Showing posts with label Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord. Show all posts

Monday, April 13, 2015

God Says, "It's My Dream Too, Remember" - Joey LeTourneau

God Says, "It's My Dream Too, Remember"
Joey LeTourneau, Redding, CA
The Elijah List

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." Ephesians 3:20

When was the last time you asked God about His dreams? For many of us, it has been a tremendous process just to learn that God invites us to dream with Him. So what do we do when we reach a point when our dreams aren't enough as currently constructed, or are moving forward differently than we expect?

We remember that God dreams too! When God entrusts a dream into our hands, it is an amazing thing. But when we trust Him enough to let go and still put it back in His hands, that's where the "exceedingly and abundantly" we often talk about starts to come to life.

Sacrifice or Multiplication?

...because you have done this thing, and not withheld your son, your only son – blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the Heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore... Genesis 22:16-17

Sometimes we're afraid to surrender the way Abraham did at Mt. Moriah. We're often worried surrender will equal loss; but that's not our Father's nature, He prefers multiplication!

Abraham dreamt of Isaac, and while this was a wonderful start according to the extent of Abraham's vision, God still dreamed of many more "Isaacs" beyond what Abraham could number. When our dreams and God's find their place of conception together, His dreams complete ours to even greater extents as we continue to surrender through the dreaming process. To dream with God, and live those dreams with Him, requires a tension of BOTH ridiculous trust and fearless action. (Photo via Pixabay)

Emphasizing "With"

When we dream with God, "with" becomes far too underrated a word of emphasis. It's easy to focus on the "dreaming," and hopefully on "God" too. But it's the "with" where an unusual power of eternal multiplication is truly birthed – here on earth and in Heaven. If we're not mindful of it, our version of "with" can quickly become dreaming "about" God or "in regards to" or "on behalf of."

Like in most cases of life, we tend to focus on the "end" more than the "means." But it is when we embrace the mysterious tension of "with" that it truly becomes a joint effort, a back and forth at Heaven's white board and earth's canvas; not just dreaming into His possibilities, but allowing Him to dream into ours.

The "with" gives God permission to take His "exceedingly and abundantly" and use it to re-model what we ask or imagine. "With" is a tension that doesn't focus on the answer, but upon the back and forth trust relationship that will bear more answers than we could count. To see our God-dreams become reality in this ripe season ahead, "with" must become our renewed point of emphasis, and an active trust will become our means.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"Foot On the Gas, Hands Off the Wheel"

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

So how do we go forward in this "with" mode? The last couple years God has given me a clear word I continue to move forward by. 

As I asked Him how to move forward, He said, "Foot on the gas, hands off the wheel." To me, it's like a child would drive. 

They can't press the gas and steer at the same time. They have to choose. God doesn't make us go forward, but He does help us steer. So I have learned to choose to go forward boldly in trust and faith, while yet surrendering the wheel, even and especially when I want to hold on, see, or understand the most. (Photo via Pixabay)

Childlike is one of the most effective revelations of the Kingdom here on earth, as Jesus pointed to in Mark 10:14-15. I believe that's why we must learn to "drive" childlike. It's a powerful position of forward-moving dependence on God, and a position that lets God's dreams lead ours towards His very best.

"It's My Dream Too, Remember"

We were recently in the middle of getting a new resource ready to launch and needed to develop a launch strategy. I love to strategize in all sorts of ways, but this was one of the times God was telling me to take my hands off the wheel and "watch" instead. However, I also did not want to be a poor steward, so I double-checked with God, wanting to make sure He really did want me to let go of this aspect and just leave it with Him for the time being, still ready and willing to do my diligent part.

The next thing I heard from the Lord felt like a playful nudge from a friend, "It's My dream too, remember." 

I laughed, nodded, and upon hearing this remembered that truly our current endeavor of a board game that empowers people to dream into their purpose was indeed a combo of my dream starting to be infused by His. I had never set out to create a board game, but I had been dreaming with God for years about empowering people, especially youth around the world, into their purpose. The fact that it came about through a game was very much His idea.

With these joint dream ventures, God is partnering with us and has a very vested interest in seeing them come to life. He wants us to trust Him to fulfill His part too. This requires that we trust Him with both faith and patience.

Joseph has often been known as "the dreamer" with the way he dreamt of what would happen in Israel through his life. And Joseph watched and waited for those dreams to come to reality. All along, God was trying to show him something he didn't expect: "Yes, I'll give you your dream for Israel, but it's part of My much bigger dream for your life. I want to give you Egypt, which will give you the nations, which will also include Israel."(Photo via Pixabay)

Joseph waited for Israel to take notice, but God sent Pharaoh to take notice and be the one who helped launch Joseph's dream instead. God dreams differently than we do, but it's an exceedingly and abundantly kind of different. And, suddenly, our dream might be remodeled or re-routed in a way we never knew possible!

He's given us permission to dream with Him, but do we trust Him enough to give it back and see His dream empower ours? God dreams too – thankfully!

Joey LeTourneau
Imagi-Nations LLC

Joey LeTourneau, along with his wife Destiny and their five kids, live in Redding, California, and work across the nations to see the Father's heart and blessings revealed, and want to see God's children empowered to live out their unique purpose and calling. Joey has authored six books, and together with his wife they have founded Imagi-Nations LLC, a movement to "Imagine nations changed because you lived your purpose and dream."

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

WATCH: 'Fixer Upper's' Joanna Gaines Shows How God Led Her to HGTV

WATCH: 'Fixer Upper's' Joanna Gaines Shows How God Led Her to HGTV

Joanna and Chip Gaines take pleasure in taking the old and turning it into a new creation.  
In HGTV's Fixer Upper, the couple takes families through dilapidated houses and re-envisions the structures using their skills. 
Joanna's life echoes this concept. She's spent her journey with the Lord walking through the doors He opens, stopping and going when He says. 
Watch the video to see her powerful testimony. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Grapes and Raisins, Promises and Fulfillments By ROBIN MCMILLAN

Grapes and Raisins, Promises and Fulfillments


Over the years I have accumulated a number of unfulfilled personal promises from the Lord. Recently I mentioned to Him that I didn't understand why He had not yet fulfilled them. Its not that I'm unusually impatient nor extraordinarily patient, but some of these promises are over 30 years old.

As I questioned the Lord I saw a picture in my mind of a scoop in heaven pouring out raisins. At first I disregarded what I saw. It seemed foolish and of no consequence. However I couldn't shake it and so began to inquire of the Lord about it.
Grapes are the clearest old testament prophetic image representing a promise. When the twelve spies returned from spying out the 'promised land' they brought back grapes as proof of its great fruitfulness. The grapes of Eschol were so large that it took two men to carry back one bunch on a long stick between them. Grapes became synonymous with the promised land and are the prototypical picture of a promise.

Now, raisins. Raisins are grapes dried up. They don't look near as good as plump juicy grapes but they fulfill a different purpose. In the ancient world they sustained soldiers in times of war or people traveling distances who need nutritious food that would not perish. Grapes only last a short time but raisins have the ability to sustain people in dry difficult circumstances over the long haul.

Jeremiah once said, "I found your word and ate it and it became the joy and rejoicing of my heart..." Thats what we must do to inherit the promises of God. We must eat them, chew on them, meditate upon them, consume them and make them ours. Promises come like grapes but are fulfilled like raisins. Over time our personal promises seem to dry up and wither just like a grape that becomes a raisin, but if we will eat them they shall sustain us until their time of fulfillment arrives.


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Mystic MooseTales: Redefining Wildlife
My primary purpose for writing MooseTales is to impart two things to the current generation: love for Jesus and authentic hunger for the historic supernatural God of the Bible. I chose the allegorical style because it lends itself to creativity in a wide range of expression and humor. In my imagination there exists a world where animals walk on two legs, demonstrate all the attributes of humans, and live and interact together with people. In just such a world Theodore Conquest ‘Mystic’ Moose lives and does his exploits. Many of these tales are based on events that have literally happened to flesh and blood men and women. These people I know. Other events originate from lives of historic Christians I don’t know but have read about or heard their testimonies.
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Recent Posts:

Favor: Having It, Keeping It, Increasing It.
Risk and Endurance: Faith and Hope.
Mighty Works: A Key to Saving Our Nation
Announcing My New Store on My Website.
Copyright © 2015 Robin McMillan Ministries, All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Financed, Fueled and Fired Up for Action by Cindy McGill

Financed, Fueled and Fired Up for Action 

by Cindy McGill

Identity Network
I saw a huge transference of properties and houses and cars and all kinds of supplies, being given to ministries all over the place who are committed to doing the kingdom work.  God has entrusted some with great wealth for such a time as this.  For these who have been stewards of kingdom funds, God has given you the ability to make wealth, like the "Midas touch."  Everything you have touched has turned to gold.  

It has been His purpose for you and there is now a "fine tuning" happening in you to know where to channel the funds you have been stewards over.   You will have great confirmation for where to give and how much.  There are places that God is highlighting right now for these schools and centers to be birthed.  It will be like the colt that Jesus rode on into Jerusalem.  The Lord has need of it. 

In a dream, several months ago, I saw the bank vault of heaven.  I was standing at the door and Jesus was in the vault with a yellow hard hat on and a clipboard in His hand.  Inside, there was an unending supply of gold and silver in piles on the floor and all the way up the wall.  A bulldozer was actively scooping up gold and silver and Jesus would instruct a window to open and the bulldozer would pour out the gold and silver as Jesus commanded. I was in awe as I observed this operation.  It was done with such precision and supply.  At that moment, Jesus turned and looked at me and winked.  He said, "I own it."

When I woke up from the dream, I realized that we are never in need of anything He does not have the authority and resources to supply.  Kingdom resources have been stored up for many of us for this end harvest that is beginning.  At the time I had the dream, we were going through a very hard time in our church and many people were moving away or transitioning out for one reason or another.  

It could have been a very unsettling time for us, but God showed me His not only ability, but desire to "unload" His benefits to us.  We never missed one bill or payment or salary check during that church transition.  He supplied from the most unlikely places.  Someone would leave a check in the mailbox who didn't even attend the church, we would receive an overpayment from a year ago on a bill, people who visited our city would come to church and leave a check for just the amount we needed for that month.

When we are doing Kingdom business, God provides where He guides.  It's the Father's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom and finances are very much a part of the kingdom.  I believe we are going to have abundance and over abundance of finances to not only operate on for the days ahead, but also to get out of debt, purchase properties, get prepared for days we have not seen yet. 

Prepare for Takeoff

My husband recently had a dream where we were on a type of spacecraft that looked like a pontoon boat.  The sides were open and it only had a roof.  This craft was full of people and without warning it took off, straight up in the air with rocket speed.  The impact of this rapid acceleration was so intense that one pilot had to stand on the other ones shoulders to maneuver the aircraft upwards avoiding obstacles in the atmosphere.

The new structure has open sides and the craft represents a ministry without walls that is infinite for expansion.  It is a horizontal invitation to reach out and take hold of people all around us. The top is God's covering. 

We are in a rapid acceleration now.  This waiting is over and this is a fulfillment of time.  Things we have been pondering in our hearts are getting ready to be realized.  I know we have all heard this before but it really is happening.  The stage has been set behind the curtain and we are now waiting for things to be revealed.

Keeping Foresight in the Midst of the Storm

We can't lose our vision and stray from our purpose when a storm approaches. We have a destination to reach and a job to do when we get there.  Just because we might experience a few turbulent moments doesn't mean we are not going to arrive at the prepared place for us.  I know there have been many messages about some terrifying things ahead.  I'm not denying for a second that things could get seemingly out of control and bumpy, but GOD IS IN CONTROL and that doesn't discount the assignment we have been given and the job we are equipped to do.  We are entering the days of the greatest harvest of souls we have ever seen.  People are starving to have the Truth.  We have an assignment and orders from Headquarters.  That is our focus and that is our destiny.

Cindy McGill

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Monday, March 2, 2015

Restore by Steve Porter (Identity Network)


by Steve Porter

Identity Network

"I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts." (Isaiah 57:15)

Rise up, man and woman of God! Rise Up! Shake off that slumbering spirit - there is a mighty warrior within you that needs to awaken! Submit to God; make the choice today to become that person of God, to honor God, and pursue virtue, purity, and holiness.

You say you've blown it big time and you're drowning in the mire of your poor choices? Is it too late? Can God restore my heart? Can I once again walk in purity and holiness before the Lord? YES, you can! YES, you will! YES, He is able! He is the God of the second chance! We all desperately need this revelation, so grab hold of it with all that's in you.

Begin today by letting go of your obsession with the past, where captives stay bound in the prison of their own making. Stop looking back with regret, and instead press on! Yes, PRESS ON! Press forward past the blunders of the past, press on through the guilt and the shame, and press on through the confusion and doubt. He is already standing there bidding you come to the secret place; He is ready to blot out your sins with His holy blood. He is ready to make all things new in your life. He is ready to restore your honor and give you a fresh, new start.

Humble Yourself

Your past may cause you to feel "crushed and overwhelmed" beyond your ability to endure, thinking you'll never get past it, yet humble yourself before your God! Stretch out on the floor, desperate before Him, and share your deepest desire for Him alone. Unload your heartache and brokenness at the foot of His cross and leave it there so He can raise you up brand new.

The Lord responds to a broken, humble heart, to a soul that knows how to repent and admit where it missed the mark. As we rid ourselves of layers of self-love, control and pride, we are clothed anew with the beauty of the Lord.

He desires to restore you and revive your spirit. He desires for you to begin again. Let me say it once more: only humble yourself before the mighty hand of God and:

"...then the LORD your God will restore your fortunes. He will have mercy on you and gather you back from all the nations where he has scattered you." (Deuteronomy 30:3)

You are My Child

I say again, you no longer need to hang your head with guilt and shame; once you have confessed and forsaken your sin, you are a brand new creation in Christ Jesus, and through His shed blood He has made you righteous. And when the devil comes to accuse you of things you've done in the past, use your authority to tell him he's talking to the wrong person, because you are a blood-washed child of God. When you stand up to him and testify to what Jesus did, Satan will have to flee, because the only power he has against you is when he can convince you his lies are true. Refuse to believe a negative word, because Jesus took everything to the cross, and wants to restore to us everything that was lost when Adam sinned. Live as if it is so, because it is!

Because of your longing and love for Him, you will walk in the Spirit again as you pursue faithfulness to Him alone, giving Him first place in your life. Picture this: He gently calls your name, and you approach the Lord. Rays of splendor pour from his hands and heart, and His face shines with a love so pure it drives you to tears; His voice is like the sound of many waters running through your soul when He sings a song of rejoicing over the very day you were born, and His presence captivates you with incredible joy and peace.

He says over you even now:

"I am your Father.  You are my child.  I have never stopped loving you, even while you were turned away. Because you have humbled yourself and repented I will restore all that locusts have eaten, and through my blood you are made whole!"

Steve Porter

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Give thanks unto the Lord.

Blessings on ye heads as you thank the Lord!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Giving thanks.

We do give thanks to the Lord Most High for all His goodness and provision. Daily.

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Eva Haglund, Sweden

The world is full of people and needs. Many suffer and so many need love. Love is the most positive power. Everybody needs love and greatest is love. Then it is no surprise that God IS love.  Everybody needs Him. 

Sometimes people want to be a friend when it does not cost them anything, but Jesus showed that to be a friend it costs something. In Gal.6:2 Paul wrote, "Bear one another`s burden." Sometimes in the world it counts if you are rich and  are educated, but when Abraham's servant went to seek a bride he asked to see a sign of great love. The woman who fetched water showed much love. She gave water also for all the camels. It was very  much giving water for the people who were thirsty after the travel, and much water for all the camels. It was not an easy job. She showed much love.

In the story about Abraham when he met the angels in Gen 18 we see the heart of hospitality he had and was used to meet people with. He was a giver. It is written in the Bible in Eph.6:2 to carry each other burdens in the Body of Christ.  Many suffer today, including Christians. To call anybody, write a letter or visit anybody can mean much. To pray for anybody can be like a present for anybody who needs.

In Romans 9 we can see the heart Paul had - the deep love that he had for people. He said that he wished he himself was rejected by God if any Jews here could get saved. In Rom 9:1 "I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have sorrow and continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh."

In friendship the greatest love Jesus says is to give a life for a friend. Then you can say it costs something. In 1 Cor 13 is written "love does not seek its own." Love can cost. For Jesus it cost much. The cost was the cross where He hung for everyone. It was the deepest love. 

Jesus wants us to carry each other's burdens in the Body of Christ. Help each other when it is not so easy. This we can see in Eph.1 when Jesus showed us to wash each other's feet. He wanted to show each other care. He showed as a leader that to be a leader is to serve. He was like a servant in love when He washed the feet. Jesus as King in heaven humbled Himself  and He wants us to serve - to show love to each other. 

To carry another's burden may include helping to do the dishes for one who is tired. It also is to  give comfort and listen to those who are sad. The Bible tell us to weep with those who weep. A heart of compassion is revealed when people suffer and you pray in tears for that one, in intercession.

In Ephesians it is written to pray for each other. In James it is written that faith without works is dead. We need to help each other. The hand needs the feet, as it is written in 1 Cor 12. We need each other as usual parts in a body need the other members. To carry each other burdens is to show care to the ill people.

There are old people who cannot visit a Christian meeting. I also believe in house meetings.
There ought to be people visiting old people and have a meeting with those who cannot come to a church building, or maybe just for a shorter visit. I am thinking that if they cannot come to the meeting - "let the meeting come to them." We need Jesus first, but then we also need each other.

I also believe if it is guided by God that it can be a blessing for Christians living close to each other to meet, as we can  see in Ps 133:1, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Sometimes it is easier to carry each other's burdens when we visit them. I also think we can get back in having stronger relationships. Christians can have different needs. There can be a need of counseling, and there can be people who do not have food. To help a friend who does not have money for food is to carry one's burden.

People can have sorrow and  God wants us to help each other. Jesus carried our burdens when He suffered persecution and hate for our sake. He was mocked, scourged and crucified in a pain much stronger than we understand. It was a love so deep like the sea. To carry each other burdens is to think about somebody else. It is not to be selfish. Jesus showed us to wash each other's feet - showing care to each other. Jesus as King and leader was humbled and served - like a servant in love.

 An example of a king showing love occurred when David took care of the sheep. He learned to take care and to serve, even when it was not so nice. To wash another's feet is not always so nice. To help another move is not always so easy, but it is love. In Acts we read about Peter, who was in prison, but in Acts.12.5 constant prayer was offered to God for  him by the church. He was released. They showed great love to him in their prayers.

Prayer for people also means much. When we give, that is when we get. When we sow we also reap. God gives back. We do not give to get, but because we care. We ourselves want to be met in that way. We make mistakes, but it is important that we keep serving each other; not just in a church building but as Christians who need each other.  

Many who do not know Jesus also have many burdens and need love.  When there are persecutions of Christians, we need to come closer to each other. I think it is a new time when God wants to restore more of the first love in the Body for Christ, but also more of love in the Body of Christ with more friendship, team work and more care. In Acts.2:46 we see that Christians met in houses, ate together and had fellowship. We cannot know everybody well but we need each other also globally as in a big family.

In John 17:21 Jesus pray that love will be a testimony to the world - love that we get from God. Jesus say in John 15:9, "As the Father has loved Me, I also has loved you, abide in My love. If you keep My commandments you will  abide in My love. just as I have kept My Father's commandment and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you that My joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full." I think Jesus talks about not just saying hello to each other, have a cup of coffee in church, but to have also real fellowship. He says in John 16:13, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one`s life for his FRIENDS." I think Jesus wants to restore more of real friendship among us. We must not be bitter to anybody but forgive as Jesus did when He said  "Father forgive them" at the cross.

If we have been forgotten by others we can think about others who also have felt forgotten. A person can have felt forgotten by others, and we can reach out and help. We can set aside for a while our own need to help another who has a big burden like us. In Job 41:10 we read "and the Lord restored Job`s losses when he prayed for his friends."

He who carried the biggest burden was Jesus at the cross. He did it out of love for us. We find an expression of  His love in Isaiah 53:4 - "Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows." Jesus/Yeshua  carried the biggest burden for us.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

People are looking for something good to believe in...

"People are looking for

something good to believe in, to stand on, to support,

in their knowing that what they believe is what they

should believe, no matter what the surrounding

culture says otherwise. Or is trying to push down their

throat and into their minds.

People still believe in supporting Israel, the family,

and the good things that God, our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ, has given to us to enjoy."

Steve Martin
Mountain Top View, page 18

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Lord Really Wants To Make Himself Known - To Me? by Wade E. Taylor, The Elijah List

Wade E. Taylor:
The Elijah List

Wade E. Taylor
"I Am Come Down To Deliver You"

And the Lord said, "I have surely seen the affliction of My people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; and I am come down to deliver them..." Exodus 3:7-8

Each of us has a personal need in some area of our life experience, or are burdened for another. For this "word" to become personally meaningful, place your name, or the name of someone you pray for, in place of "My people," and then prayerfully re-read this "word" from the Lord – "I am come down to deliver (you) them."

Concerning the area in which you desire intervention, Jesus is saying, "I know your sorrows, therefore, I am come down to deliver you." The Lord is always "down," as He is omnipresent, but this "down" is more than Jesus visiting a particular person and location, as it speaks of the direct intervention of the Lord concerning a specific need.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.Matthew 6:6
"Your Father shall reward you openly." This speaks of the approbation of, or the personalized, favor of God through His localized presence – "I am come down." 

When we pray, we are to believe that the Lord is not only present, but also that He is paying special attention to our prayer – "your Father which sees in secret..." This is beyond our ability to understand, but we can experience and enjoy the fruit of this experience. 

(Photo via Freeimages)

But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6
To those who are earnestly and diligently seeking His presence, the Lord will reveal or manifest Himself.

Does The Lord Really Desire To Make Himself Known To Me?

He that hath My commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him. John 14:21

The word "manifest" means that the Lord will make Himself personally known to us through one, or a combination of, our five physical senses. 

That is, we will perceive through our physical senses not only the fact of the presence of the Lord but the feeling of His person and thoughts.

The Lord desires to make Himself known to us. Moses provides an excellent example of this experience: "Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb"(Exodus 3:1).

Moses had been reared in the palace of Pharaoh, yet he knew that the "call of God" rested upon his life. Therefore, when he saw an Israelite being afflicted by an Egyptian, he delivered him, "for he supposed his brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them." However, we are told that "they understood not" (see Acts 7:22-25).

As a result, Moses fled into the wilderness where he kept the flock of Jethro, the priest of Midian. He was not functioning in his calling, yet he was not discouraged or bitter, as he was still leading "sheep" toward the mountain of God.

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, "I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt." And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, "Moses, Moses." And he said, "Here am I." Exodus 3:2-4 

(Photo via Flickr)

This "flame of fire in a bush that was not consumed" speaks of the "manifest" presence of the Lord that is yet available to us.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Key To The Lord's Presence: The Need To Turn Aside

If we understand and practice the following, we will be brought into a rich, spiritual life experience in communion and fellowship with Jesus. Notice that the Lord did not speak to Moses until after he had turned aside. 

The Lord had been waiting for Moses to notice and respond to His manifested presence in this burning bush.

At the time of this experience, Moses had been in the wilderness for forty years. This burning bush may have been there for years, but Moses was so intent on moving toward the mountain of God (religious activity) that it remained without being seen. Finally his self-ability became so depleted that he noticed and was willing to turn aside.

This bush burned – but it was not consumed. This tells us that this bush is still burning at this present time. This speaks of the Lord's presence being manifested in intervention. 

Today, many Christians have the idea that the presence of the Lord can be found only in the things they are doing for the Lord, but the Lord has much more to offer us. He desires to bring us into an active cooperative relationship with Him, in which we work together.

Therefore, the Lord requires us to come to the end of our own strength and acknowledge Him. Only then will He respond.
The statement, "I will now turn aside," is the key to the Lord's presence becoming manifested to us. 

We usually say that we are waiting for the Lord. However, the Lord is waiting for us. It is very important that we recognize and respond to His approach toward us. If we do not respond to the seeking presence of the Lord now, then, during the time of His return, we will not respond either. It is very important that we recognize and turn aside into His presence now, in whatever measure He may desire to appear or come to us.

What Happens When You Turn Aside

The response of the Lord was, "I am come down." He is always down (omnipresence), but He is speaking of a manifestation, or of an unfolding revelation of His (manifest) presence. When Moses turned, the Lord said, "Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground" (Exodus 3:5).

Previously, Moses had taken the initiative. Now, because he stopped and turned aside, the Lord is taking the initiative. Many, who sincerely love and serve Jesus, have also taken the initiative in seeking His will and presence. May we also set all these pressures of religious activity aside, and turn aside to wait in His presence. Only then can the Lord also ask us to take off our shoes (our working for the Lord).

This requires our knowing the voice of the Lord, and also our being willingly obedient in response to what is heard. There is a progression in our Christian experience, which if followed, will lead us to the place in which we will become both willing and anxious to turn aside, so the Lord will be able to reveal His manifest presence to us.
All too few recognize the value of an open Heaven, where the "Son" can indeed "shine" upon His people. An open Heaven does not just happen. It must be diligently sought after and cultivated.

How You Are Changed From Glory To Glory

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18

It is the manifested glory of the Lord that changes us (changed from glory to glory). Have you ever felt the anointing on a certain Gospel song or message, as you listened? How did this anointing get on the CD? The machine is not sensitive to the anointing, but there is an explanation. The anointing has an electrical characteristic which is picked up by the microphone and recorded on the CD. Thus, if a person is anointed, that anointing is being broadcast.

There is an electrical characteristic within our physical being. All of us have experienced an electrical shock after we walked across a dry carpet. We picked up an electrical charge, which was released when we touched something that was grounded. So also, when we are in the presence of the anointing, we become "charged." This charge then affects our entire being. When we touch another, it is imparted to them.

When we sit under an anointed ministry, far more takes place than our mentally understanding the message. There is a realignment of our spirit that changes us, so we become spiritually sensitive and hungry. The anointing creates within us a capacity for His presence, which changes us into His image.

In our secular life experience, we move in a world that is "without form." It is only as God intervenes and speaks that the earth takes on form and becomes productive. Thus, as we come under the influence of His anointing, or the manifestation of His presence, we take on spiritual "substance" and become productive.

After Moses turned aside, he was able to return to Egypt and deliver Israel because He had stood in the presence of the "burning bush."

As we turn aside to spend time in the Lord's presence, there is a resultant readjustment of our being, and we come into alignment with that which is spiritual. Thus, it is very important that we sit under an anointed ministry.
One church may have outstanding teaching of the Word, but no manifest presence of the Lord. Another church may be lacking in this area, but has the abiding presence of the Lord. The wise, spiritually hungry person should choose to sit under the anointing, as this is more important; but if both can be found together, Heaven has come to earth.

When we come into His revealed presence, the molecular structure of our being changes, and we take on a sensitivity to His voice and presence, and in this presence, the Lord changes us into His likeness.

It is here, when we turn aside into His presence and open our spirit to receive, that we will be "made ready" to fulfill our part in bringing about the deliverance that the Lord's people so desperately need.

Wade Taylor
Wade Taylor Ministries / Parousia Ministries

Wade Taylor graduated to Heaven on February 29, 2012. He served others as a teacher and spiritual father for over 50 years. He was respected and loved by many for his quality of spirit and walk with his Lord. He was an anointed author, bringing forth deep truths of the Spirit with a clarity and simplicity that drew the reader up into a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Nancy Taylor WarnerNancy Taylor Warner, daughter of Wade Taylor, spent most of her childhood in a Bible school environment due to the calling on her father's life. In 1981, the Lord called her to support his message and she since has functioned in a variety of positions. Today, in response to her dad's wishes and the encouragement of its board of directors, she now oversees Wade Taylor Ministries. 

ancy travels at times to speak and pray for others. She particularly enjoys teaching on intimacy with God and other truths that relate to our spiritual growth. She brings an expectation for the visitation at hand, and prays for the life and ministry of Christ to be imparted by the Holy Spirit each time she ministers. Nancy's special gift of relating to and loving people stems from her own love for Jesus and His Kingdom. Her spiritual life messages flow into the hearts and spirits of those to whom she ministers.

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