Monday, April 21, 2014

Life Beyond The Grave -

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Life Beyond the Grave

In Life Beyond the Grave, Parts I and II, you’ll meet real people who have experienced death and visited heaven and hell. 
Watch these previews:
Colton BurpoColton Burpo
What 4-year old Colton experienced when his spirit left his body will change your thoughts about what happens when we die.
Tamara LarouxTamara Laroux
Learn what happened when Tamara attempted to commit suicide.

Learn what happens when you die
Discover what the Bible has to say about life after death
Grow in your faith as you witness the words of the Bible come alive
Get this powerful witnessing tool to share with family and friends
Life Beyond the Grave, Part I, on DVD for your gift to CBN of $9.95.

Life Beyond the Grave, Parts I and II, on DVD for your gift to CBN of $14.95.
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If God Doesn’t Change, Why Should I? DARREN SCHALK

Baby's first steps
(iStock photo)

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When my little girls were learning to walk, I paid close attention to their progress.
Around the age of 10 months or so, they were both very close to walking. Each one could stand up on her own and take several steps. My wife and I would often sit on the floor and coax them to walk back and forth between us.
But oddly enough, even though they were fully capable of walking, they inevitably preferred to crawl. They knew they weren’t going to tip over when they crawled. They knew they could get where they were going on their hands and knees, and, well, I guess they lived by the motto, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
And why not live by that motto? I often live by it, as I’m sure you do too. It’s wisdom. Common sense. Street smarts. If something is working, why change it? After all, who knows what the outcome might be?
But God likes to move us out of our comfort zones. I hate that about God. He likes to mess with my happy. Why can’t He just let me live near the line of contentedness and stay there?
I’m not good with change. My wife will inform you of this fact. She, on the other hand,loves change. She wants to change the comforter on our bed every time the weather changes. And it’s not simply a lighter comforter for the summer and a thicker, warmer comforter for the winter.
No, she wants to change the comforter just because she enjoys change. She’s obviously more like God than me. I’d rather have the same comforter for the next 10 years. Let me get used to it. Let me enjoy the smell. Changing the comforter makes the bed seem foreign, and every time I go to bed with an unfamiliar comforter, I feel like an alien in a strange new world.
I hate change so much, for me it’s like bedtime for a 2-year-old. It’s my arch nemesis—the Joker to my Batman; the Tom to my Jerry; the Hatfield to my McCoy. Change is bad. Change is very, very bad.
But often faith requires change, and change requires faith.
Faith requires change because it forces me to realize my shortcomings. I like to believe I am more than good enough. I want to believe I’m the best. In fact, I have a nasty desire to always feel I’m the best, no matter what the situation.
It’s easy to see my shortcomings when I shank a ball 50 yards off the fairway. But it’s more difficult to realize my spiritual shortcomings. It’s not easy to see my inability to forgive. It’s not easy to pick up on my jealous feelings. It’s not easy to realize my own selfishness and greed. But when I do realize such things—or more appropriately when God slaps me in the face with the truth—I am required to change.
Did I mention that I hate change? I’d like to buy into the idea that I’m perfect. I like to tell my wife that I’m perfect. She has yet to truly believe my claim, and neither have I, really. But I’ll keep trying to convince her—and God.
It seems, then, that God doesn’t want me to get comfortable with who I currently am. Every time I start to settle in and relax, He sends something to stretch me. He shows me my shortcomings and makes it very clear that I’ve yet to arrive. He won’t let me sit for long; there’s always another challenge and another test. There’s always more growth needed, more maturing needed, more stretching needed.
Change requires faith because I must believe that God’s way is better than my own.
And to get to such an understanding, we have to 1) believe in God and His way, and 2) trust that His ways are better than our own. This is not an easy task, so change requires faith.
My daughters, with our coaxing, eventually got tired of crawling, began walking and then running. Now they wonder why they ever crawled at all—and so do I. We can go back to what’s comfortable or familiar, or we can allow God to stretch us and take new steps of faith. Which is it for you?
We-Need-to-Talk.jpgAdapted from Dear God, We Need to Talk by Darren Schalk, copyright 2014, published by Passio, Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. This book helps you explore your toughest questions about God. It tackles everything from family issues to God’s sovereignty in a delightfully witty and honest way. It will leave you with more confidence in God’s power, His wisdom and His direction for your life. To order your copy click on this link.
Prayer Power for the Week of 4/21/2014
This week, allow God to stretch you and venture on to take new steps of faith. Realize that you are not your own, and trust Him to guide your life and direct your steps. Ask Him to provide divine appointments for you where you can be a carrier of His love and presence. Follow up those connections with prayer and tangible support.
Join with others to bless those who are hurting from losses incurred by natural disasters, war or crime. Continue to pray for revival to spread throughout our nation and around the world. Pray that believers would unite in prayer and purpose and set their priorities to reflect God’s agenda for this generation. Follow scriptural admonition to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for all those who lead and have authority over us. (1 Cor. 6:19-20; Ps. 37:23; Ps. 122:6; 1 Timothy 2:1-4)
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Drawing Heaven - Akiane Kramarik (Russian)

Jesus - Drawing Heaven - Akiane Kramarik (Russian)

This image of Jesus is the same as who Colton Burpo saw when he went to heaven. ("Heaven Is For Real" movie)

Uploaded on Oct 14, 2007
This video was featured on CNN of a young girl with incredible drawing talent.

Jesus Culture - One Thing 2013 | Kim Walker Smith

Kim Walker-Smith

Published on Feb 24, 2014
Jesus Culture - Kim Walker-Smith

Kim Walker-Smith is an American singer, songwriter, worship leader, and recording artist. She produced her first solo album, titled Here Is My Song, which was released in February 2008 through the Jesus Culture record label. Walker-Smith is best known as the worship leader for the Jesus Culture Band and Jesus Culture events, and a worship pastor for Bethel Church in Redding.

Her rendition of the John Mark McMillan song, "How He Loves", has been viewed over 9.5 million times on YouTube. Her rendition of Brian Johnson and Jon Mohr song, "Where You Go I Go", has over four million views on YouTube.

Alive (Live) by Kim Walker-Smith - music video

Jesus Is Alive - Kim Walker-Smith

Published on Sept. 23, 2013

You breathe Your life into my lungs,
You bring to life these dry bones,
I know that You're alive

You call me one of Your own
In my heart You made Your home
I know that You're alive

I'm coming alive

You call me one of Your own
In my heart You made Your home
I know that You're alive

I'm coming alive
I'm coming alive
I'm coming alive

We will make Him known
Jesus is alive, He's alive
We will shout it out
Jesus is alive, He's alive

To all the dry and weary souls
Take joy, take heart, be filled with hope
I know that He's alive

To all the ones who have no home
Get up and run, we're going home
I know that He's alive

I'm coming alive
I'm coming alive
I'm coming alive

We will make Him known
Jesus is alive, He's alive
We will shout it out
Jesus is alive, He's alive

It may get loud
The grave is empty now
It may get wild
His love is like no other

We will make Him known
Jesus is alive, He's alive
We will shout it out
Jesus is alive, He's alive



Written by John Paul Jackson
Israel's Right to the Land
Article adapted from his teaching at the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
For Release: January 2014

I am intensely interested in what God is doing in Israel. I have visited the Holy Land more than 20 times. Recently, the Lord led me to study the life of Abraham. The Jews say Abraham was born 1,948 years after Adam was created. 1948 is an interesting number. Israel became a nation in 1948 - 1,948 years after the birth of Jesus, the second Adam.
Another interesting parallel is that the Tower of Babel was built in 1996 - 1,996 years from the beginning of creation. In 1996 A.D., The European Union made the Tower of Babel its insignia. I don’t think that’s an accident.
The Tower of Babel was in Ur which is where Abraham is from.  God called him to the land of Canaan. Lot went with him and God blessed them. Their flocks multiplied. Soon, there wasn’t enough grassland to feed both of their families. So, they separated. Lot went to the valley of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham stayed in the northern part of Canaan.
During that time, God brought in four kings from the east to Israel. One was the king of Babel, which is modern day Iraq. Another was the king over Persia, which is modern day Iran. There were two other kings with them as well.
There were five other kings. These were vassal kings. They were the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah. There were three other kings with them as well. But, these five vassal kings stopped paying their taxes to the other four kings.
The four kings didn’t want to lose all that tax money. So, they came to Israel to fight the five kings who didn’t want to pay their taxes.
The four kings conquered the five vassal kings and seized everything in Sodom and Gomorrah including Lot and his family who were taken back to Ur the land they originally came from.
Abraham heard about it and took 318 men with him and conquered the four kings who overpowered the five kings that didn’t pay their taxes.  That was a staggering victory, not only by the numbers but by the right of conquest. Abraham now had the rights to all of the land of Israel.
After that, a strange individual visited Abraham. It was Melchizedek. If you really believe Melchizedek had no beginning and no end; then, you would have to admit, He wasn’t human. He’s without father, without mother, without beginning, without end.
And He was the King of Salem, the King of Righteousness. He’s described in many ways as Yeshua Himself. Whoever He was, He was very powerful. And, He blessed Abraham.
Right after that, Abraham had an encounter with God. God gave Abraham a vision of a burning oven. A torch passed between pieces of animals that were cut in half. And God made a covenant with Abraham. He told Abraham, “I will give you every place your foot has trod.” That, literally, goes back to where Abraham came from — the land of Ur.
Abraham has a right to the land because God gave it to him and because Abraham conquered it. Parallels also show how God has watched over Israel from the beginning. He is watching over them now.

"Jesus Is Alive!" Sung by Molly Williams at MorningStar

"Jesus Is Alive!" Sung by Molly Williams at MorningStar

"Jesus Is Alive!" Sung by Molly Williams at MorningStar

Resurrection Sunday, April 20, 2014

Video by Steve Martin using iPhone4

Sunday, April 20, 2014

"Yahweh" - Dave Vallier - MorningStar Worship Team

MorningStar Worship Team - "Yahweh"

"Yahweh" - Dave Vallier - MorningStar worship time

Resurrection Sunday, April 20, 2014 in Fort Mill, SC.

Video by Steve Martin using iPhone4

Are You Listening? - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Are You Listening?
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“God told Abram: "Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you. I'll make you a great nation and bless you. I'll make you famous; you'll be a blessing. I'll bless those who bless you; those who curse you I'll curse. All the families of the Earth will be blessed through you." 

So Abram left just as God said, and Lot left with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Haran. Abram took his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot with him, along with all the possessions and people they had gotten in Haran, and set out for the land of Canaan and arrived safe and sound.”  Gen. 12:1-5 THE MESSAGE

Have you ever wondered what Abram (later to be called Abraham) was doing when He heard the Lord call His name? The Scriptures do not say much about him prior to that, except that he was with his father Terah, on their way to live in Canaan, when they then settled in Haran. His father died there.

“Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, his grandson, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife; and they went out together from Ur of the Chaldeans in order to enter the land of Canaan; and they went as far as Haran, and settled there. The days of Terah were two hundred and five years; and Terah died in Haran.” Gen. 11:31-32 NASU

The Torah doesn’t tell us how long they had lived in Haran before God speaks directly to Abram personally. Had it been a few years? A decade? Maybe it had been 20 years or more he lived there? I guess that part of his story isn’t important info needed, otherwise the Lord would have had Moses (Moshe) write it down. But it does say enough to us about how the Lord moves in our lives.

We may be going along in our day, “minding our own business” as they say, believing that we have gone far enough in our walk with the Lord. We are ready to settle down in the comfy place we have arrived at. “Retirement” may even be on the near horizon. After all, 50, 60, 70 years of living, with even much of that hopefully walking with the Lord, has gotten us this far. Surely that must be enough until our time ends here on this planet.

But just as a side note - time with God doesn’t really matter when it comes to new assignments for us, and the age of our body. Moses was 80 when he got his new mission, remember? That would mean he had already completed 2/3 of his life, now knowing he lived to be 120. If we do some simple math, Moses would have been around 60 years old on his timeline if the same ration is used to calculate our expected life span years, assuming we generally now live to be around 88 or 90 ourselves. Get my point?

Now back to Abram. After a time of settlement, the Lord spoke a clear word to him, as head of his household. To Abram, the husband of Sarai, He told him to move on.

We come to a point on our journey when we can become content with life as we know it. We have accomplished a few goals; we have raised a family who are now raising their own; we have reached destinations that have been good. Now we feel the time has come to sit back, relax in that good ole’ leather recliner, and let the baton be passed on to the next generations. It’s their turn after all, right? Let them do the work now.

But is that it? Have we already completed the race, reaching the finish line, and just wanting to wait for the last song to be played?

I think not. I believe the Lord has new assignments for the 50+ generation. I personally am ready to get one myself.

The Lord is speaking. He is even wanting to speak a word to you personally – through His Word, by His Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), or through another person or message heard today. Hey, maybe even through a movie of all things!

I am listening. I hope you are too.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Note: This is my 144th message I have written. Originally they were published as Ahava Love Letters until January of 2014, when I changed it to Now Think On This. I like numbers. I like 144.


Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #144 “Are You Listening?” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.20.14) Resurrection Sunday at 8:00 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This


John Paul Jackson



Written by John Paul Jackson
Home > Resources > 
God and His Thoughts Toward You
Several people have recently asked me to teach on what I call the Law of Geographic Anointing. Simply put, this law is all about the heart of God, His extravagant affection for us and how He intends to use us on the earth. Though not clearly stated, this law can be seen in every story in Scripture.
The Law of Geographic Anointing reveals that God has a plan and a purpose for each of us. He chose the times and places we would live, and He arranged a myriad of details concerning us (Acts 17:26–28).
The moment we begin to peel back the layers of geographic anointing, we come face to face with a powerful but childlike realization: I must be important to God for Him to be so intentional about the details of my life. The more we understand His ways, His plans for us and His purposes on the earth, the more we understand the position we hold in His heart and are drawn to love Him passionately in return.


God loves us more than we could ever comprehend. His affection for us is greater than anything we could ever hope for. The Law of Geographic Anointing is one of many principles and laws in Scripture that boldly declare that truth. But when it comes down to it, many of us have a hard time balancing what God says about us and what we believe about ourselves.
I spent two years in such a state of heaviness that all I could do was sit in my office. I dreaded the phone calls asking me to come and speak. Whenever I stood behind a pulpit, the Holy Spirit would come upon me and anoint me in incredible ways. Amazing things would happen. But when I walked away from the pulpit, the anointing would lift, and I would spiral back into my abysmal office sitting, unable to do anything productive and wincing every time the phone rang.
In that time of darkness, the Lord dealt with me concerning this whole issue of how I thought about myself. He told me, “I want you to start praying and writing down what I say in Scripture.”
This instruction is so simple and its effects are so profound. I have come to understand that all the promises written in His Word personally apply to me. They are equally applicable to you. The Law of Geographic Anointing is working in your life as much as it worked in Abraham’s life or Moses’ life. Why? Because He has excellent plans for you, just as He had for them; you are important to Him, and in the same breath, you play an important role in His plans.


If you are unsure of who you are and where God is leading you, do what God told me to do—pray His Word and write down His Word.
Sit with your Father and go through Scripture. Write down the verses that jump out at you and ask Him why your heart stirs as you read them—what He is saying to you through them. We cannot come in contact with God’s living Word and fail to experience some sort of change.
This incredible God we serve designed you for this day, for this era of enigma; He designed you to be a solution in a time of quandary and to have faith when others are struggling. You are where you are for a reason, and whether or not your emotions agree with this, God is with you.
He will do everything He promised. He will bring you into the land of your anointing, and someday when you look back on your life, you will find that every step of the road was saturated with His faithfulness.
For the Lord God is a sun and shield;

The Lord will give grace and glory;

No good thing will He withhold

From those who walk uprightly.
— Psalm 84:11

John Paul Jackson is a husband, father, and established authority on Christian spirituality and dream interpretation.  His Biblical approach to dreams reveals their life-changing purpose, and restores an overlooked way God chooses to communicate with people.
John Paul’s teachings have stirred and renewed passion for God among people of all ages from various faith backgrounds.  His thoughtful "explanations of the unexplainable" and simple, yet profound, concepts help people relate to God and each other in fresh ways.
As an author, speaker, and television guest, John Paul has impacted hundreds of thousands of people, emphasizing character as a key element in the true spiritual life.  His many years of study and experience have made him a respected and sought-after spiritual advisor to leaders and believers around the world.
John Paul has shared his practical and spiritual expertise with an international audience through the Streams Training Center courses and publications.

He IS Risen - Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ)

He IS Risen Indeed!
Jesus Christ,
Yeshua HaMashiach!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

"Love Your Name Yahweh" - Beit Yeshua's Passover Seder 2014

"Love Your Name Yahweh" - Beit Yeshua's Passover Seder 2014

"Love Your Name Yahweh" - Beit Yeshua's Passover (Pesach) Seder 2014 in Lincolnton, NC

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Sh'ma Yisrael - Beit Yeshua's Passover (Pesach) Seder 2014

Sh'ma Ysirael - sung by Joshua Aaron

Sh'ma Yisrael - Beit Yeshua's Passover (Pesach) Seder 2014

Curtis Loftin leads the prayer in Lincolnton, NC April 18, 2014

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.