresa Phillips

Identity Network

Many people are believing to see a move of the glory of God. But before the glory there will come a spirit of divine indignation and anger that will rise up in the people, God's people, for a purpose - to destroy the works of darkness. It's OK to have an indignation and anger with the enemy. Jesus did, didn't He?  

Jesus had so much compassion for honest sinners but He was angry with the Pharisees because they were pretenders. The Holy Spirit is a Spirit of truth, He cannot enter into pretense because it's contrary to His nature.
When Jesus went to the temple He found some moneychangers there, taking advantage of the people. Well He took a whip to them. I think He probably yelled at them don't you?  I don't think He took that whip and said "shoo."  It's amazing the number of people who get healed when they are either laughing or angry at the devil.  
These prophets and intercessors are going to wake up to the wiles of the enemy and see what is happening and begin to discern the ways of the devil in a way we have not seen very much before.
They will see the places where the enemy has infiltrated the holy encampment of the Lord in a new way, and rise up and chase them away. I don't think you can be emotionally placid in a war. Mind you, holy laughter is also a warfare weapon. "God looks on His enemies and laughs, and has them in derision." Sometimes when the laugher comes on you it's because your spirit is picking up on a victory that's happening in the spirit realm. You may not see anything at the time, you may not hear anything in the natural, but your spirit man knows there are victories taking place in the spiritual realm.
Spirit will Arise in You
As God's temple is emptied of things that have been wrongly tolerated, so the spirit of the living God will arise in you and the glory will be manifested. Have you ever thought about the fact that we can have arthritis in our mind? We can have religious mindsets and be not pliable and open to learn things God is wanting us to know. Strong mindsets can keep us closed to new revelation.
"Arise and shine the light Is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you."
The glory of God has already been given to the church through Christ, the risen Lord, but it gets covered by other spiritual atmospheres and entities.  When "the Deliverer" arises in delivering power and the shadows flee away, then the glory starts to become visible. And the deliverer is arising in you.
Even as the mists appeared in the Azusa street meetings, the mists will manifest in our gatherings more and more. In the Azusa street meetings there would appear mists from the ground up to around three feet high. The children would play hide and seek in the mists
I recently wrote about Anthony, probably the greatest of the Desert Fathers. The Desert fathers in the 2nd and 3rd century lived in the caves of Egypt and saw themselves as gatekeepers of the nations and had many supernatural encounters with the Angels and also demonic forces. They had an extremely powerful level of discernment. This discernment is a powerful supernatural gift about to be released for the glory of God.
Awakening of the Saints
There has been a few messages on FB this last week talking about fasting from negative speaking. Negative words can open the door for negative things that you don't want in your life.
About 100 years ago it was quite normal for people to fast from speaking. I think sometimes that could be a good idea!!!  
As the enemy is evicted and the glory revealed so there will be a dramatic increase in healing and deliverance.  Miracles and healing by the hundreds, not the dozen, will sweep many souls into the kingdom.
"As a canon ball is fired from the canon so I will release a dynamic power even into the population and to the church. Even an explosion of miracles"
America has become weak in many ways but in a week God will awaken the saints of God and a roar will come.
A while ago I (Kathie) prayed for a lady in New Zealand who was quite timid and fearful because of abuse. She began to shout, quietly at first. It sounds strange to say that someone can shout quietly but I am sure you know what I mean.  Then she shouted louder and then she began to roar - first quietly and then LOUDLY.  She scared herself so she ran into another room. Then she realized the roar went with her!!!!
Let the Lion arise in you - dispel the darkness and the glory will be revealed in you and through you.
Kathie Walters and Dr. Theresa Phillips

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

New Angels in Israel by Kathie Walters

New Angels in Israel 

by Kathie Walters

Identity Network

The very first time I went to Israel years ago, I really went, not so much to see Israel but because I wanted to go to the Kathryn Khulman meetings in Jerusalem. I lived near London then so Israel was much easier for me to get to than America.
When we went sightseeing during the daytime an Angel tapped me on the shoulder and spoke to me at every place we went and made me laugh.
The second time I was with a group but my friend, Doreen, and I went to a lot of places on our own.
One day we were at Sarah and Abraham's tomb. There was some kind of festival happening because we saw people walking around carrying bread and fruit. There was a Rabbi near the tomb and Doreen wanted to ask him a question about the festival. There was a crowd around him and we couldn't get to speak to the Rabbi. Doreen was a bit disappointed and we walked away down the steps. Suddenly out of nowhere an Israeli army officer was standing right in front of us.
He answered Doreen's questions (that she hadn't asked him) and then he disappeared right in front of our eyes. There was nowhere to go to disappear to, it was steps and a big empty space. We realized that it was an angel that came and spoke to her - he spoke in perfect English too.  The anointing was all over us.
Then Doreen said to me, "Oh, I forgot to ask something." As soon as she said that the angel, dressed like as army officer, was suddenly standing in front of us again. He answered the question she wanted to ask (but hadn't actually asked him). Then he disappeared again
The anointing was so strong we sat down on a wall at the bottom of the steps. After a few minutes a man went by and stopped to ask us a question. He had fled from some war torn place and had gotten to Israel, but the government was going to send him for relocation to Australia. He asked us if we knew anything about Australia. This man was possessed by spirits of fear. He would not sit down so that we could talk to him. He was looking all around all the time. This was the first time I saw someone actually possessed by fear. As we spoke to him the anointing was still so strong on us that even as I told him about Australia (I lived there for a while) the spirits of fear just left.  It was remarkable because we didn't actually get to say anything about the Christian Gospel. But he got totally delivered from those spirits of fear because of the presence of God flowing in that anointing.
This is How it Will be in Israel
Then another angel came and said, "This is how it will be here in Israel. Strong anointing on people will set the captives free; through the anointing and gifts of the Spirit." He said, "There are people here who mean well but they are under a religious sprit and not called of God to be here ministering and there are others that should be here that aren't here yet, but God will send them; the anointed ministers who operate under the power of the Holy Spirit." Then he disappeared too.
When I was with Sid Roth's group a couple of years ago I saw many watcher angels who were just watching over our group. But they didn't say much to me at that time. I thought it was great though that God appoints angels to watch over the groups that come to Israel.  But now, a week ago (it's Feb 14th today) I saw first of all four angels with hats and gold on their robes. They were going to Jerusalem and they had been called by some Christians from one of the Coptic churches. I don't know which one. Then I saw another group of I think 14 who were less "stately" but laughing and lively. They had blue and white robes. I asked the Lord about them and He said "These have not been in the earth before and they are bringing life to the Gospel in Israel." I asked what He meant and He said, "They would work with the ministers in the streets and houses and meetings to bring forth the gifts of the Spirit, words of wisdom and words of knowledge and prophesies and healings and miracles."
I believe that there will be a kind of shuffling because I believe this is what the angel at Abraham's tomb spoke to me about - anointed people living in the anointing and affecting people through the power of God. The gifts of the Spirit, the manifestations of His power will bring to life the Good News. It's a changing of the guard. Some soldiers going home - some new ones coming from different parts of the world. The ones going home - your angels in Israel will be going home with you.  Take a break - while you're being re-assigned for this coming revival.  

Sometimes when God changes the guard people think they have failed in some way but that's not true.  God is in charge of His mighty army of men and of Angels. He knows about the next battles. He knows His strategies - we need to keep in tune so we will always be in the right place. "The Anointing is pointing," it's telling you something, but also the lack of anointing is also pointing, telling you something. Sometimes when a season is over or it's time to move on, the anointing begins to lift. Then you know it's time for a change.
Kathie Walters

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Monday, April 20, 2015

God Talks Through Many Things if You're Open by Kathie Walters

God Talks Through Many Things if You're Open 

by Kathie Walters

Identity Network

A few years ago I looked at my itinerary and realized I had a week to myself (no ministry). I thought it would be great to go see my friend Joy Strang in Orlando. I emailed her and she said it was fine to go down.

But I did say to the Lord, "Is there anywhere you want me go with this week?" I wasn't really expecting an answer as I had already decided where to go. I was really just being polite. To my surprise He said, "Yes I want you to go to Israel."

"I was actually going to Florida," I replied.

"Israel" He said again.  I couldn't just say no, so I ended up going to Israel to see my friend, Juinnine. She was living in Jerusalem at the time.  I told some people I was going to Israel and people started sending money for the trip - I had about $2500.  And then a friend from Ohio called me and said, "I want to buy your air ticket to Israel."  "I have plenty of money for Israel," I said. Suzanne insisted on getting the ticket so I ended by taking the $2500 with me to Israel.

Juinnine  was happy to see me at Tel Aviv Airport but told me, "We need to pray because I don't have money to renew my lease and I am behind on the rent."  "Oh well I think I brought you the money for that," and handed over some of the money I brought with me from USA.

So for a week I just hung out with Juinnine who had a great ministry, especially in the Arab villages.

I just followed her around and didn't do anything much myself in the way of ministry.

I Have to Check this Out

It was the last day before I was to leave and we were walking around the Old City. I had kind of complained because apart from seeing a friend, it seemed a bit pointless my being there, when I could have gone to Florida which is only a six hour drive.

As we walked around, I passed a jewelry store - you know I love jewelry especially antique jewelry - rose gold in particular. Well this store had Michal Negrin jewelry, which I also love. Michal Negrin is an Israeli designer.

"I have to check this out," I said and grabbed Juinnine. We went inside the store and were met by a very neat looking couple who looked like Israeli Barbie dolls. He had black curly hair and she was a glamorous blonde.

I started looking at the neat bracelets and necklaces along with Juinnine. The couple who owned the store walked away to the other side of the store.  I realized that they ceased to be interested in me when they heard my English accent. In a lot of places English people are known as "just looking" people.  As the stores depend on tourism for a living they don't care too much for people from the U.K who are "just looking."

I loved the jewelry - this is nice costume jewelry, not diamond and emeralds or anything. But not cheap either.

Not to waste this opportunity to get a piece of Michal Negin jewelery, I said to Juinnine, "I am in one of my favorite stores, I just have to buy a bracelet at least."   As I was picking up a bracelet I liked, The Lord said to me, "Buy four, and buy something for Juinnine."

I was surprised,  "They aren't cheap you know," I replied, but God repeated it.

So I found myself choosing four bracelets and I told Juinnine to pick whatever she liked best.  "Really, anything?" she said. 

As I was pointing to the various bracelets I liked and Juinnine was choosing her necklace, the couple who owned the store heard me saying, " I think I will get this one and this one" and they heard Juinnine saying "Oh I think I will get this necklace." They suddenly got very interested in me and came back around to where we were standing.

Are You those Born Again People?

We purchased the four bracelets and a pretty necklace for Junnine. Juinnine said, "Praise the Lord!" The nice looking Barbie doll looking man looked up and said, "Oh are you those born again people." We said, "Yes,"

He explained, "A missionary lady from Sweden came into the store a few months ago and she told us about the Messiah, Jesus. And she emails us every week to tell us more about Him." She emailed us this morning and said some people would come in here today and tell his about the Messiah. It must be you. Junnine prayed with them to know the Messiah.

Before we left they told us this: "The reason we did not accept Jesus before is because we thought if we did, He would take away our business and make us poor, and we want to be successful."  When I bought four bracelets and bought a nice necklace for Juinnine that hit that misconception about God on the head and they were free

And then we talked about being born again -

They had a wrong mindset about God from Christians and missionaries who came to the store, so when I bought the four bracelets and something for Juinnine it squashed that idea they had, and left them open to a God who may enjoy them being successful. I kept one bracelet and gave the rest away

The last I heard they were very successful and had another couple of stores.

God talks through His word, His prophets and minsters. He speaks through signs and wonders and aromas and all kinds of demonstrations. He also talks to people through money. So be open as He is looking for some vessels to flow through.

Kathie Walters

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Sunday, March 15, 2015

"God Talks Through Many Things – If You're Open" by Kathie Walters

"God Talks Through Many Things 
– If You're Open"
Kathie Walters, Macon, GA
The Elijah List

A few years ago, I looked at my itinerary and realized I had a week to myself (no ministry). I thought it would be great to go see my friend Joy Strang in Orlando. I emailed her and she said it was fine to go down.

But I did say to the Lord, "Is there anywhere You want me to go this week?" I wasn't really expecting an answer, as I had already decided where to go. I was really just being polite. To my surprise, He said, "Yes, I want you to go to Israel."

"I was actually going to Florida," I replied.

"Israel," He said again. I couldn't just say, "No," so I ended up going to Israel to see my friend Juinnine. She was living in Jerusalem at the time. I told some people I was going to Israel, and people started sending me money for the trip – I received about $2,500. And then a friend from Ohio called me and said, "I want to buy your air ticket to Israel." (Photo via Pixabay)

"I have plenty of money for Israel," I said.

But Suzanne insisted on getting the ticket, so I ended up taking the $2,500 with me to Israel.

Juinnine was happy to see me at the Tel Aviv Airport, but told me, "We need to pray because I don't have money to renew my lease and I am behind on the rent."

"Oh, well I think I brought you the money for that," I said, and handed over some of the money I brought with me from the USA.

So, for a week I just hung out with Juinnine, who had a great ministry, especially in the Arab villages. I just followed her around and didn't do anything much myself in the way of ministry.

That's Good...But Was That it?

Then it was the last day before I was to leave, and we were walking around the Old City. I had kind of complained to the Lord because, apart from seeing a friend, it seemed a bit pointless my being there, when I could have gone to Florida, which is only a six-hour drive.

As we walked around though, I passed a jewelry store. You know, I love jewelry, especially antique jewelry – rose gold in particular. Well, this store had Michal Negrin jewelry, which I also love. Michal Negrin is an Israeli designer. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

"I have to check this out," I said, and grabbed Juinnine. We went inside the store and were met by a very neat looking couple who looked like Israeli Barbie dolls. He had black curly hair and she was a glamorous blonde.
I started looking at the neat bracelets and necklaces along with Juinnine. The couple who owned the store walked away to the other side of the store. I realized that they ceased to be interested in me when they heard my English accent.

In a lot of places English people are known as "just looking" people. As the stores depend on tourism for a living, they don't care too much for people from the U.K who are "just looking."

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

I loved the jewelry! This is nice costume jewelry, not diamonds and emeralds or anything. But it's not cheap either.
Not to waste this opportunity to get a piece of Michal Negrin jewelry, I said to Juinnine, "I am in one of my favorite stores, I just have to buy a bracelet at least." As I was picking up a bracelet I liked, the Lord said to me, "Buy four, and buy something for Juinnine."

I was surprised. "They aren't cheap you know," I replied. But God repeated it.

So, I found myself choosing four bracelets, and I told Juinnine to pick whatever she liked best. "Really? Anything?" she said.

As I was pointing to the various bracelets I liked, and Juinnine was choosing her necklace, the couple who owned the store heard me saying, "I think I will get this one and this one..." and they heard Juinnine saying, "Oh, I think I will get this necklace." They suddenly got very interested in me and came back around to where we were standing.(Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

We purchased the four bracelets and a pretty necklace for Juinnine. Juinnine said, "Praise the Lord!" The nice looking Barbie-doll-looking man looked up and said, "Oh, are you those born-again people?"

We said, "Yes."

He explained, "A missionary lady from Sweden came into the store a few months ago and she told us about the Messiah, Jesus. And she emails us every week to tell us more about Him.She emailed us this morning and said some people would come in here today and tell us about the Messiah. It must be you."
Juinnine prayed with them to know the Messiah.

God is Looking for Vessels...

Before we left, they told us this: "The reason we did not accept Jesus before is because we thought if we did, He would take away our business and make us poor, and we want to be successful."

And then we talked about being born again – they had a wrong mindset about God from Christians and missionaries who came to the store, so when I bought the four bracelets and something for Juinnine, it squashed that idea they had, and left them open to a God who may enjoy them being successful. I kept one bracelet and gave the rest away.

The last I heard, they were very successful and had another couple of stores.

God talks through His Word, His prophets, and minsters. He speaks through signs and wonders and aromas and all kinds of demonstrations. He also talks to people through money. So be open; He is looking for some vessels to flow through. (Photo via Pixabay)

Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

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Monday, November 3, 2014

"Supernatural Doors - An Invitation to Heavenly Realms" by Kathie Walters

"Supernatural Doors - An Invitation to Heavenly Realms"
Kathie Walters, Macon, GA
The Elijah List

Supernatural Doors At the Airport

The first supernatural door was at the airport in Sydney, Australia. And the second one, well, I want to show you a picture of a door where something supernatural happened just recently.

Two years ago, I arrived at Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport. I fly in and out of Sydney quite often, so I know the airport well – like I know Atlanta. I had three large cases, two of them with books and CDs for my conference. When you bring books and CDs into another country, it sometimes takes 20 minutes (after standing in the line for 40 minutes) to explain what the books are for and that you are not part of a weird cult.
As I had flown all the way from Atlanta, I felt tired and didn't feel like getting in the long line or trying to give an explanation to the customs guy.

I was at the baggage claim area, and I had just gotten my three cases onto my cart, and I grumbled a bit to God, "Can't You get me out of here without all the lines?" A security lady then walked up to me. "Let me see your customs declaration," she said. I handed her the white customs form and she looked it over. She made a huge red line right across it, and I thought she was mad. "Go through the door in the corner over there," she pointed to the right hand corner of the baggage claim area. (Photo via Flickr)

As I said, I know the airport well, and I had never noticed a door there before. I thought, "They are waiting for me, and they are going to give me a hard time because I have three cases." I walked with my cart over to the corner and through the door expecting to see some stern-faced man waiting there. 

To my surprise, I was suddenly in the main terminal. I totally bypassed all the security! "Thank You, Lord!" I said. I was so happy!

Again... Another Airport Door Appears

I had meetings that week and the following week; I went to New Zealand as I always do. I had a great time in New Zealand, and returned to Sydney a couple of weeks later. I flew into the same international terminal and baggage claim. I was feeling happy, because although I had three cases (someone in New Zealand makes CDs for me), I knew which door to head for. Easy.

I went through the initial customs where they check your passport and then went to the baggage claim and gathered my three cases.

I wheeled my cart toward the corner to go through the door I had been through two weeks before. When I got to the corner, to my dismay, there was NO DOOR THERE at all.

I had no choice but to go and get at the end of a very long line of people going through the security, but I was not a happy camper at all. I complained to the Lord about it. "I don't know about that, making doors and then taking them away again. Now I have to get in this big, long line."

I stood there because I didn't have a choice. After about five minutes, a security man walked up to me; "You and you (he pointed to the lady next to me whom I didn't know), go through that door there." He pointed to a door straight ahead of us. We looked at each other and both walked through this door. We found ourselves in the main terminal. (Photo via Pixabay)

Afterwards I said to the Lord, "Why did You take away the first door and then make another door?" He didn't give me any great theological answer, "I am the door, I can do what I like," is all He said. 

But I thought about it afterwards: He can do what He likes and what He desires – He is the door, He is the key, He is the beginning and the end...He can make a way where there is no way, and make a door where there is no door! Simple really. Just need a bit of faith, which we have already been given. "To every man [is given] the measure of [God's] faith" (Romans 12:3).

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

It's a Heavenly Door and Invitation

I had just returned from Wales and England. We had a great time. I take a group to Ireland and Scotland every April, and Wales and England every October.

So, I just returned from the October tour. While we were visiting Bedford area, we went to the church where John Newton (author of the famous hymn "Amazing Grace") preached and is now buried – Olney Parish Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. John Bunyan, author of The Pilgrim's Progress, was imprisoned in Bedford for preaching without being "ordained." The famous politician and slave trade abolitionist, William Wilberforce, went to rest often at Moggerhanger estate in Bedford, too. Quite a grace history in Bedford.

While we were at the Olney Church, we had sung "Amazing Grace" around John Newton's grave. I walked back to the front gate, and I passed a side door into the church. The door was a muddy brown color and surrounded by the grey stone arch design around the door. I stopped and took a picture of the door because I noticed a pattern on the door, but the door was not very attractive really. We got back on the little bus and went on with Michele Grandfield to the next place. Michele has a great ministry in Bedford called "His Fragrance Ministries."
On the bus I opened the picture app on my phone to check my pictures

I was totally amazed when I saw the brown painted door. It was an amazing blue color (right), and the grey stone around it was now pretty hues. 

I did not do anything to the picture in the way of color or anything like that. None of the other pictures I took had color apart from the actual color they were at the time. It was a cloudy day, so none of the pictures were bright. It's a heavenly door, and I believe it's an invitation to the heavenly realms – and a reminder that Jesus is supernatural, and the supernatural realm of the Holy Spirit is our inheritance. (Photo by Kathie Walters)

Come on in through the Heavenly Door (Jesus), and remember that He can make a door where there seems to be no door to go through, and He is the Way and the Truth and Life, nothing is too hard for Him. He loves you.

Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

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