Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Netanyahu Arrives in China

Netanyahu Arrives in China

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began an official visit to China Monday despite tensions back home following the alleged Israeli airstrikes on Syrian weapons storage facilities.
Israeli commentators said it was important for Netanyahu to maintain his plans to signal that Israel is continuing its business as usual.
Netanyahu did delay his departure slightly Sunday afternoon to attend a security cabinet meeting on the latest developments.
Syrian government officials told the New York Times dozens of elite troops were killed in the airstrikes. Opposition forces confirmed "the strikes hit bases of the Republican Guard and storehouses of long-range missiles in addition to a military research center that American officials have called the country's main chemical weapons factory."
Despite the tenuous situation on the northern border, Netanyahu did not cancel the trip to China, where he hopes to advance economic cooperation between the two countries and present Israel's perspective on Iran.
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon will serve as acting prime minister during his absence.
After landing in Shanghai Monday morning, Netanyahu, his wife, Sarah, and sons Yair and Avner headed for a hi-tech park on the first leg of the five-day visit.
At the park, Netanyahu and his family saw some of the latest innovations in alternative energy, urban development, the environment, aviation and space exploration, computer networking, and medicine by international companies doing business in China.
"We see here the logos of many of the world's leading companies," Netanyahu said as he viewed the list of companies in the park. "I hope that we will soon see on this wall the logos of many Israeli companies. This is the goal -- to expand bilateral economic cooperation and significantly increase Israeli exports to China."
"China and Israel have much to gain from enhanced cooperation and that's our goal," Mark Regev, the prime minister's spokesman, told AFPearlier.
In Shanghai, Netanyahu will meet with business leaders and sign several international trade agreements before departing for Beijing later in the week, where he'll meet with President Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Li Keqiang and other senior government officials.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will be in China during part of Netanyahu's visit, where he reportedly plans to present his perspective on the stalemated peace talks.

Israel upset by Google's recognition of Palestine

Israel upset by Google's recognition of Palestine

Monday, May 06, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israel on Sunday expressed its displeasure at Google's decision last week to officially recognize "Palestine" as an independent state.
Up until last week, anyone visiting the localized version of google.ps would see the label "Palestinian Territories." Now, that same page simply labels the localized version of Google as belonging to "Palestine."
Google officials said the move was in line with the United Nation's recent upgrading of "Palestine" to non-member state status, a de factorecognition of Palestine's independence, as well as UNESCO's open acceptance of a sovereign Palestinian state.
But Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Ze'ev Elkin stated in a letter to Google CEO Larry Page that the Internet giant's new policy will actually complicate reaching a peace agreement that results in the creation of a real Palestinian state.
"This is intervention by an international company in local politics, [and] does not serve the interests of either party in the long-term," wrote Elkin.
While many in Israel's government agree that the peace process will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state, they argue that permitting the Palestinian Authority to achieve this goal in a unilateral way will only perpetuate the conflict.
The Israeli minister called on Google to rethink its "erroneous decision."

Monday, May 6, 2013

Ahava Love Band - a Messianic worship team

Ahava Love Band

The Ahava Love Band, a Messianic worship team, leads people into times of praise and admiration of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). 

Ahava Love Band members include Steve & Laurie Martin (lead vocals), Gid Anthony (electric and acoustic guitars), Wane Daroux (bass guitar), Ron Bowen (drums) and the special Patty Paquette (keyboard and background vocal.)

We have great joy sharing the music of Paul Wilbur, Ted Pearce, Don Moen, John G. Elliott, Rob Critchley, Hillsongs and more. 

We'd love to come and minister at your church, synagogue, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding party, near or far...

You can see a bit of Wane and Gid on the Love For His People (Steve Martin) YouTube channel, via the links under their photos below.

YouTube: Gid Anthony

YouTube: Wane Daroux

Gid Anthony - lead guitar and acoustic

Wane Daroux - bass 

Patty Paquette - keyboard and vocal

Gid Anthony

Ron Bowen - our drummer man!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Lead vocals

Click here for 

Ahava Love Band: Some YouTube footage...

Ahava Love Band (some more...Part 2 of 3)

Wane Daroux also a new ministry called 
Remembering Zion Ministries

Next year...in 2014 the Ahava Love Band is planning a trip to Israel to be with our friends!

Ahava Love Letter (#52) - Angels & Entertainment"

"Angels & Entertainment"

“Let brotherly friendship continue; but don’t forget 
to be friendly to outsiders; for in so doing, some people, 
without knowing it, have entertained angels."
Heb 13:1-2 CJB (Complete Jewish Bible)

Dear family of friends,

To my knowledge I have never entertained angels. Or even seen one.

The most recent time may have been, I might venture to say, when our ferocious, 14 pound Dachshund Zoe Girl martin, though not bigger than a fat rabbit, growled at something she must have seen in our home. With my “naked eyes” I couldn’t. But then she pretends to be the watchdog no matter what size the foe, or friend, she encounters, at first.

As “they” say, when some encounter angels they tend to freeze up in fear. I probably would too. (Except I have Zoe nearby.)

I have always liked angels. Especially my guardian angel, whom I first believed in when I was little. Then when I “got bigger”, I thought it all was a myth. Just like Santa Claus and the tooth fairy became when I reached the  pre-tween era.  Now I have made full circle.

If the Lord Adonai says there are angels, there are angels. You know, “He said it. I believe it. That settles it.”

Why I am writing about angels in this 52nd edition of my Ahava Love Letters? Because I woke up again this morning, at 3:34 am to be exact (I missed the 3:33 marked by a minute!) and the Lord spoke the word “entertainment.”

And so for the next five hours I thought He wanted me to share about all the time we humans spend on personal entertainment. As in watching TV episodes, movie blockbusters, attending dance halls, chasing the beach ball in the sand, or a day at the NASCAR track to see #24 win (hopefully.)

But as I sat down to write, His Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) spoke further in guidance, for us to consider the reality of “entertaining angels.”

Can He be saying that in these last days, we will become more aware of the angelic hosts all around us? Some of them are daily waging war in the heavenlies, as does Michael the Archangel in his protection over Israel.

Or our guardian angels keeping watch over our steps, as the enemy and Adversary of our soul tries to daily bring discouragement, steal our joy, and take us down the wrong path? I think maybe so.

If Zoe sees another angel in our home (I hope she does!), I am going to ask the Lord that He open my eyes too, to see this mighty one of the Lord God of Israel. Or if one comes to my front door, whom I would be able to see in the natural, I want to be quick to acknowledge the purpose of his ministering mission. I want to know how to properly entertain him and receive the message he may be bringing.

Do they drink coffee? I’ll let you know. 

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider sending a monthly charitable gift of $5-$25 each month to help us bless Messianic Jews in Israel. You can send checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)

©2013 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134      

E-mail: loveforhispeople@gmail.com martinlighthouse@gmail.com

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       

Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  
Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Ahava Love Letter #52   Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (05/05/13 Sunday 9:30 a.m. Charlotte, NC)

Zoe Girl Martin. Fierce puppy!

Possibly my guardian angel?!

Zoe in prayer.

She could be an angel. Looks fierce!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Paul Wilbur - Blessed Is The Lord - Desert Rain

Paul Wilbur - Blessed Is The Lord - Desert Rain


(Photo by Steve Martin 2012)


He came among us.

He expressed His Love 

for us.

He died on our behalf...

...and showed that
the Lamb of God,  
the Lion of the Tribe
of Judah.

He rose from the dead, 
to fulfill the Messianic prophecies.


When He returns, 

He will come through 

the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. 

Nothing will stop Him.

Be blessed 

in your believing.

Yeshua HaMashiach
Jesus the Messiah

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Barry & Batya Segal - Founders of Vision For Israel & The Joseph Storehouse

Barry and Batya Segal, founders of Vision for Israel and The Joseph Storehouse in Israel (plus in the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Germany), lead worship at their annual Sukkot Celebration (Feast of Tabernacles) in 2009. People from many nations gathered to bless Yeshua HaMashiach. 

Barry & Batya Segal lead worship

Barry shares a word on the Worship Boat crossing the Sea of Galilee (The Kinneret)


 The Segal puppies - Baloo and Chio.

Batya with granddaughter

Barry speaking at the 
Sukkot Celebration meeting 
under a large succah!

Batya and Barry in their home succah
during Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

Barry likes the Beatles (among other bands) 

from his Detroit days back in the '60's -'70's.

Love For His People bless the Segals and their great work through Vision for Israel and The Joseph Storehouse. For more information on their humanitarian outreach in Israel, tours, on-line bookstore, TV program, and to sign up for their weekly newsletter "Jerusalem-On-Line", visit their website. (Link below.)

Photos by Steve Martin, except for the one I am in. I believe Peter Nissen, from The Netherlands Vision for Israel office, took it. (2009 in Israel)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Shabbat Shalom to our Jewish friends!

We send our love (ahava
to our friends in Israel! 

Our support for you 
grows stronger 
every day, 
and our encouragement 
to you 
will know no end!

May the good Lord, 
God of Israel, 
Yeshua HaMashiach, 
continually reveal His love 
and faithfulness to you.

Seek Yeshua, 

and He will be found. 

It is He 
who protects
and is pleased 
to call you 
His people
as a witness 
to the nations.

And so, once again,

joined with many 

other Christians 

in the nations, 

we proclaim to you!

Have a blessed day!

Shalom and ahava to our family of friends,

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) in Israel - May 8, 2013

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) in Israel

Quick Facts

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) is the anniversary of Jerusalem's reunification.


Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day)

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
List of dates for other years
Yom Yerushalayim, also known as Jerusalem Day, commemorates Jerusalem's reunification in 1967. This day begins on 28th day of the month of Iyyar in the Hebrew calendar.
Yom Yerushalayim is a public holiday in Israel but is observed by many Jewish people worldwide.

What do people do?
Throughout the world, including the United States, Zionist Jews mark Yom Yerushalayim with a range of events. These include: recitations of the Hallel prayer for praise and thanksgiving in synagogues; street parades, parties, singing and dancing; special meals; and lectures on the history and future of Jerusalem and Zionism. In Jerusalem, a public reception by the mayor of Jerusalem, state ceremonies and memorial services for those who died in the Six-Day War are also held. In Israel, some people mark the occasion by traveling or even hiking to Jerusalem. Non-Zionist Jews and Arabs may see the day as one of mourning and wear black or fly black flags.

Public life

Yom Yerushalayim is a public holiday in Israel. It is not a public holiday in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom or the United States. However, many Jewish organizations may be closed or offer a limited service so special events can be held.


After Israel declared its independence in 1948, it was attacked by the neighboring Arab countries, resulting in the Arab-Israeli War. At the end of this war, the city of Jerusalem was divided. Israeli forces controlled most of the city and East Jerusalem, including the Old City, was controlled by Jordanian forces. The Old City was important for strategic and religious reasons, as many sites of religious importance are in this part of the city. These include: the Dome of the Rock and al-Asqa Mosque (Muslims); the Temple Mount and the Western Wall or Kotel (Jewish); and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Christian).
On June 7, 1967, one day into the Six-Day War, Israeli forces captured the old city of Jerusalem. This resulted in the reunification of Jerusalem as part of Israel. According to the Hebrew calendar, it was the 28th day of the month of Iyar in the year 5727 and the anniversary of this date is known as Yom Yerushalayim or Jerusalem Day.
The 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem was in 2007. The slogan for the celebrations in this year translates as "Something special for everyone", with a play on the Hebrew words for "special" and "united". A special logo representing the number 40 and the city walls was presented and the approach to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv was decorated with blue lighting.
The anniversary of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem under Israeli control is not celebrated by everybody. Many Muslims and non-Zionists or Orthodox Jews see Jerusalem Day as an occasion for mourning. They may mark this with parades or special prayers on the same day as Yom Yerushalayim or on the Day of Quds on the last Friday of the Islamic month of Ramadan.