Monday, October 28, 2013

The Secret to Intimacy With God

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The Secret to Intimacy With God

(Brandon Johnson/
It is not hard to recognize someone who has spent extended time at a newsstand: His conversation overflows with the drama of current affairs. And it is not hard to discern a person who has come from a sporting event, as his face reveals the outcome of the game. Likewise, people can tell when an individual has spent extended time seeking God. An imperturbable calm guards his heart, and his countenance is radiant with light, as with the morning dew of heaven.
Beloved, to seek and find God is everything. It is to our shame that in our era church services do not focus more on actually seeking God. Yes, we do honor God and thank Him for what He has done. We hear a sermon and perhaps enjoy a time of fellowship with others. Yet only rarely do we depart a congregational meeting with the fire of eternity reflecting off our faces. Instead we fill up with information about God without actually drawing near to Him. Most of us are largely unaware of God’s presence.
While we rightly need church programs, fellowship and times for ministry training, we must not assume that religious indoctrination is the same thing as actually seeking God. And while I am often blessed listening to contemporary Christian music, even godly entertainment is no substitute for my own worship encounter with God.
Therefore let us ask ourselves: Is there a place and a time set apart in our spiritual lives where we can give ourselves to seeking God? What is the Spirit of God actually desired to manifest Himself during our worship service? Would the Lord have to wait until we finished our scheduled program? I respect and recognize the need for order; we need the scheduled times for announcements and the defined purposes that currently occupy Sunday mornings, but have we made room for God Himself?
When we first determine to draw near to God, it may seem we have little to show for our efforts. Yet be assured: Even the thought of seeking God is a step toward our transformation. Still, we often do not notice the early signs of our spiritual renewal—for as we grow increasingly more aware of God, we simultaneously grow increasingly less aware of ourselves. Though we may not see that we are changing, others certainly will.
Consider the experience of Moses. The Lord’s servant had ascended Mount Sinai and there stood before the living God. The eyes of Moses were actually filled with God’s sun-like glory; his ears actually heard the audible sound of the Lord’s voice. Yet when Moses returned to the people, the Bible says he “did not know that the skin of his face shone” (Ex. 34:29). When the Israelites saw the fire of God’s glory on the face of Moses, “they were afraid to come near him” (v. 30). They saw he had been with God.
The church needs more people who have, like Moses, climbed closer to the Almighty—people who have stood in the sacred fire of God’s presence. Instead we exhaust ourselves arguing over peripheral doctrines or styles of music in our song services. Perhaps there are benefits to constantly debating the nuances of our doctrines, but are we not more truly thirsting for the reality of God?
What happens when we seek God? The Bible says at the very moment we are drawing near to Him, the living presence of God Himself is drawing near to us (see James 4:8). Help is coming, redemption for our situation is on its way, strength will soon be arriving, and the powers of healing are activated.
But, we may argue, what if we seek Him and He does not come near? Fear not, He will. He may not manifest as we supposed, but He will come.
Our goal is to—day by day—draw nearer to God. He has commanded that we come boldly to His throne of grace. To receive the help we need, we must arrive at His throne. Remember also that our confidence comes from Christ Himself. He promises, “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matt. 7:8).
We are seeking a lifetime of increasing devotion, though it may certainly begin in a season of drawing near. In spite of natural and spiritual obstacles, as we persevere, the Lord assures us, “How much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” (v.11).
If we do not cease seeking and knocking, we will discover unfolding degrees of intimacy with God. Even now, He’s drawing near. The Lord promises, “Everyone who … seeks finds.”
I Will Be Found By YouAdapted from I Will Be Found by You by Francis Frangipane, copyright 2013, published by Passio from Charisma House. In forty-three years of seeking after God, the author has learned that it is in seeking God that we actually find Him. This book contains a collection of his best writings on the subject. It will encourage you to pursue the Lord and reap the reward of finding Him. To order your copy click here
 This week make it a priority to seek God’s transforming presence with worship, meditation and prayer. Set a time and put aside all distractions that would divert your attention away from Him. Let Him speak to you from His Word and thank Him for the promise that if you seek Him you will find Him. Once you’ve spent time enjoying His presence and giving Him worship, expand your prayer to include those who need salvation, revival and provision. Ask Him to direct your steps where you can be a blessing to those in need. Continue to pray for global revival and for more laborers for His harvest fields. Lift up our government leaders and pray that they will seek the Lord’s guidance to govern. Remember Israel and the persecuted church. Matt. 7:7-8; Ps. 9:10
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Poems by Eva Haglund

Anyone without God and hope in the world -
 is like  a diamond who has been dropped..
is  like  a newborn foal without a mother…
is like a child leave hold of the hand of a mother or father…
who do not have the heavenly Bread-
who do not have Bread of life –Jesus…
We need to give  the Bread from heaven…
He gave his Bread-he gave his life…
The bread was divided in pieces like his heart was crushed
in love and pain for us
He gave everything for us…
He gave his heart…

Eva Haglund


 In John.6:35 you can read that Jesus is the Bread of life. Our heavenly Daddy sent the Bread from heaven. The Bread was made in heaven. It was a heavenly Bread. The world did not have Bread.  God wanted to give the world “food”. We need usual bread. We also Life of Bread . If we do not have this Bread we will die. Without receiving Jesus we will not survive – we need the Bread –Jesus in our lives.  

We can think that we as we can be hungry and want usual bread can be hungry after Jesus –more of Jesus. Matt.5 :3 –we shall be hungry after more of God – not thinking we have “got” it or “have” anything. To learn to know Jesus is like to know a sea. It never ends. He is like the sea… To know him is reaching to a level of heaven as is above the sea. He is so big, so we do not understand it! Jesus is the Bread-The Bread of life =The Word. 

As we need usual bread every day we need Bread of life =the Word-every day. It is our daily Bread. I want more food today –I want the heavenly Bread –the Word. The Word is like a golden mine –heavenly gold.
The Word is like heavenly gold. The Word is Jesus. He is love. The heavenly gold is love. Jesus is love –the Word is a book –“Love” I think. It is like a mine of diamonds you also can say I think full of heavenly diamonds.
The Bread is fantastic –like a golden Bread or a bread of diamonds if you think about the value. Jesus eat bread with people-he ate together as in Acts.2:46. He share his bread.To eat together I think also can mean fellowship. Jesus had fellowship with people talking –eating together. John.17:21. 
Jesus wants the love in Body of Christ to be a testimony to the world. Jesus gave bread to the poor-he shared. James. 1:15-17, Acts.2:44-46. Sisters and broters in the Lord can give our”bread” to each other –different gifts .We need each other in friendship guided by God 1 Kor.12 not just in the churchbuildings.
You can  also have friends in other churches as God wants or has brought to gether if he want.
“The bread” can be shared between churches –gifts. Maybe also usual bread  and maybe help each other financial? The love between Christians Jesus wants to be a testimony to the world.
John.6:51. Jesus gave bread to others . He gave his Bread. He gave his life.
The Bread gave the world life. The world need bread. They need Bread –The Bread of life.
A bread who never get too old –always is fresh. A living Bread – Bread of life.
Jesus is love – the Bread –Love . I am thinking  that to give a piece of bread can be to to give love.
A symbol for love is a heart. The bread was divided in pieces like his heart was crushed in love and pain for us. He gave his heart. 
Bread of life – a bread of love.
He is love.
Eva Haglund



You said – “ I was walking at pieces of glass.”
His back was scourged until blood because he loves you so much.
You said - “ My path was full of thorns “ –
He carried the crown of thorns for you…
You said “ - I felt alone in the burning sun” -
He was abandoned by the Father in deepest pain for you…
You said “ People were laughing at me –and treated me like nothing…”
He was nailed for you…
The pain he felt has no one felt…
He gave everything –the King of all Kings – a servant in love for you …
His love conquered the death...
 He died for you…
Isaiah 53.

Eva Haglund

“Your Assignment” - Ahava Love Letter (Steve Martin)


          “Your Assignment” 

“and the young man did not put off doing what was asked of him, even though he was the most respected member of his father’s family, because he so much wanted Ya‘akov’ s daughter.” Genesis 34:19 
(CJB – Complete Jewish Bible)

Dear family of friends,

Lance Wallnau has a unique way of sharing truth in a way that makes sense. When he speaks, I listen. Others do too.

He reminds me of how Bob Mumford taught God’s Word in the 1970’s and onward, for those who know Bob and experienced his words coming at you. Both he and Lance have such practical ways of delivery that I have come to really appreciate. If you haven’t caught my recommendation already of these two, I do encourage you to!

In a message I heard at a KBA gathering (Kingdom Business Association) at the MorningStar/Heritage International Ministries location in 2013, Lance spoke on our assignments as individuals. As I listened again to his heart stirring message, on the CD driving into uptown Charlotte to my accounting job, a crisp fall Monday morning at 6:15 am, the Lord continued to give clarity to my new assignment. His ongoing encouragement caused me to share this Ahava Love Letter with you.

Do you know your assignment?

Each one of us has been given a purpose, a plan, a gifting which fits together with the Lord’s purposes and plans of those He connects us with. Your “talents” and skills acquired, which are unique in the fact that there is no one else exactly like you, are given to fulfill His perfect plan in the nations.

Do you know what they are? Have you asked Him lately?

Over a period of two decades (literally – no “evangelistically” speaking here) I have received many prophetic words about what the Lord has called me to do. For about 30 of those years I literally denied it, thinking “That is not me.” My job and training had put me in one sector of the business/ministry realm, which I was at least somewhat comfortable in. (In case you are wondering, I was the Director/Administrator of three international ministries for a period of 24 years total. Administration, finances and conferences were my thing.) The prophetic words which I actually despised hearing always told me, “You are a teacher.”

In my denial of not being that, for I wasn’t a real student of the Bible, hadn’t memorized Scripture chapters over my growing years, let alone a lot of single verses, my brain thoughts convinced me that the job I was doing was it for the rest of my life. Even if I was not satisfied and fully fulfilled in doing that.

When I finally “Got it” in the heart, the teaching aspect of my calling, my assignment, started to blossom. I didn’t have to be the “Derek Prince” or the “A.W.Tozer”, or even a “Charles Spurgeon” in my lifetime. I could be me, just as the Father of All created me to be. And so my teaching gift is mostly that of sharing life’s experiences, and encouraging you to do the same in your gifting.

Our assignment here on this planet is simple. Do what the Father has put in your heart to do. You don’t have to be the rocket scientist if you are the graphic artist. Be the graphic artist you have been born to do to your fullest! Give it all you got, and learn more in the giving! Many will be blessed in your fruitful contribution to the Body of Christ, along with the nations who long to see His Creative working in their own lives.

If you are not sure yet of your assignment, your calling, your purpose, don’t be discouraged. The Lord has so much love for you that as you seek Him, He will reveal it to you. Walk in that which you know to do already. Be obedient in hearing His voice - in your prayer time, as you do your daily job, as you sleep at night and He speaks to you in dreams. Be encouraged that He wants to show you far more than we even think or know. He is the Faithful One. His fullness of faith will become yours.

Believe me, denial in your walk may last a while, but if your heart is to follow after the Lord Jesus with all your heart, His plan and purposes will be revealed to you.

And all of us will be on the receiving end of you walking in your assignment! Thanks!

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.

Please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless Israel with our humanitarian ministry. Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

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Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
Be sure to get my two books The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both available through, Xulon, Barnes and Noble, plus other website book stores.
You can also order both books, The Promise (on for $7.19 plus $3.95 S/H) and Ahava Love Letters Xulon Press for $14.90, plus $3.80) direct from our office for $29 total. Please send your check to the address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office. (Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)
Ahava Love Letter #82   “Your Assignment” ©2013 Steve Martin (But you can share this to all that you want to. Please do!)

Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (10/28/13 Monday at 7:40 am in Charlotte, NC)

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Back to Jerusalem. Messiah will be on time. Again. But This Time On His Mighty White Horse.

Artwork by Max Greiner

Israel's History - a Picture a Day

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 25 Oct 2013 03:06 AM PDT
The Western Wall, 1859
For Immediate Release

Jerusalem -- Israel Daily Picture (IDP), an online album of antique photographs of the Holy Land, will reach a historic milestone this week when its millionth visitor arrives on the site,

Austrian troops, Turkey's allies, marching into Jerusalem, World War I
IDP was first launched in 2011 and has now published more than 350 historic essays containing more than 1,000 antique pictures taken between the 1850s and 1946.  We present samples of the photos on this page.

The pictures were digitalized and posted to websites in recent years by the U.S. Library of Congress, New York Public Library, Emory University, Harvard, the University of Dundee Medical Archives, and others.  In recent months, private individuals have also shared with IDP their private albums and family collections.

Jews fleeing Arab pogrom in Jerusalem's Old City, 1929
 "There's an important, almost secret, message in many of these antique photographs," reveals IDP's founder and publisher, Lenny Ben-David.  "The pictures show Jewish life in the Holy Land throughout the last 160 years -- since the invention of photography -- well before the founding of Zionism and the establishment of the State of Israel. Jews were always in Eretz Yisrael even after the fall of the Jewish Temple in 70 CE, and here is visual proof."

Jewish children in Ben-Shemen (circa 1920)
"Most of the photos were taken by the American Colony photographers who began their work in the late 19th century. Among their goals was to seek out and  photograph Jews in Jerusalem and in the countryside," Ben-David explained. "The return of Jews to Palestine was seen by the Christian photographers in messianic terms. A recent exhibition and book by today's American Colony Hotel proprietors, however, virtually ignored the Jewish presence in historic Palestine."

British commander Allenby meeting Chief Rabbi in the
Old City after the Turkish surrender of Jerusalem 1917
 The IDP exhibits photos of key events in the Middle East -- World War I and its clashes in Gaza, Be'er Sheva, Rishon LeZion, Jerusalem, and the Dead Sea; the establishment of Jewish communities in the Galilee; the arrival of the German Emperor in 1898; the role of the Jewish Legion in 1917; the development of industries and infrastructures by the Jewish population; Jewish holidays; Jewish children of the Old and New Yishuv; Jewish life in Jerusalem's Old City, and many more.  The photographers also chronicled the lives and shrines of Arab and Christians.

[For further information see The Zionist Message Hidden within Antique Pictures of the Holy Land, by Lenny Ben-David, Published in the Jewish Political Studies Review

IDP pictures are all published with permission of the collection owners.

To subscribe, enter your email (free) on the website Voluntary contributions are welcome via PayPal. 

For journalists only: Publisher Lenny Ben-David is available for interviews at (US) 202.241.5241  (Israel) 972.542.168155  (Not Sabbath)

Twitter: @lennybendavid      Facebook

No longer violence...

No longer will violence be heard in your Land, 

nor plunder and calamity at your borders.  

ISAIAH (60:18)

לֹא יִשָּׁמַע עוֹד חָמָס

 בְּאַרְצֵךְ שֹׁד וָשֶׁבֶר בִּגְבוּלָיִךְ

ישעיהו ס:יח
loe yee-sha-MA ode kha-MAS be-ar-TZAYKH 
shode va-she-VER beeg-voo-la-YEEKH

Israel Inspiration

Israel is a country like no other and the IDF is an army 
with a unique role as well. The late Prime Minister and 
former IDF Chief of Staff Yitzchak Rabin said it best: 
“Our soldiers prevail not by the strength of their weapons 
but by their sense of mission; by their consciousness of 
the justness of their cause, by a deep love for their country, 
and by their understanding of the heavy task laid upon them: 
to ensure the existence of our people in their homeland 
and to affirm, even at the cost of their lives, the right of the 
Jewish people to live their lives in their own state, free, 
independent and in peace.”

Hebrew MusicLearn in Hebrew HaTikva, Israel’s beautiful
national anthem, which features photos if Israel's brave soldiers,

"I Love Israel365"I love Monday music. I listened for
the first time today. Thank-you for sharing such
beautiful music and pictures,it brought a new light
to my thinking and loving of our Lord.

Jona McCollough,Tulsa,Oklahoma

I love Israel365 because it sends me great
Hebrew music videos and videos related to
Israel. I also like it because it sends me
biblical verses in Hebrew, and its translation
 in English, and I can practice some of the
Hebrew language. Please continue to provide
it, it is very helpful so I can touch base with
Ha’aretz Ha’Kodesh.

Lehitraot haverim, Pedro O., Sanford, FL

With Many Blessings,

Rabbi Tuly Weisz

Copyright © 2013 Israel365, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

36 Ein Gedi Street
Ramat Beit Shemesh 99000


Posted: 26 Oct 2013
    Repentance is the most beautiful of words. Repentance should not scare us. It is a gift from God. If we really understood it we would make it a way of life. It is turning from our sins to a Father who longs to forgive us. Last night I repented of some things. This morning I learned His grace, as well as His mercy, is new every morning. 

It is when I least deserve both that I have to ask: "Why me Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I've known? Tell me Lord, What did I ever do that was worth loving you for the kindness you've shown?" ( lyrics by Kris Kristofferson ) 

As grace poured over me, the Lord said: "When America least deserves it, I will show her My grace. I am releasing My gift of repentance. It will flood the altars of churches again. It will flood the streets. It will flood the righteous who think they are more righteous than others. Watch for My flood of repentance!"
    Many years ago I ministered in Africa. A rural song there that became a spiritual national anthem for believers was, "Africa Must Be Saved! The words are: "If you believe and I believe and we together pray, the Holy Spirit must come down and Africa must be saved!" Since 1987 God's fire has swept an estimated 75 million Africans into the Kingdom. I wonder what God could do if we changed our tune and began singing over our nation: "America Must Be Saved!"

Bill Yount

Saturday, October 26, 2013

KBA (Kingdom Business Association) Conference at MorningStar Oct. 2013

Lance Wallnau - Oct. 26, 2013

Dr. Lance Wallnau is a dynamic teacher with a unique and powerful gift for imparting the Word of God. His anointed messages are remembered years afterwards because he captivates his audiences by humor, illustrations, drawings, and fresh vocabulary which penetrates deep into the heart with incredible authority, clarity, and personal application. 

Lance's prophetic teaching helps people see a clearer path into transformation. His unique style and humor is designed to keep you smiling so it isn't too painful when the truth hits home. Such high intensity in the Holy Spirit, accompanied by his pointed, colorful delivery, and use of diagrams and instruments enable him to impact his audiences and clients worldwide. His teaching is an unforgettable experience.

John Boneck

Rick Joyner & John Boneck
Rick JoynerRick Joyner is Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the Senior Pastor at MorningStar Fellowship Church. Rick is President of The Oak Initiative, an interdenominational movement that mobilizes Christians to engage in the great issues of our time.

He has authored more than forty books, including The Final Quest TrilogyThere Were Two Trees in the Garden, and A New America. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna Jane, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam. 

Dave Yarnes

David YarnesDavid Yarnes is Vice President of MorningStar Ministries. He is responsible for overseeing the ministry’s physical and financial infrastructure, as well as the planning and implementation of MorningStar’s interest in the Heritage Tower Project and senior housing investments, including acquisitions and development under the direct oversight of the President, Rick Joyner.

Mr. Yarnes has been the President and majority owner of several investment companies including: Triumph Capital Management, LLC, and founder/President of Willow Bay, Inc., which owned commercial office buildings and The Crown Theater performing arts center. He is a co-founder of Proactive Loan Servicing and Proactive Wealth Management. Mr. Yarnes resides in Fort Mill, SC with his wife of twenty-one years, Gina Yarnes, and their three children, Mathew, Nathan, and Samuel. 

Billy Nunez

Angela Nunez

Billy & Angela NunezBilly and Angela Nunez founded River City House of Prayer and River City Christian School 20 years ago. They lead worship as well as mentor and train musicians all over the world. Billy and Angela have three grown children and currently reside in Austin, Texas

Conference photos by Steve Martin. 
More have been posted on my FaceBook page 

Videos can be found on my YouTube channel: 

For more info/join:Website: KBA

Kingdom Business Association
375 Star Light Dr.
Fort Mill, SC, 29715
803-802-5544, Ext 378