Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sh'ma (Shema) Israel

Love For His People YouTube

Sh'ma Israel

We joined together in reciting the Hebrew prayer "Sh'ma Israel" 
(in Hebrew - "Hear O Israel") during the annual An Evening Honoring Israel. 
This prayer calls on the Name of the Lord.

An Evening To Honor Israel is an annual event hosted by Beit Yeshua, led by co-Founders Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams, in Lincolnton, NC.

The ministries of Highway to Zion (Cathy Hargett), Israel Media Ministries (Ze'ev Nevo)
and Love For His People (Steve & Laurie Martin) joined in blessing Israel and the Jews
on April 12, 2013 . We love to network in celebration together for His purposes!

Click the YouTube link above to listen to the words,  see the lyrics, and join along with us.

(Below is from the website Judaism 101 )


Please note that this page contain the name of God.
If you print it out, please treat it with appropriate respect. If you do not have experience reading transliteration
please see the Guide to Transliteration.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Hebrew MIDI
Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.
Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.
In an undertone:
Barukh sheim k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed.
Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.
V'ahav'ta eit Adonai Elohekha b'khol l'vav'kha uv'khol naf'sh'kha uv'khol m'odekha.
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
V'hayu had'varim ha'eileh asher anokhi m'tzav'kha hayom al l'vavekha.
And these words that I command you today shall be in your heart.
V'shinan'tam l'vanekha v'dibar'ta bamAnd you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them
b'shiv't'kha b'veitekha uv'lekh't'kha vaderekh uv'shakh'b'kha uv'kumekha
when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.
Uk'shar'tam l'ot al yadekha v'hayu l'totafot bein einekha.
And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.
Ukh'tav'tam al m'zuzot beitekha uvish'arekha.
And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 11:13-21
V'hayah im shamo'a tish'm'u el mitz'votai
And it shall come to pass if you surely listen to the commandments
asher anokhi m'tzaveh et'khem hayom
that I command you today
l'ahavah et Adonai Eloheikhem ul'av'do b'khol l'vav'khem uv'khol naf'sh'khem
to love the Lord your God and to serve him with all your heart and all your soul,
V'natati m'tar ar'tz'khem b'ito yoreh umal'kosh
v'asaf'ta d'ganekha v'tirosh'kha v'yitz'harekha.
That I will give rain to your land, the early and the late rains,
that you may gather in your grain, your wine and your oil.
V'natati eisev b'sad'kha liv'hem'tekha v'akhal'ta v'sava'ta.
And I will give grass in your fields for your cattle and you will eat and you will be satisfied.
Hisham'ru lakhem pen yif'teh l'vav'khem
v'sar'tem va'avad'tem Elohim acheirim v'hish'tachavitem lahem

Beware, lest your heart be deceived
and you turn and serve other gods and worship them.
V'charah af Adonai bakhem v'atzar et hashamayim v'lo yih'yeh matar
v'ha'adamah lo titein et y'vulah

And anger of the Lord will blaze against you, and he will close the heavens and there will not be rain,
and the earth will not give you its fullness,
va'avad'tem m'heirah mei'al ha'aretz hatovah asher Adonai notein lakhem.
and you will perish quickly from the good land that the Lord gives you.
V'sam'tem et d'varai eileh al l'vav'khem v'al naf'sh'khem
uk'shar'tem otam l'ot al yed'khem v'hayu l'totafot bein eineikhem
So you shall put these, my words, on your heart and on your soul;
and you shall bind them for signs on your hands, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.
V'limad'tem otam et b'neikhem l'dabeir bam
And you shall teach them to your children, and you shall speak of them
b'shiv't'kha b'veitekha uv'lekh't'kha vaderekh uv'shakh'b'kha uv'kumekha
when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.
Ukh'tav'tam al m'zuzot beitekha uvish'arekha.
And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
L'ma'an yirbu y'maychem vi-y'may v'naychem al ha-adamah
asher nishba Adonai la-avotaychem latayt lahem ki-y'may ha-shamayim al ha-aretz.

In order to prolong your days and the days of your children on the land
that the Lord promised your fathers that he would give them, as long as the days that the heavens are over the earth.
Numbers 15:37-41
Vayo'mer Adonai el mosheh lei'mor
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying...
Dabeir el b'nei Yis'ra'eil v'amar'ta aleihem
Speak to the children of Israel and say to them
v'asu lahem tzitzit al kan'fei vig'deihem l'dorotam
v'nat'nu al tzitzit hakanaf p'til t'kheilet
they should make themselves tzitzit (fringes) on the corners of their clothing throughout their generations,
and give the tzitzit of each corner a thread of blue.
V'hayah lakhem l'tzitzit ur'item oto uz'khar'tem et kol mitz'vot Adonai
va'asitem otam v'lo taturu acharei l'vav'khem v'acharei eineikhem
asher atem zonim achareihem

And they shall be tzitzit for you, and when you look at them you will remember all of the Lord's commandments
and do them and not follow after your heart and after your eyes
which lead you astray.
L'ma'an tiz'k'ru va'asitem et kol mitz'votai viyitem k'doshim lei'loheikhem
In order to remember and do all My commandments, and be holy for your God.
Ani Adonai Eloheikhem
asher hotzei'ti et'khem mei'eretz Mitz'rayim lih'yot lakhhem leilohim
Ani Adonai Eloheikhem
I am the Lord, your God
who lead you from the land of Egypt to be a God to you.
I am the Lord, your God.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

US Senate vows to back Israeli strike on Iran

US Senate vows to back Israeli strike on Iran

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
The US Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of adopting a resolution stating that America will support Israel should the latter decide it is necessary to attack Iran's nuclear program.

Senate Resolution 65 reaffirms America's unwavering support for Israel's security and continued existence, and calls upon the White House to provide military, diplomatic and economic backing should Israel feel compelled to strike Iran as an act of preemptive self-defense.

Seventy out of 100 senators voted in favor of the motion.

Israel had grown concerned that should it become necessary to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, the Obama Administration would not lend its support, either morally, logistically or materially.

Obama's appointment of John Kerry and Chuck Hagel as secretaries of state and defense, respectively, had only deepened that concern, as both men are on record as opposing military action against Iran under any circumstances.

Israel's new defense minister on Tuesday delivered an Independence Day speech in which he said Israel hoped the international community would succeed in halting Iran's nuclear drive, but that Israel must be prepared to act alone.

"The world must lead the battle against Iran, but Israel must take into account the possibility that it may be forced to defend itself, by itself," said Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon.

Ya'alon noted that Iran firing a missile at Israel is not the only danger in allowing the Islamic Republic to go nuclear.

"A nuclear Iran could launch an arms race in the Middle East and spread nuclear weapons among terror groups. This could be the western world's nightmare," he said.

Israel stands with, helps Boston in hour of need

Israel stands with, helps Boston in hour of need

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israel on Tuesday sent its deepest condolences to the people of Boston after two terrorist bombs killed three people and wounded 183 others at the finish line of the Boston Marathon a day earlier. There were many children among the casualties.

"Yesterday, a day of enjoyment in Boston was turned into a day of terror," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "We send our condolences to President Obama, the American people and the bereaved families.

On this day and on any day, Israel stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the American people. We are partners in freedom and in seeking a better future for all humanity."

Israeli humanitarian aid organizations offered to dispatch assistance, and Israel Police Chief Yohanan Danino and his senior staff departed for a scheduled visit to Boston to meet with FBI and other US law enforcement officials.

Danino will work to further law enforcement cooperation between the two nations and provide Israeli expertise in the investigation into the marathon bombing.

By contrast, members of the Palestinian organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad reportedly danced and handed out candies in the streets of Gaza after hearing about the spilling of American blood. Islamists in neighboring Jordan told local media that the Americans deserved such terror.

Many Muslims were "happy to see the horror in America," Mohammad al-Chalabi, the leader of a Salafi group in Jordan, was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, the chief of emergency services at Massachusetts General Hospital, the hospital that treated the bulk of those wounded in the Boston Marathon bombing, credited Israel with preparing his staff to effectively deal with such an scenario.

Dr. Alasdair Conn said that two years ago, he had invited Israeli experts to train his staff on handling mass casualty situations. That training was put to good use on Monday, and Massachusetts General was widely praised for the way it handled the situation.

"Israel IS A Person - Yeshua IS Israel" - Ze'ev Nevo of Israel Media Ministries (Part 2 of 2)

Ze'ev Nevo

Ze'ev Nevo, Founder of Israel Media Ministries, is an Israeli Jewish believer. 

He was the guest speaker at  An Evening Honoring Israel, an annual event to bless Israel and the Jews on their Independence Day anniversary celebration. 

Beit Yeshua (Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams, co-Founders) host this time. 

Highway To Zion (Cathy Hargett) and Love For His People (Steve & Laurie Martin) 
are blessed to join together with our support.

We love to hear the Word of God (Torah) as Ze'ev shares this fascinating truth!

(YouTube - Part 2 of 2) Yeshua IS Israel - Ze'ev Nevo

 Ze'ev with Janice Anthony of Beit Yeshua

Israel IS A Person - Yeshua IS Israel - Ze'ev Nevo of Israel Media Ministries (Part 1 of 2)

Ze'ev Nevo of Israel Media Ministries

Ze'ev Nevo, Founder of Israel Media Ministries, is an Israeli Jewish believer. 

He was the guest speaker at  An Evening Honoring Israel, an annual event to bless Israel and the Jews on their Independence Day anniversary celebration. 

Beit Yeshua (Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams, co-Founders) host this time. 

Highway To Zion (Cathy Hargett) and Love For His People (Steve & Laurie Martin) 
are blessed to join together with our support.

We love to hear the Word of God (Torah) as Ze'ev shares this fascinating truth!

Ze-ev Nevo of Israel Media Ministries

(Part 1 of 2)

Shabbat Blessing - Paul & Susan Miles of Beit Yeshua

Paul & Susan Miles of Beit Yeshua

Paul Miles of Beit Yeshua

*Editor's Note: I regret that I did not capture the candle lighting on video by Susan Miles, as I wasn't quick enough in switching my Canon camera from "photo" to "video." Sorry Susan!  
Steve Martin

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jewish Holidays 2013-2014

All holidays begin at sundown on the evening before the date specified in the tables below. For example, if the dates for Rosh Hashana were listed as Sep 19-20, then the holiday begins at sundown on Sep 18 and ends at sundown on Sep 20. Dates in bold are yom tov, so they have similar obligations and restrictions to Shabbat in the sense that normal "work" is forbidden.
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Major holidays

HolidayHebrew Year 5774Description
Rosh HashanaSep 5-6, 2013The Jewish New Year
Yom KippurSep 14, 2013Day of Atonement
SukkotSep 19-20, 2013
Sep 21-25, 2013
Feast of Tabernacles
Shmini AtzeretSep 26, 2013Eighth Day of Assembly
Simchat TorahSep 27, 2013Day of Celebrating the Torah
ChanukahNov 28-Dec 5, 2013The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
PurimMar 16, 2014Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar
PesachApr 15-16, 2014
Apr 17-20, 2014
Apr 21-22, 2014
Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread
ShavuotJun 4-5, 2014Festival of Weeks, commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai
Tish'a B'AvAug 5, 2014The Ninth of Av, fast commemorating the destruction of the two Temples

Minor holidays

HolidayHebrew Year 5774Description
Tu BiShvatJan 16, 2014New Year for Trees
Purim KatanFeb 14, 2014Minor Purim celebration during Adar I on leap years
Shushan PurimMar 17, 2014Purim celebrated in Jerusalem and walled cities
Days of the Omer7 weeks from the second night of Pesach to the day before Shavuot
Pesach SheniMay 14, 2014Second Passover, one month after Passover
Lag B'OmerMay 18, 201433rd day of counting the Omer

Public fasts

HolidayHebrew Year 5774Description
Tzom GedaliahSep 8, 2013Fast of the Seventh Month
Asara B'TevetDec 13, 2013Fast commemorating the siege of Jerusalem
Ta'anit EstherMar 13, 2014Fast of Esther
Ta'anit BechorotApr 14, 2014Fast of the First Born
Tzom TammuzJul 15, 2014Fast commemorating breaching of the walls of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar

Modern holidays

HolidayHebrew Year 5774Description
Yom HaShoahApr 28, 2014Holocaust Memorial Day
Yom HaZikaronMay 5, 2014Israeli Memorial Day
Yom HaAtzma'utMay 6, 2014Israeli Independence Day
Yom YerushalayimMay 28, 2014Jerusalem Day

Paul Wilbur - Zealous Over Zion

Sing it loud, clear, and oh so often Paul!!! 




Paul Wilbur - Zealous Over Zion!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hatikva Song - An Evening Honoring Israel

We sang "Hatikva" (in Hebrew - "The Hope") during the annual An Evening Honoring Israel. Hatikva is the Israeli National Anthem. This version is sung by Marty Goetz.

An Evening To Honor Israel is hosted by Beit Yeshua, led by co-Founders Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams, in Lincolnton, NC. The ministries of Highway to Zion (Cathy Hargett), Israel Media Ministries (Ze'ev Nevo) and Love For His People (Steve Martin) joined in blessing Israel and the Jews. April 12, 2013 Join in singing!!!

Click the YouTube link here to listen to the song,  see the lyrics, and sing with us.

Shalom my friends,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Happy #65 Independance Day Israel!



Happy Independance Day

Israel! - #65

The Lord God of Israel,

Yeshua HaMashiach,

stands watch over you

with loving arms

wide open.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Gid Anthony sings "Adonai" (Paul Wilbur) - An Evening Honoring Israel

Gid Anthony sings "Adonai

Published on Apr 13, 2013
Gid (Gideon) Anthony sings this Paul Wilbur song "Adonai" during the annual An Evening Honoring Israel, hosted by Beit Yeshua (Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams) in Lincolnton, NC. Highway to Zion (Cathy Hargett), Israel Media Ministries (Ze'ev Nevo) and Love For His People (Steve Martin) joined in blessing Israel and the Jews. April 12, 2013

Israel's Memorial Day & Independence Day

Israel Memorial Day - יום הזכרון
Monday, April14,  2013

The Hebrew word zakhar (זָכַר) means "remember,"
and zikaron (זִכָּרוֹן) means "memorial."
Yom HaZikaron (יוֹם הַזִּכָּרוֹן), then, is the
"Day of Memorial" for those soldiers who
gave up their lives in battle for the creation
 and defense of the State of Israel.
In 1951 the Israeli Knesset established Iyyar 4
(the day immediately before Israel's Independence Day)
as Israel's Memorial Day. In more recent times, the
holiday has also become associated with victims of
political terrorism.

Although Yom Hazikaron is observed on the 4th of Iyyar,
it may be moved earlier or postponed if its observance
(or that of Israeli Independence Day, which follows it)
conflicts with the weekly Sabbath.
This year Yom HaZikaron is postponed one day to
occur on Sunday, April 14th at sundown
(the first siren is sounded at 8:00 p.m.), with
various commemoration services scheduled
throughout the following day.

Israel Independence Day - יום העצמאות
April 14, 2013

After the Jewish people had suffered for nearly
2,000 years of exile as clearly foretold by Moses
(Lev. 26:38, 44; Deut. 28:64-64)
and the Hebrew prophets (Isa. 43:5-6;
Jer. 30:11; Joel 3:2; Ezek. 36:8-10;
Hos. 9:1-10, etc.),
Israel was miraculously reborn as a nation in their
ancient homeland on May 14, 1948 (Iyyar 5, 5708).
Today Jews across the world celebrate Iyyar 5
as Israeli Independence Day.

As mentioned above, the date for
Yom Ha'atzmaut can vary from year
to year. For instance, this year it is
moved a day later (i.e., to Iyyar 6th).
On our secular calendar
Independence Day is therefore
observed Monday, April 15th
at sundown until the following sundown.

Note that the word Atzma'i (עַצְמָאִי) means "independent"
in Hebrew. The word atzmaut (עַצְמָאוּת) means the state of
indepedence, which comes from atzmi - "my bones" (עֶצֶם).
Hence the "Day of Independence" is called
Yom Ha'atzmaut in Hebrew.
The name reminds us of God's promise to revive
the "dry bones" (עֲצָמוֹת) of Israel by bringing the
Jewish people back from their long exile (Ezek. 37:4-5).עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי / am Yisrael chai: "The people of Israel live!"
The nation of Israel is God's "super sign" that He is
faithful to His covenant promises (Jer. 31:35-37).

Celebrating Israel's independence acknowledges

God's loyal love for us all.

From "Hebrew For Christians" website.

The 2 Spies: HOPE ~ Talking About Tikva! (HOPE!)

The 2 Spies: HOPE ~ Talking About Tikva !: This week Israel will be celebrating 65 years since the founding of the State. For a human, 65 years usually signals the beginning of retirement years. For Israel, well what can we say.... we've only just begun! How far we have progressed in these few years... and we Israelis are feeling nothing but... HOPE ! Hope for our future~ a glorious future~ a successful path set in front of us. We are enjoying and know that we will continue to enjoy a passionate life here in the Land of our Promise. Join with us as we celebrate !
(Maybe THIS is YOUR year to make Aliyah !!)


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Israel set to launch 24-hour global news network

Israel set to launch 24-hour global news network
Friday, April 12, 2013 | Israel Today Staff
Israel has been talking about fielding a global news network to compete with the likes of CNN, the BBC and Al Jazeera for years. It appears that dream might finally come true this summer with the launch of i24news.

Privately funded so that it will not rely on government backing or donations from the Jewish community, i24news will be based in the greater Tel Aviv area from where it will broadcast worldwide in English, French and Arabic.

A number of prominent figures from the Israeli broadcasting scene have joined i24news, giving it a far better chance of success than previous proposals for an Israeli global news network.

With Israel and the conflicts surrounding it commanding so much focus from the international media, it makes sense for the Jewish state to be broadcasting news from its perspective to a global audience.

Those interested can already visit and sign up to be notified when the channel officially launches. (Editor's Note: I signed up!)