Showing posts with label transition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transition. Show all posts

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Watch for the Exit Signs to Light Up this Season by Bill Yount By Bill Yount IDENTITY NETWORK

Watch for the Exit Signs to Light Up this Season by Bill Yount

Dec. 15, 2016

I sense the Lord saying to many of us in transition: "Watch for the exit signs this season along major highways." This could mean a significant change of direction or a minor adjustment in our lives and ministry.
Major highways speed up our traveling, but exits take us to our destination. Could it be that the Lord is calling many of us off of the highways to the byways, to take our hands off the steering wheels of our ministry to get our hands on the harvest?
The Next Great Move of God Will Be off the Beaten Path of Ministry
Why are so many people hearing a Lion roar at this time? When the Lion of Judah roars, His call is not tame. I believe He is roaring many of His people off the beaten path of ministry to forge their own trail to reach a chaotic world.
These so called "crazy" ones will be accused of going too far to reach the lost, too far into darkness to be the light, having too many friends that are sinners, all because of God's compelling love. Aren't you thankful that He went too far for you?
There's a Time to Exit
I saw many of God's people driving down a major highway as their lives and ministries were seemingly going wonderful. All of a sudden, I heard the Lord say to them, "Take the next exit!" They appeared shocked for they were certain they were well on their way to fulfill their God-given calling. Doubts and questions flooded their minds until the Lord spoke straight into their unaware fainting lives: "There's power off the next exit." Hearts began turning steering wheels as a strong witness surged through their weary souls, confirming that it was God's voice. They hadn't noticed their gas gauge was resting on empty.
I will never forget what a young adventurous entrepreneur said to me three weeks into his God-given passion: "We already know the day will come when we will exit this ministry. It will become so successful and in demand that it will be real easy to pass it on to someone else so we can create and grow something new unlike the world has ever seen to touch millions." I was astounded at this young man's faith. I have never heard such faith spoken in ministry. To date their ministry is like a wildfire blazing the earth, without my divine wisdom.
To exit means success to this young man—not failure. He plans on that day and looks forward to it. He told me, "As sure as there's a time to start, there's a time to exit."
We have a tendency thinking the word exit represents something less when getting off a major road or ministry. But it's actually God's way of promoting us into something more important on His calendar. It's not the end of the road; it's the bend in the road. Study the routes taken by God's chosen vessels and you will find exits in their callings.
I saw one exit sign flashing, "There's been a change in plans."
The byways tend to be places where we are not familiar with like barnyards. Recently I heard the Lord say, "I'm releasing a 'barnyard anointing' to bring in the harvest. A barn and the harvest go together."
You have to love a barn if you want to see a harvest. You have to love people who act like animals if you want a harvest. You have to love horses because we as His bride are going to ride some wild horses. And it's time to get back on the broncos and bulls that threw us off. We better love donkeys (people we thought the Lord would never use) because the Lord is untying them again to ride them into cities and the nations of the earth.
Get used to the smell of barnyard manure if you want reap a harvest. The No. 1 spiritual fertilizer that helps us and everything else grow is manure. It's the perfume of harvest. Turn to someone near you and tell them, "I got a whole lot of fertilizer around me and something good is about to happen!"
All Hands on Deck
Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty in the harvest fields. The "barnyard anointing" will get your hands dirty. Recently I had a word for the body of Christ: "All Hands On Deck." Now it's time to get our hands dirty.
I saw the hand of the Lord reaching down and scraping the bottom of an old barrel. The bottom was filthy and slimy. That's where He focused on reaching. I don't know about you, but He got his hands dirty when He reached way down for me. I was lost and undone without God and His Son when He reached way down for me. Remember where He found us and where He is now finding others.
The Lord is coming to set our harvest fields on fire. The fire of God will be seen in your own back yard and afar off. We will discover the true fire is in the Harvest. We will catch on fire as souls are born again. It's the fire in the harvest fields that will ignite our churches again.
It's in the harvest fields where we will get our power back, for we will find nourishment and sustenance there. Jesus told His disciples when they brought food back to Him when He was ministering to the woman at the well, "I have meat that you don't know about."
I believe He wants to take many of us off of some main roads into the byways. Watch for those exit signs that will take us there
Bill Yount

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By Bill Yount
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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 Prophecy: A Year of Shifting Seasons and Suddenlies - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Last year, the Holy Spirit expressed to my heart that 2015 was the year of new beginnings. That rang true in my life and in the lives of many, many people whom God called from the waiting room to the delivery room.
2015 was a challenging year in many ways, a year of stretching and transitioning from the old to the new—and now we're going to the next. With regard to 2016, I heard the Holy Spirit say it's a year of "shifting seasons and suddenlies."
Those rhythmic words got my attention. What, exactly, does He mean? On the surface, it sounds like more change, more transition—and at least a few unexpected twists and turns along the way. I decided to press in to pray and study what this practically means. In this first article, I'm giving a general overview at the personal level. I will follow up with more specific details in the weeks ahead.
Embracing Shifting Seasons
We all know what a season is, but we don't always know what season we're in. Spiritually speaking, a season is a period of time—that can be specific or indefinite. We know that to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven (Eccl. 3:1). We know we're not supposed to grow weary in well doing because we'll reap if we don't give up—in due season (Gal. 6:9).
We know that if we meditate on the Word day and night, we will stand like trees planted by the rivers of water, bringing forth fruit in its season and prospering in whatever we do (Ps.1:2-3). But we must also know that it is God who changes the times and seasons (Dan. 2:21). We can't change our own season, but we can position ourselves for a season shift.
Merriam-Webster describes a "shift" as to exchange for or replace by another; to change the place, position or direction of; to change gears; to go through a change. When the Holy Spirit said, "shifting season," it's easy to discern that He meant changes are ahead. Some of you are going to shift from a time of sowing to a time of reaping. Others will shift from weeping to laughing. Still others will shift from lack to prosperity.
I'm reminded of what God told Jeremiah, "For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jer. 29:11). God has good plans for us in 2016. He wants to shift us out of what has held us back from His best and into His good, perfect and acceptable will (Rom. 12:2).
Creating a Climate for the Shift
Our part is to position ourselves for the shift—and that means creating a climate that sets the stage for God to move in our lives. Scientists will tell you that the earth's seasons have shifted in recent years—and they point to climate change as the foundation for the shift.
If we translate this to a spiritual reality—as natural surroundings often correspond to spiritual conditions—it's clear that changing our spiritual climate sets the stage for a shift in spiritual seasons. We can't shift our seasons—God does that. But we can create a climate that invites Him to do the work in our hearts that prepares us for the next season.
What is the spiritual climate over your life? If you are angry, ungrateful, complaining, angry, greedy, controlling, critical, impatient, indifferent, discouraged, jealous, frightened, frustrated, unforgiving, resentful, bitter, selfish or something of the kind, you're creating a spiritual climate over your life that repels the Holy Spirit. He loves you, yes, but your flesh is warring against His Spirit.
If, by contrast, you are thankful, peaceful, prayerful, joyful, generous, forgiving, loving, content, selfless, hopeful, faithful, inspired and worshipful, you are creating an atmosphere that attracts the presence of God. And the presence of the Holy Spirit is the ultimate key to spiritual change and growth. Put another way, we need to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in our lives and reject the works of the flesh. In doing so, we position our hearts for God to shift us into fruitful seasons of harvest.
Wait for the 'Suddenlies'
When you change your climate unto a season shift, it will lead to a "suddenly." Merriam-Webster defines "suddenly" as "happening or coming unexpectedly; a changing angle or character all at once; marked by or manifesting abruptness or haste; made or brought about in a short time."
After weeks of praying in unity, "Suddenly a sound like a mighty rushing wind" and the 150 in the upper room were filled with the Spirit (Acts 2). When Paul and Barnabus experienced persecution for Christ's sake, suddenly an earthquake rose up and opened the doors to the jail (Acts 16:26). Suddenly.
Suddenly you may shift into a promotion. Suddenly you may shift from sickness to health. Suddenly you may shift into greater authority in the spirit. Suddenly you may shift from a dark night of the soul to greater revelation of Christ. Suddenly you may shift from feelings of oppression to new levels of freedom. Suddenly.
Believe for the suddenlies in 2016. Expect them to happen. Wait with anticipation, but understand that you have to do your part. Like the disciples in the Upper Room, you need to pray. Like Paul and Barnabus in the prison, you need to praise. In other words, you need to create a spiritual climate over your life that invites the Holy Spirit to work in your heart, in your life and in your circumstances. Your climate change will eventually lead to a season shift that will bring a suddenly you could never make happen in your own strength.
Take heart in Isaiah 48:3: "I have declared the former things from the beginning and they went forth from My mouth, and I announced them. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass."
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Monday, December 28, 2015

You Can Have a New Beginning in 2016—You Really Can - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

You too can have a new beginning this year.
You too can have a new beginning this year. (Flickr)

You Can Have a New Beginning in 2016—You Really Can

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

JENNIFER LECLAIRE  charisma news

Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at

About this time last year, the Holy Spirit told me 2015 was the year of new beginnings. I embraced that. I preached it all over the country. I heard many testimonies of the wonderful new things the Lord birthed in people's lives.
2015 was a year of new beginnings for me on many levels. In fact, it was one of the most meaningful years of my ministry. I entered into new assignments—including being named the first female editor of Charisma magazine—launched for a number of intercessory prayer initiatives, birthed and joined the New Breed Revival Network. I believe all of this—combined with the labor of many others in the body of Christ—is ultimately unto a Third Great Awakening.
This year, I released my best-selling devotional, Mornings With the Holy Spirit: Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God. That was followed by The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening, which shines lights on God's plans for America even in the face of doom and gloom. I traveled across the country doing media appearances and preaching prophetic messages of hope.
In South Florida, I'm building the Awakening House of Prayer to raise up an army of intercessors who will labor in prayer to see God's will done in the earth. My latest books, Jezebel's Puppets: Exposing the Agenda of False Prophets and Revival Hubs Rising: Revealing a New Ministry Paradigm for the Next Great Move of God, are coming out any day now, and I've got several new projects in the works, including a prophecy Bible and a new spiritual warfare book.
You Can Have a New Beginning
I didn't tell you all that to boast—except maybe in a Lord who can do wonders through someone like me. You may not know my testimony, but I got saved in a jail after being accused of a crime I didn't commit—after my husband abandoned me with our 2-year-old baby nearly two decades ago. I never forget where God has brought me from and I know what it's like to need a new beginning.
You can have a new beginning too. Now is the time to determine that you will press past the past and press into a new beginning. You can birth those new things that Lord has put in your spiritual womb. You can't make it happen in your own strength. I mean to say that you can't do God's part. But you can do your part. As we wrap up 2015, the year of new beginnings, let me leave you with some lessons I shared across the country this year that helped many break into God's new thing.
1. Give your will over to the Lord.
What you are birthing may seem scary to you or it may seem insignificant to you. It may seem overwhelming to you. We can take a lesson from Mary. It's time to face your fears—fear of the unknown, fear of failing, fear of rejection, fear of transition. When the angel came to Mary and told her she would birth the Son of God, she ultimately responded: "I am the servant of the Lord. May it be unto me according to your word" (Luke 1:38).
2. Be willing to adjust your schedule.
When you are expecting a baby, you are preparing for its birth. Women, we change the way we eat, the way we sleep and how we spend our time. As we prepare to enter a year of new beginnings and birthings, we must be willing to adjust our schedules and to spend more time in the Word, in worship and in prayer. That may mean giving up other things. "Therefore, since we are encompassed with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us" (Heb. 12:1, emphasis added).
3. Be willing to shift your direction.
I've had a number of baby dreams over the years. In one of my baby dreams I was nine months pregnant but the baby had stopped moving. The baby wasn't kicking or rolling or showing any sign of life. I thought the baby was dead and I panicked. Then, suddenly, I had the unction to shift the baby's position with gentle pressure from my hand. (I later researched this and discovered there's a name for it: the Diaphragmatic Release.) When I did, I could feel the baby kicking again. I knew all was well.
Sometimes things look dead, but you just have to reposition yourself for life. It doesn't always take much. Just one gentle movement in the right direction can cause God to breathe on that thing again so you can birth it and begin nurturing what God has given you to steward. But you need to hear from the Lord about which way to shift. Remain close to the Holy Spirit, and "your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left" (Is. 30:21).
If God has given you something to birth, it may be time to pull an Ezekiel and speak to those dry bones. It may be time to pull an Elijah and raise it from the dead. It may be time to walk away from the Ishmael. Refuse to abort and just reposition yourself to receive what God intended all along. You could just be in the wrong place or in the wrong time or with the wrong people. Listen to the Lord.
4. Embrace the transition.
Transitions are difficult. This is the place where people tend to grow weary and faint. The moments right before you give birth to that new thing—before you enter that new beginning—are the hardest of all.
And here's a fifth point: Don't give up. I always say that the best thing I have going for me is not my communication skills or even spiritual gifts. It's the fact that I absolutely, positively refuse to give up. I just don't have any quit in me. That doesn't mean I don't get discouraged. I do. It doesn't mean I don't feel like quitting on some days. I do. It just means that for all the thoughts and words I may speak about throwing in the towel on my toughest days, I always get back up again.
In 2016, let that be you. Sometimes victory in spiritual warfare really is just a matter of outlasting the devil. Keep pressing! Jesus is your victory banner.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
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Monday, December 21, 2015

"The Rise of the Jonah Generation" Adam F. Thompson, Adelaide, South Australia - The Elijah List

God is Calling Back the Jonahs!
In reading this prophetic word we must not perceive things the way they are in the natural. This is important because the Body of Christ is entering a time of transition and God is about to raise up a new breed – a Jonah Generation.
Sometimes, the Western Church can look more like an institution; maintaining an appearance of having its act together when the reality is that many are backslidden in their hearts. Many others are caught up in a merry-go-round of being slaves to the system rather than being heirs of the Kingdom.
This Jonah Generation will rise from among those who once had a life-changing mandate from God – a word, a prophecy, an encounter – but who walked away from it because of the religiosity in the Church. These people have not necessarily hardened their hearts, or intentionally gone off the rails, but they (nevertheless) have walked away from their mandate and gone back to trading.
God is calling back these "Jonahs" who have walked away from their original calling and mandate and have instead gone into business. Don't misunderstand me, God will use business and finance for the Kingdom, but not if you're running from your true calling and mandate. 
(Photo via Wikimedia)
This is precisely what Jonah did. He had a calling to declare the word of God to Nineveh, but in fear of its great wickedness he walked away from his mandate. He fled to Tarshish, an ancient city famous for its trading in silver and gold. This Old Testament story is very much a prophetic message for today.
On his way to Tarshish, Jonah was swallowed by a big fish, perhaps a whale, although the Bible doesn't use that name. In a dream, a big fish may be a metaphor for a Believer, but it is also a metaphor for revelation.
Throw Your Net on the Right Side
The disciples had a three-year encounter with Jesus, witnessed the resurrection, and had a clear mandate to "Go into all the world," but John 21 shows us that they didn't see that as a way of life.
When Peter announced he was going back to his fishing business, some of his fellow disciples went with him. A Man on the shore called out, "Have you caught anything?" When they told Him they'd caught nothing, the Man told them to throw their nets on the right side.
Isn't it interesting that none of them recognised this Man as Jesus?
Walking away from our mandate and going back to trading makes it easy to forget the Lord and become dull and numb to the revelation of Jesus Christ. When the Lord told the disciples to let down the net on the right side, the nets were completely filled but without breaking. 
This is a metaphor for the new wineskin and the big catch is a metaphor for the revelation of Jesus Christ. (Photo via Wikimedia)
The disciples said, "It's the Lord!" and Peter immediately swam for the shore to be with Him. The disciples gathered around the fire that Jesus had made to cook the fish they caught, and they had communion with Him. They ate, they had revelation, and they were restored to their heavenly positions, especially Peter.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Jonahs Will Have the Revelation of Jesus Christ
When Jonah was swallowed by the big fish it was as though he was enveloped by the revelation of the heart of the Father. Remember, the fish took Jonah to the deep heart of the ocean. This is a picture mirrored in Psalm 42:7"Deep calls to deep." Jonah went to the deep heart of God, and following that revelation of who the eternal God is, the fish spewed Jonah onto the shore.
Whales are very sensitive to frequencies, which is why they are a metaphor for big prophetic ministries. A prophet must be sensitive. Jonah, as a prophet, was released from the whale into the natural realm as a sign and a wonder.
Jonah was spat out and released into the natural realm as one prepared to deal with the dark evil of Nineveh. But Jonah was a sign and a wonder, who walked into Nineveh, opened his mouth, and saw that whole atmosphere of darkness changed. He could do that because he was not a slave to the system anymore, but exercising spiritual dominion over it. The result was that Nineveh's leaders bowed the knee and repented.
In raising a Jonah Generation, God will restore people who have been perceived as "backslidden" because they don't attend church. This is not saying it's okay to avoid fellowship, but rather that they will come to the place of being enveloped in the revelation of Jesus Christ, the image of God. 
(Photo via Pixabay)
They will have revelation of who they are and come into the intimacy that activates the Kingdom of God. They will be people who walk in signs and wonders that change the whole atmosphere of their environment. That's what being a revivalist looks like.
At the present time there's a lot of darkness covering the earth, but it's the dark before the dawn, and we need to see it with hope and excitement. This darkness is to inspire followers of Christ to rise up. For many, this will be Joel's "valley of decision" (Joel 3:14) to bring in the greatest harvest ever seen on planet Earth.
Just as the darkness of the holocaust preceded the re-birth of the nation of Israel, the darkness that is coming will be followed by the birthing of the billion soul harvest.
God is raising up a group of prophets like Jonah. Prophets who will change atmospheres and not be slaves to the world's systems. They are going to be heirs of the Kingdom, influencing leaders and nations.
We need to be encouraged and fasten our seat belts. Jesus Himself said in Luke 21:28"When you see these things happen, lift up your head, because your redemption is near." Psalm 24 tells us to "lift up your heads you gates and allow the King of Glory to come in." The new breed of the Jonah Generation are the gates. Who will let in the King of Glory?
Adam F. Thompson
Co-Author of The Divinity Code
Voice of Fire Ministries 

Adam F. Thompson has a remarkable grace to interpret dreams, move in the Word of knowledge and demonstrate the prophetic. Supernatural signs and manifestations regularly accompany his ministry as he desires to see Jesus "magnified" through the moving of the Holy Spirit. He also has spent the last fifteen years doing mission work throughout Pakistan, India, Africa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia and the Philippines in crusades, feeding programs and conferences. 
Adam is the author of the "The Supernatural Man" and co-author of the best-selling book "The Divinity Code: To Understanding Your Dreams and Visions" and operates itinerantly through his ministry Voice of Fire.

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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Doug Addison: "New Levels of Peace and Provision for Transition" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Doug Addison: "Prophetic Word: New Levels of Peace and Provision for Transition"

by Doug Addison
Nov 12, 2015
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Here is another "spot on" word from our friend, Doug Addison. Many prophetic voices have spoken recently about the number 11, as we are in the 11th month and is symbolic of transition. Doug shares here:
God is giving clear signs to help guide you through the transitions, so watch for them. Expect to see provision and greater resources become available to you. Be willing to let go of the old to open up the new. In most cases, you will need to take a step of faith for these new doors of opportunity to open for you.
We are in an important "transition time" in the Church where God is telling us over and over again that we are moving out of the old and opening up the NEW that He has for us.
Read this crucial word by Doug...and learn how you can get positioned to transition into the new!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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This month of November is a time when we will see many spiritual changes. November is the 11th month, and the number 11 is symbolic of transition.
September 23, 2015, was Yom Kippur, the most holy day on the Jewish calendar. Jewish people believe that this is the day the Books of Heaven are opened over our lives and over leaders and nations. God releases our destiny for the next year at that time.
Many people were promoted to a new level in the spirit or in maturity this year. Along with this comes a major transitional shift that takes time to work out the new plans in our lives. (Photo via Doug Addison)
Because of all the transition happening over your spiritual life, new spiritual gifts are being given to you and new angels are being assigned. As this happens you might not be as familiar with them or know just how things work just yet. As our callings and assignments change we cannot assume that we can do things the way we used to.
Watch For the New
As we enter into a new season we need to embrace this:
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past" (Isaiah 43:18).
It is important not to assume that we can do things the way we did before. Consider what happened to Moses when God spoke to him to strike a rock and water would miraculously flow from it (see Exodus 17:6). Then later, in a new season, God told him to speak to the rock and not to strike it (see Numbers 20:7-12).
Unfortunately, Moses used an old way of doing things and hit the rock instead of speaking to it. Even though the miracle happened and water flowed from it, because he did not follow God's instructions it limited him in fulfilling his life calling.
God is giving clear signs to help guide you through the transitions, so watch for them. Expect to see provision and greater resources become available to you. Be willing to let go of the old to open up the new. In most cases, you will need to take a step of faith for these new doors of opportunity to open for you.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Angels of Peace and Provision
On October 6, at 6:33 AM, I had a spiritual encounter and I was taken into a trance-like state (see Acts 10:10) that lasted 33 minutes. An angel came into the room and laid hands on me and imparted peace and spoke words from Matthew 6:33-34. The angel spoke the words, "Don't worry," as God's presence and peace enveloped me and formed a shield or force field, like a coat of armor. 
(Photo by Jennifer Page "Angel Among Us" via
But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-34
As I came out of this spiritual experience, I heard the Holy Spirit say that people everywhere are getting this impartation of peace and provision to rise above the storms happening right now. Whether you are aware of an angel or not, receive this by faith that God is giving you new levels of peace and the resources you will need to get through this time of transition.
Fear Versus Wisdom
We are entering into seven years of new, divine opportunities to advance God's Kingdom and receive repayment for losses over the past 14 years (since 2001). I released this last April in a prophetic word titled "Don't Hold Back."
Many people have told me that they were holding back on decisions, buying houses, moving, taking jobs, etc., because they believed the economy was going to crash last September. This kind of thinking is usually motivated by fear and will actually cause things to crash in your life. It is important to get on God's timetable and to forget some things that are no longer relevant for this season.
We need to understand the difference between fear and wisdom. When your decisions are motivated by fear you will not have a plan. When you are using wisdom, you will have heard from God and you will make decisions with divine intentions. (Photo via Pixabay)
Operating out of fear can cause you to hesitate or hold back and possibly miss God's timing. There are times that you may need to use wisdom and put things on hold. But this usually comes with peace (not fear) and God confirms it with a plan or solution.
God is releasing divine solutions and it is not the time to hold back, but to move forward with confidence. Listen to God as plans and strategies are coming for the next seven years of blessing.
Enter Into God's Rest
Last month I released a prophetic word that over the next 24 weeks, through March 9, 2016, it will be important to pull back and get a new strategy. I want to encourage you to respond to this by taking time to rest and get refreshed. As you do this, you will see new plans come to you that you will need to succeed in 2016.
Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Major Reforming Happening by Doug Addison

Major Reforming Happening 

by Doug Addison

Identity Network
If you are reading this then congratulations, you have made it through some very uncertain times. The good news is that things are going to start getting progressively better after this month.
This is from my prophetic word for 2015 that I released last January: There will be another major spiritual shift in June (the first one was in May of this year) and "June gloom" will lift and the fog of forgetfulness will be removed. God will begin to bring to your memory promises you have forgotten. This will set the pace for the rest of the year. Watch for things to "fall into place" in the fall.
Take Cover
When I say, "Take cover," most people think of something negative coming. But God is saying that if you stay under His covering things will work out great. Don't be distracted by things that are in disarray right now. Things are going to smooth out in July.
Psalm 91:1-4 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
The enemy wants you to think that you missed something or messed up.
Take cover in God and you will not have to worry.
Major Reformation
Watch for big things from small beginnings. If you have ever heard God say to you, "Don't despise humble beginnings," understand that God is gathering small groups together to do something great. It is important to be aligned in the right place, at the right time and with the right people for the second half of the year.
We will see a shift come as we get aligned with God's purposes for our lives. There is a major reformation at hand!
• Repositioning
• Regrouping
• Reshaping
I keep seeing 2:22 on the clock. God spoke to me about this through Daniel 2:22:
Daniel 2:19-22 During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven and said: Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.
Watch for These Things Starting in June:
God is speaking through dreams and visions. The season is changing. Expect to see changes coming as God raises up new leaders for this next movement coming. God is revealing deep mysteries that have not been revealed. Expect to have hidden things revealed and a strategy on how to respond.
How to Move in what God is Doing Right Now
Develop this foundation:
  • Agree that all things are possible for those who believe.
  • "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 NKJV " … but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 NIV
  • Understand that God is not angry and is not out to harm you.
  • God is the giver of good gifts.
  • God is a loving Father who wants to give us good things.
  • God is for you and not against you or mad at you.
  • God is not causing the bad things that we see happening in the world.
  • God wants to give us the desires of our heart and wants to do this as our heart becomes more like His. Psalm 37:4
  • God wants to give you hope, a future, and not harm you. He longs to see you prosper and succeed. Jeremiah 29:11
  • You are truly a new creation in Christ, and old things no longer have power over you unless you allow them to.
Log jams
God showed me that many people are suffering from cloudy vision and confusion because of a critical spirit. When we judge others we can block blessings from flowing to us. Consider these verses that have to do with giving …
Luke 6:37-38 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
People are suffering from spiritual log jams. For the most part it is from holding judgments against others.
Matthew 7:3-4 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?"
Overall it is a time of major transition. Things are going to start to flow more freely. God is going to reveal a strategy that you need to flow in His will and timing for the remainder of the year.
Can you sense the transition? Ask God if you have any areas of blindness due to a "log of judgment" in your eye. God is gracious and is preparing you for increase! Remember to rise above your current circumstance and don't let anything stop you!
Doug Addison

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