New Angels in Israel
by Kathie Walters
Identity Network
When we went sightseeing during the daytime an Angel tapped me on the shoulder and spoke to me at every place we went and made me laugh.
The second time I was with a group but my friend, Doreen, and I went to a lot of places on our own.
One day we were at Sarah and Abraham's tomb. There was some kind of festival happening because we saw people walking around carrying bread and fruit. There was a Rabbi near the tomb and Doreen wanted to ask him a question about the festival. There was a crowd around him and we couldn't get to speak to the Rabbi. Doreen was a bit disappointed and we walked away down the steps. Suddenly out of nowhere an Israeli army officer was standing right in front of us.
He answered Doreen's questions (that she hadn't asked him) and then he disappeared right in front of our eyes. There was nowhere to go to disappear to, it was steps and a big empty space. We realized that it was an angel that came and spoke to her - he spoke in perfect English too. The anointing was all over us.
Then Doreen said to me, "Oh, I forgot to ask something." As soon as she said that the angel, dressed like as army officer, was suddenly standing in front of us again. He answered the question she wanted to ask (but hadn't actually asked him). Then he disappeared again
The anointing was so strong we sat down on a wall at the bottom of the steps. After a few minutes a man went by and stopped to ask us a question. He had fled from some war torn place and had gotten to Israel, but the government was going to send him for relocation to Australia. He asked us if we knew anything about Australia. This man was possessed by spirits of fear. He would not sit down so that we could talk to him. He was looking all around all the time. This was the first time I saw someone actually possessed by fear. As we spoke to him the anointing was still so strong on us that even as I told him about Australia (I lived there for a while) the spirits of fear just left. It was remarkable because we didn't actually get to say anything about the Christian Gospel. But he got totally delivered from those spirits of fear because of the presence of God flowing in that anointing.
This is How it Will be in Israel
Then another angel came and said, "This is how it will be here in Israel. Strong anointing on people will set the captives free; through the anointing and gifts of the Spirit." He said, "There are people here who mean well but they are under a religious sprit and not called of God to be here ministering and there are others that should be here that aren't here yet, but God will send them; the anointed ministers who operate under the power of the Holy Spirit." Then he disappeared too.
When I was with Sid Roth's group a couple of years ago I saw many watcher angels who were just watching over our group. But they didn't say much to me at that time. I thought it was great though that God appoints angels to watch over the groups that come to Israel. But now, a week ago (it's Feb 14th today) I saw first of all four angels with hats and gold on their robes. They were going to Jerusalem and they had been called by some Christians from one of the Coptic churches. I don't know which one. Then I saw another group of I think 14 who were less "stately" but laughing and lively. They had blue and white robes. I asked the Lord about them and He said "These have not been in the earth before and they are bringing life to the Gospel in Israel." I asked what He meant and He said, "They would work with the ministers in the streets and houses and meetings to bring forth the gifts of the Spirit, words of wisdom and words of knowledge and prophesies and healings and miracles."
I believe that there will be a kind of shuffling because I believe this is what the angel at Abraham's tomb spoke to me about - anointed people living in the anointing and affecting people through the power of God. The gifts of the Spirit, the manifestations of His power will bring to life the Good News. It's a changing of the guard. Some soldiers going home - some new ones coming from different parts of the world. The ones going home - your angels in Israel will be going home with you. Take a break - while you're being re-assigned for this coming revival.
Sometimes when God changes the guard people think they have failed in some way but that's not true. God is in charge of His mighty army of men and of Angels. He knows about the next battles. He knows His strategies - we need to keep in tune so we will always be in the right place. "The Anointing is pointing," it's telling you something, but also the lack of anointing is also pointing, telling you something. Sometimes when a season is over or it's time to move on, the anointing begins to lift. Then you know it's time for a change.
Kathie Walters
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA