Monday, September 1, 2014

No Names - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

No Names
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed; and they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it; and nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.” Rev. 21:25-27 NASU

It had been almost two months since I had written a NOW THINK ON THIS article. In fact, when I started writing this one I didn’t even have a title, so I just started out calling it “No Name.” Come to find out that is what it ended up being, in plurality though.

Over this period of summer time, from mid-July to the first day of September, the days had been long as time moved forward. During those days, my wife’s Mom, Lorraine, had passed on at the age of 92 to her eternal reward. Other than that, it seemed nothing significant had occurred that directly affected our immediate lives here in North Carolina, or so one might think. Almost daily newscasts reported on Israel protecting her citizens and eliminating some Hamas terrorists in Gaza (though you had to get news from Israel itself to get it reported accurately); Russia seemed to be lying about its involvement in Ukraine; and the USA continued on its downward path socially and economically, that a good portion of its citizens haven’t eyes to see. Only our Lord has the complete wisdom and understanding as to what it all means, where it is going, and how exactly this age will be fulfilled in His plans and purposes.

Through all of this, many well-known people have been spoken of or written about. In considering those names whom the world highlights, with their feats of glory in government, sports, education, entertainment, religion or science, it makes me think of the millions whom we never hear about, who live or had lived “normal” lives, rarely seen or heard outside their immediate family and friends, and yet whom the Lord considers as friends for the relationship they have (or had before their passing) with Him.

My wife Laurie likes to read the daily obituaries printed in the Charlotte Observer delivered to our home. I have questioned her interest in this a few times, thinking of it personally as a waste of time, to read of the deaths of those in our city and nearby towns. But then again, as we value the lives of those the Lord has created, these “no names” in my life are among the many who have impacted the lives of kin, work places, and realms they walked in while living. Hopefully many of them lived the life their Creator had intended – to be fruitful, multiply, and demonstrate His love. Hopefully they knew the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord, and now also abide with Him. Time will tell us. By now they know for themselves.

Looking back over 60 years of life, I believe I treasured the desire in my heart, of wanting to make my life count, of hearing what the Lord had created for me to do, and then doing it. He has certainly taken me down many roads, both physically and spiritually, that I would not have expected. I also believe that when the roll is called up yonder and the Book of Life is opened, that the life led here on planet Earth will have had an impact beyond what my natural eyes have seen. I too would hope that the ripple effect of obedience will have touched others enough to have caused them to look to the One seated on the throne, for faith, hope and love.

Many “no names” are doing what they know to do – in serving the needs of those around them; raising families in an environment hostile against Scriptural marriages; working a noble job the best they know how; and giving to their fellow mankind a part of the Father’s heart – doing so while living their daily life. We may never hear their name broadcast on the local or national news, printed in the town newspaper, or going viral on the social media, but He Who is All Knowing knows their name, and is ready to give them their reward at that appointed time.

I may not start reading the obituaries, but next time I do hear of someone “famous” dying and their feats glorified, I will think of the many who also left their body here that day, unreported by most accounts, and whom the majority of us will never hear about. But when I meet them in heaven, where true eternal deeds will be revealed, having passed through the testing fire, I will marvel at the impact they certainly had, doing what they were gifted to do. They certainly will be honored and cherished more than what they ever dreamed of, as they stand before the Lamb, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and their names in the Book of Life are called off. The “no names” will have shared His Name.

“Then I looked, and there was the Lamb standing on Mount Tziyon; and with him were 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.” Rev. 14:1-2 Complete Jewish Bible

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

 If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #162 - “No Names” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (09.01.14) Monday at 2:30 pm in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Israel's History - a Picture a Day - How Did WWI End in former Palestine?

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 01 Sep 2014

Handwritten caption: "The Mayor of Jerusalem Hussein Effendi El Husseini meeting 
with Srgts Sedwick and  Hurcomb..., London Regiment, under the White Flag of
 Surrender, December 9th at 8 a.m." The white flag was a bed sheet
taken from the American Colony residence. (1917, Library of Congress)
World War I began 100 years ago in the Middle East  with the Turkish assault on the British-held Suez Canal.

Let's skip to the end and view how it the war concluded in Jerusalem in December 1917. 

The British forces stalled in their attempt to capture Palestine through Gaza. A daring attack across the desert to Be'er Sheva in October 1917 opened the path to Jerusalem.

Click here for more on the surrender of Jerusalem to two British army sergeants. 

The Middle East fighting continued until October 1918, after major battles in Megiddo, Jericho and Damascus.

Turkish troops arriving in Jerusalem from nearby positions, before fleeing the city 
(1917, stereograph photo, Monash University archives)

British General Edmund Allenby's arrival in Jerusalem via the Jaffa Gate
 after the city's surrender (1917, Library of Congress)

Friday, August 29, 2014

John Mark McMillan - "Future / Past" (Live Performance Video) - Dove Award Nomination 2014

John Mark McMillan

Published on Jan 15, 2014
"Future / Past" is the first single off John Mark McMillan's upcoming LP Borderland, which debuts March 04, 2014.

Buy "Future / Past" now on iTunes:

"Future / Past" by John Mark McMillan ::

You hold the reins on the sun and the moon
Like horses driven by kings
You cover the mountains, the valleys below
With the breadth of your mighty wings

All treasures of wisdom and things to be known
Are hidden inside your hand
And in this fortunate turn of events
You ask me to be your friend
You ask me to be your friend

And you,
You are my first
You are my last
You are my future and my past

The constellations are swimming inside
The breadth of your desire
Where could I run, where could I hide
from your heart's jealous fire

All treasures of wisdom and things to be known
Are hidden inside your hand
And in this fortunate turn of events
You ask me to be your friend
You ask me to be your friend

And you,
You are my first
You are my last
You are my future and my past

You are the beginning and the end

9 Things Men Seek at Church

9 Things Men Seek at Church

Men's discipleship
Men, what are you looking for in your local church? (Lightstock file photo)

New Man

There is no easy answer, but in this article I would like to provide some basic principles that will help you develop a male-friendly church. The overriding principle is simply this:
The environment you develop is more important than the events or programs you put on. A man is looking for an environment that is consistent with who he is as a man and a place where he feels comfortable belonging and becoming the man God wants him to be.
1. Relevance. Most men in our society today do not see the value of going to church because it is not speaking their language, and it is not addressing the issues they face. For example, a recent survey showed that 92 percent of church-going men have never heard a sermon on the subject of work. The unspoken message is: What you do for 60 to 70 hours a week does not relate to what you do on Sunday mornings. The most important issues for men are their work, family, marriage, sexuality and finances—and rarely are these addressed from the pulpit today? Some of the key questions men are asking are:
  • What is true masculinity?
  • What is success?
  • How do I deal with guilt feelings?
  • What is male sexuality?
  • Is purity possible today?
  • What does a healthy marriage look like?
  • How can I raise my children to be successful?
  • How can I be a man of integrity in the workplace?
  • How can I be a leader in the home, church, workplace and world?
  • What is my purpose in life?
2. To be involved in a cause greater than themselves. Men want to be involved in something driven by a compelling vision. Men want to know what hill the church is climbing, where we are going, what we are about. The church has the greatest and most far-reaching mission on Earth, and we should not be bashful about challenging the men of our congregation with it.
3. A shot at greatness. I have never met a man who wanted to be a failure or a loser. Men want to win. They want to be heroes. They want to come in first. Unfortunately, it seems the church today wants nice men, not great men.
4. To be challenged. Men tend to view the world around them as something to be overcome or conquered. It's high time we told them they do not have to check their competitive drive at the door of the church. If they are seeking risk, adventure, change, competition and expansion—tell them how to find it within the mission of Jesus.
5. Action. Men today are looking for something to do; they do not like sitting around and theorizing about the 27 views of the second coming of Christ! Men measure themselves by productivity and gain a portion of self-image based on what they do. Their desire for adventure is often expressed in the desire to be on the solution side of things. Many churches today are in maintenance mode, rather than being missional.
6. Men are looking for leaders, and they want to be leaders. This principle is simple: Men do not follow programs, they follow men. They want to follow a bold, courageous, visionary leader. Establish an environment where strong leadership is attractive. Not only are men looking for a leader to follow, they want to become leaders themselves. They want to lead in their family, workplace, church, community and world. One of the things you can do is equip them to lead.
7. Fun. If men walk into a church and see a bunch of serious, stoic-looking people, shouldn't they wonder if Christianity really is a killjoy? The world is a serious place; men are looking to laugh and have fun to balance that reality. They love a good joke, funny story or movie. I encourage you to develop a ministry environment in which men have fun together.
8. Brothers. Most men have many acquaintances, but very few men have a good friend. According to statistics, the average man over 35 years old does not have one close friend. Men need teaching on how to develop and strengthen friendships and an environment where they can find genuine male friends.
9. Healing. Many are using socially unacceptable means to deal with their pain—making their work or their hobbies their life, misusing sex, drugs or alcohol. Unless these wounds and hurts are dealt with in a healthy way, they will never become the man that God wants them to be. They will never be able to have healthy relationships or move on from childish behavior.
I hope some of these insights from my own ministry to men will serve you well as you seek to minister more effectively to the men of your church and community.
Steve Sonderman is the associate pastor for men's ministry at Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wis., and the author of How to Build a Life-Changing Men's Ministry.
For the original article, visit

Newsboys | Your Love Never Fails 2012 - music video

Newsboys with Michael Tate

From Newsboys [Baltic Youth Festival] in Riga, Latvia 2012
1080 HD

Michael Tate

Hillsong Live - Forever Reign - music video

Hillsong Live - Forever Reign
(P) (C) 2010 Hillsong Church T/A Hillsong Music Australia. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by EMI Christian Music Group,

Thursday, August 28, 2014

"As In the Days of Nehemiah - It's Begun" - Theresa Phillips

Theresa Phillips:
The Elijah List

Steve ShultzI was at a prayer meeting when the Lord's Presence came in so strong. I heard the intercessors praying for our nation – they were crying out for wisdom for our leaders, for our President, and loving Israel at the same time. It was as if I were hearing many sounds at the same time yet distinctly and uniquely different, but the cause was the same: The Cry was AS ONE!

"I love our Nation to LIFE TO LIFE!!" We were all crying out... and I was instantly reminded of Nehemiah.

A Vision of the Wall

I was seeing a scroll before me, an ancient scroll, and heard the words, "It's begun." In my vision, my senses were activated as the intercessors were praying. I saw a wall, a huge wall, that had been broken down. Holes were huge in the wall and the wall was old and ancient. Once beautiful and fortified, but now left to decay. Then as I looked at the wall, I saw an olive tree, small and green, growing out of the wall!

My heart was feeling torn in two. I was visually seeing brokenness and life at the same time. I began to cry inside of me, not outwardly, because I wanted the intercessors to continue to pray. I was being activated by those prayers! I kept in the vision, and I saw only a few men at first climbing onto that wall.
In one hand was a trowel and in the other The Word (Bible). 
Others began to come to the wall and they began to lift up tools to rebuild the wall. 

Those ON THE WALL were "weeping and repenting" for allowing the wall to fall into decay... They began to take the tools, while others beneath the wall began to brace the wall. They had come to HELP! (Photo Wikipedia)

I lifted my head and I looked off into the distance and saw One man... One Man coming. He was headed to the wall. At first I was timid, until I recognized His garment was draped with flags of the nations. In that one garment were the flags of all the nations. On each flag was written all the different Christian denominations in the nations – Catholic, Protestant, Jew, Christian, etc.

As He neared the wall I saw His eyes, the pupil of His eyes, and I could see a banner. On that banner were the words "One Call". I began to shudder. I knew he was nearing with a purpose – the Wall. Instantly I remembered Nehemiah.

Nehemiah 1:3-4, And they said to me, "The survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire." So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of Heaven.

As I remembered these Scriptures, I knew it was time to weep and pray and fast. I hear Him speak again: "Theresa, tell My people to rebuild: To cry aloud and spare not."

Isaiah 58:1, "Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet..."
"How Lord How?" I asked. He said, "I am about to show you something."
I waited and nothing...

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Dream: We Are At War

Then that night, I had a dream that has shaken me to the core. I saw my husband, an Air Force Technical Sergeant, recalled to Washington (he is retired from 30 years of service). I watched him walk out of the driveway saying to me, "We are at War. Call them to pray and cry out to GOD."

Still in the dream, I was standing in the very center of our driveway with our son... MY son walked close to me. "We are at War mom." "Yes," I said, "we must build a fortified wall."

I awoke from the dream paralyzed with prayer, "GOD, save our nation. God Save our Nation!!"

I knew that my husband would not be recalled to Washington. I knew it was symbolic. We must change our clothes and GO and rebuild what has fallen down. We must ask Jesus to show us where we personally and corporately and regionally need to ask for His sovereign forgiveness. We must rebuild the ancient walls of our Christian spiritual covering that is being viciously attacked all across the world. I knew this...

I joined now with the prayer of Nehemiah. My whole heart is in this:

Nehemiah 1:11, "O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king's cupbearer."

As I wept (I have done this for days), I have fully committed myself to the Prayer of Nehemiah. Because God said to me in a simple prayer meeting where the prayers were surrounding me:"As in the days of Nehemiah, it's begun..."

The Prayer of Nehemiah

If you have it in your heart, will you please take this prayer and pray with me?

Nehemiah 1 (NKJV):
Nehemiah Prays for His People
The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. It came to pass in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the citadel, that Hanani one of my brethren came with men from Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped, who had survived the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. And they said to me, "The survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire." (Photo via deviantart)

So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of Heaven. And I said:

"I pray, Lord God of Heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments, please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of Your servant which I pray before You now, day and night, for the children of Israel Your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against You. Both my father's house and I have sinned. We have acted very corruptly against You, and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded Your servant Moses.

Remember, I pray, the word that You commanded Your servant Moses, saying, 'If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations; but if you return to Me, and keep My commandments and do them, though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens, yet I will gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My name. Now these are Your servants and Your people, whom You have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand.

O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man."

For I was the king's cupbearer.

Nehemiah changed the city! He secured the people GOD heard! God Bless the Christians of the World.
God Bless America. 

Dr. Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice


Dr. Theresa Phillips is senior pastor of Praise Ministries Church and dean of Praise Christian Seminary in St. Charles, Illinois. Theresa is dedicated to helping you encounter the living God and be filled with His never-ending glory. Pastor Theresa and her husband Robert have started an online publication called Chicago Prophetic Voice. This online publication is intended to help you see and hear the unseen and unheard realms of God as they are portrayed in the written Scriptures of the Holy Bible.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Captured Hamas Militants Spill the Beans on Gaza War Crimes

Captured Hamas Militants Spill the Beans on Gaza War Crimes

Thursday, August 28, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
During the summer’s Gaza war, hundreds of Hamas militants surrendered to or were otherwise captured by Israeli forces. In the course of interrogation, many of these prisoners were candid regarding the unlawful tactics of their leaders.
A statement released by the Shin Bet, or Israel Security Agency (the local equivalent of the American FBI) noted that the investigation of these prisoners confirmed that “prominent use was made of mosques and hospitals [in Gaza] as meeting points and hideouts. Worse still was the digging of tunnels and launch sites, and the placing of arsenals, near kindergartens.”
The Shin Bet went on to list a number of the more revealing testimonies, including the names and hometowns of the more chatty prisoners, a move that is certain to get them labeled as “collaborators” back in Gaza.
  • Abdel Rahman Balousha from Khan Younis revealed that the Alsafa and Alabra mosques in his hometown served as meeting and assembly points for Hamas terrorists.
  • Muhammad Ala’a from Khan Younis and Muwaz Abu Tim from Bani Suheila said that they were recruited for Hamas military activity at mosques in their respective hometowns.
  • Muhammad Ramadan from Khan Younis said that his February 2014 training as an anti-tank fighter took place in a hall located beneath the Alshafi mosque. He added that the hall serves as an Izzadin Al-Kassam Brigades training and instruction facility.
  • Muhammad Alqadra from Khan Younis said that several local mosques served as sites to conceal war materiel such as RPGs, heavy PKC machine guns and AK–47s. He added that local schools and hospitals, including the Nasser and Halal hospitals, were also arsenals.
  • Afif Jerakh and Amad Jerakh from Beit Lahiya said that an attack tunnel had been dug close to a kindergarten.
  • Muhammad Abu Daraz from Greater Ibsan said a tunnel in which he worked was begun next to the Alfukhari clinic adjacent to the Abu Daka family home. He said that in the area in Hazara in which he was arrested there is a kindergarten, next to a clinic, to which he was to bring prisoners in the event of a successful kidnapping.
  • Muhammad Alqadra from Khan Younis said that it was well known that senior Hamas leaders and their armed bodyguards, usually in police uniforms, openly hide in hospitals.
  • Marad Amr said that before he was arrested he saw a Hamas Toyota military jeep blocking the entrance to the European hospital in Khan Younis.
The Shin Bet insisted that given this evidence, “it is clear…that Hamas knowingly and intentionally operates in and adjacent to civilian areas… Hamas deliberately operates in these locales, thus turning the civilian population into human shields on the assumption that Israel will be blamed for any injury and loss of life.”
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor this week submitted a lengthy letter including the above and other evidence to the Security Council, and demanded that the world body hold Hamas accountable for its crimes.
“I expect the Security Council to loudly condemn Hamas’ activities,” Prosor wrote. “Despite the fact that the Council recognizes that Hamas has committed war crimes, nothing has been done yet about them.”
PHOTO: 150 Hamas gunmen surrender to Israeli forces during battles in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis.
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1560684_10152651322119936_7852029081806554587_n10625082_10152651322244936_2705460651696297383_nPROPHETIC WATCH WORD!


I am no alarmist but I do know how to discern the obvious.

Christians and children are being slaughtered by ISIS and an American Journalist is beheaded for publication on social media, at the same time that race riots start to spill over into American cities it starts you wondering. What is being unleashed against us?
Is there a connection? Are there other connections?
Then it hit me like a whack to the side of the prophetic head, that Israel and the United States have a unique spiritual connection.
Israel has been under attack by implacable foes committed to their destruction. One of the Hammas tactics that was exposed is an elaborate underground TUNNEL SYSTEM designed to penetrate and GET INTO Israel’s borders to unleash destruction. Money that could have been used for the welfare of the people in building of schools or hospitals was diverted for the construction of multiple tunnels to export terror.
Our BORDER SITUATION with Mexico has been on the news. Masses of people, including vicious CRIME GANGS have been coming over along with a flood of youth. ISIS has been caught communicating with leading Mexican DRUG CARTELS in an effort to coordinate agendas against the United States. Probably leveraging access through our own border.
The ISIS butcher who did the beheading of the American is believed to be a British man. The U.K. has been host to many unhappy Muslim sympathisers. News reports that as many as 100 ISIS trained Brits and US citizens are expected to be working their way into the United States and back to England.
Remembering 9-11 when we were hosting terror cells that plotted our destruction.
Americas lawlessness and rejection of God reminds me of a Proverb of Solomon…
“He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” (Pr 25:28) As we cast off Biblical values our walls collapse.
The only ones who will see this connection are Gods people. Maybe this is a catalyst for us to humble ourselves and pray and turn from our own wicked ways so God can heal our land?
The secular world will laugh at the notion that our nation is experiencing the erosion of its divine protection.
Let us pray that God will use this hour to truly awaken His church and that we shall prevail in rebuilding the walls and restoring the fear of God to a nation asleep to its own perilous condition.
Now is the time we REALLY NEED TO BE WATCHMEN!
Let me hear from you.
1.) How do you suggest we pray? (Give me some brief comments – short enough so all can be read) and also give a prayer strategy.
2.) Are you seeing this connection also?
KNOW that God is working all this together for an American Awakening