Monday, December 16, 2013

A Beautiful Snowfall in Jerusalem - Jerusalem365

A Beautiful Snowfall in Jerusalem

Though your sins are like scarlet, 

they shall be as white as snow

though they are red like crimson, 

they shall become like wool.

ISAIAH (1:18)

אִם יִהְיוּ חֲטָאֵיכֶם כַּשָּׁנִים כַּשֶּׁלֶג

 יַלְבִּינוּ אִם יַאְדִּימוּ כַתּוֹלָע כַּצֶּמֶר יִהְיוּ

יְשַׁעְיָהוּ א:יח

eem ye-he-YOO kha-ta-ay-KHEM
ka-sha-NEEM ka-she-LEG yal-bee-NOO eem
ya-dee-MOO ka-toe-LA ka-tze-MER ye-hee-YOO

Jerusalem Inspiration

Last Thursday, snow began falling in Jerusalem 
in the heaviest December storm since 1953, 
shutting down schools and businesses throughout 
Israel’s capital. The Maharal of Prague, a great 
rabbi of the 16th century, describes the pure, white
snow as an illuminating force and spiritual light, which 
reminds us of God's involvement in man's affairs. 
To the young children of Jerusalem, however, it's 
a once-in-a-lifetime chance for a snowball fight 
and school closures!

Benjamin Netanyahu With His Family in the Snow!
Watch Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
take a few minutes out of his busy schedule to have
a snowball fight with his family at his Jerusalem residence.

Watch Now »

Roads were closed for the morning and school was 
cancelled throughout Jerusalem and the surrounding 
areas in response to unusually heavy snow that has fallen 
in the city since Thursday morning. Ten snowplows 
and ninety tons of salt, along with salt-spreading machines 
and tractors, were readied for the occasion.

It only snows in Jerusalem once every few years, 
but with this wonderful hand painted snow globe, 
you can make it snow every day! Makes a great 
gift for only $8.99.

Today's beautiful photo by Zev Rothkoff shows the pure 
white snowfall that blanketed Jerusalem.

Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Virginia Remillard in honor of her husband, Dick Remillard, who loved Israel.

"Your Site is Such a Joy"

I love it. I love the Scriptures heading the articles.
God bless you & Israel. From you we get our Bible.
Thank you for keeping it through the generations
for us. Sylvia, Essex. England

Hallo all the way from New Zealand, Your site is
such a joy. I love the photos and ... the Entebbe
video brought tears to my eyes. The goodness of
the Lord is wonderful. It was very moving too to see
the street named after Yoni Netanyahu - he made
the ultimate sacrifice but he would have been
prepared for that even before he left for Entebbe
and the street dedication is a lovely tribute.
Thank you for your site.
Sharon D.
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
Copyright © 2013 Jerusalem365, All rights reserved.
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Greetings from Xulon Press - who published my book "Ahava Love Letters"

Some of the staff at Xulon Press in Florida
- Sylvia Burleigh on front right.

It was nice getting an e-mail Christmas greeting today from Sylvia Burleigh at Xulon Press. They published my 2nd book, AHAVA LOVE LETTERS in Sept. 2013. I am grateful. Sylvia was always very helpful in the process.

In the e-mail she asked for prayers requests, so I gave her a few. Always appreciate prayer!

Thanks Xulon Press and the good work you do for the authors who want to share their gift of writing with many.

Shalom my friends, and Merry Christmas!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

P.S. You can get my books either from Xulon Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or directly from us. Please consider this as a gift to share. You can use the links in the side columns fro either THE PROMISE or AHAVA LOVE LETTERS, or the link here.

Order here from Xulon Press: Ahava Love Letters

Relaxing Hymns On Piano - A Whole Hour of Spiritual Music

This music selection is specifically for my good wife Laurie, for she loves instrumental music. (I primarily enjoy songs with words...)

But if you like that genre too, then feel free to listen!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Amy Grant - How Mercy Looks From Here (Album Preview)

Preview each song from Amy's new album 'How Mercy Looks From Here', now available. 
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"Joy. You Can Grow It." - Ahava Love Letter (Steve Martin)


                    “Joy. You Can Grow It.”

“The people were filled with joy, because they had given willingly — wholeheartedly they had given willingly to Adonai; and David the king too was completely filled with joy, as he blessed Adonai before the entire community: “Blessed be You, Adonai, the God of Isra’el our father, forever and ever. Yours, Adonai, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory and the majesty; for everything in heaven and on earth is Yours.

The kingdom is Yours, Adonai; and You are exalted as head over all. Riches and honor come from You, You rule everything, in Your hand is power and strength, You have the capacity to make great and to give strength to all.  Therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name.” Complete Jewish Bible Chronicles 29:9-13 )

Dear family of friends,

Over a period of three years, in a time not so far past, after coming through a time of seemingly lack and uncertainty, I found something that I never thought I would find during those days. It was joy. You can grow it.

It wasn’t a “happy” time, as most would consider, being without a fulltime job and with the inability in my own ability to provide as I thought I was most expected to. But looking back now, it was His time for me to be with Him. I had a lot of time to do just that, not having the 40-hour a week job to contend with. So I made the most of this time - to press into Him.

Making, by choosing to use the time to seek God the Father daily, by pressing in for more of His direction and purpose, caused me to increasingly know Him and His Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh (Hebrew). I was expecting just comfort and an increase in faith. I discovered He gave me joy.

Looking at things with a different perspective allows you to see things with a different perspective. Sounds strange to say that, but it is true. When my heart was given more of the fruit of joy, by being in His presence, my attitude towards those who also walked in earthly lack, changed. My heart for those who know not the Lord, lost in their own methods of filling the void within, changed. My concern for those who chased after that which will never fill their heart’s desire; well, it changed.

Having a joy in our heart is not produced from happy moments, or from not having difficult times. But rather it is having our loving Father draw us closer to Him, as we spend time with Him, and allow His heart to expand within ours. Joy then comes. It is grown as fruit.

You're blessed when you're ravenously hungry. Then you're ready for the Messianic meal.

You're blessed when the tears flow freely. Joy comes with the morning. (Luke 6:21 THE MESSAGE)

I heard a recent message in church that the time will come when people knowing us may think we are weirder than normal, due to the joy that will bubble up from our spirit. They may even think we are “retarded”, lacking understanding for why we have any reason to be filled with joy in the midst of it all. I now understand that. He has given me His joy.

Joy will be our strength in the hard times to come. Being with Him now, as we take the time each day to spend with Him in prayer, reading His Word, and seeking His face, will further grow the fruit of joy within. I have found this to be true. I hope you do too.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin
Founder, Love For His People

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USAorganization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.
Please consider sending a charitable giftof $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless the known families inIsrael, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. 

Your tax deductible contributions receivea receipt for each donation.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: LoveFor His People

If you don't have a PayPal account you canalso use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thankyou very much.)

Be sure to get my two books The Promise(CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Bothavailable through Xulon , plus other website book stores.

You can also order both books, The Promise(on for $7.19 plus $3.95 S/H) and Ahava Love Letters Xulon Press for$14.90, plus $3.80) or you can get both from our office for $29. Send check tothe address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office.(Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter withyour friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous,LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

           Ahava Love Letters
  Full website: LoveFor His People

Ahava Love Letter #95   “Joy”   - Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013(12.15.13 Sunday  at 7:45 am in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Ahava Love Lettercan be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava Love Letters

Grow some fruit today!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Christmas Carol (1984 Full Film) - George C. Scott

George C. Scott as Ebenezer Scrooge

One of my favorite versions of this classic movie. Steve Martin

Beautiful Jerusalem and Israel in snow

Israel countryside - Dec. 2013

Jerusalem - Dec. 2013

Looking below from the Mount of Olives

The Western Wall - Alex Levin painting

Ahava Adventures Word from India Pastor

Ahava Adventures Experience
John Ebenezer from Hyderabad, India

John and Steve in Jerusalem
Nov. 2013

Dec. 14, 2013
Dear Steve,

Shalom. I have just sent emails and news from Israel and other festival dates which I needed (to the ones we stayed at in Jerusalem), saying thanks for their prayers and care of our stay, wishing everyone from us a blessing.

I am at Mucherla with our team and pastors, They have seen the DVD and photos from my trip to Israel with you. Everyone saw you walking with me. All are surprised about the trip of Israel. Praise God! I am so blessed to have travelled with you. God provided for me to be with you as a partner with mission. I thank GOD.

Our team of five each has two going from house to house lighting the candle for Christmas. Many have seen my baptism at the River Jordan, praising GOD for the chance which I have with you. Many thanks for your goodness and love. I will come again 2014 and planning to bring few with me, but the cost is higher for them.

One Catholic sister, whom I gave her a rosary, was very much happy to see you travel with us. Let us pray Yeshua will open the doors for many people from India to be with us.

Please send the details of festivals and holidays in Israel so I can pray for us many. David, Lucie and Joseph were very much happy to see the DVD and photos from Israel on the Ahava Adventures trip in November.

John in Jerusalem with book
"Ahava Love Letters"

 You are all in our prayers. Please say hi to Ben (Martin, who joined us on the trip) from me and your family too,

 Ahava, shalom,

John Ebenezer
Pastor, Lighthouse of India Ministries , Hyderabad, India

John and Ben Martin on bus in Jerusalem

John and Steve - with the Eastern (Golden Gate) 
across the Kidron Valley in Jerusalem

Sharing Love From Sweden - "It Costs"

by Eva Haglund 
(Stockholm, Sweden)

Counseling at breakfast,
talking about the cost;
I could not go because 
I did not have the price.

My friends could not go either,
because they could not afford to pay;
My heart was sad thinking, 
" Do people have to give 
before they get comforted?"

They without money - 
are stopped at the door?
Were they who did not have enough 
at home for breakfast
Welcome  to the  meal?

Jesus shared the breakfast 
at the sea without fee.
The Samaritan comforted too 
without a price for he.

Was not the gospel for the poor?
Or just for them with money?
In the church would be agape,
To share our bread and honey.

Will the Bread of life -
the Word from heaven cost?
The Bread came to Bethlehem (House of Bread)
For you, and I, and all lost.

Would  He be welcome today?
Or would we close the door?
He gave His life, His Bread, 
He gave his life for the poor. 

Share His love to all,
Even as you are able.
Open the door
To the Star in a stable.

Rev.22:16, Luke 10:30-37 

Spiritual Warfare and Your Prophetic Journey - CharismaNews

When Your Prophetic Journey Meets With Spiritual Warfare

woman worshipping
Mary also received prophetic words: Her Son would be king of the Jews. So why were they banished and suffering in an uncomfortable and foreign land? Mary didn't realize that the prophetic timetable for the fulfillment of Jesus' destiny would be a grueling 30 years long. You, too, will spend time in the wilderness; you will experience seasons of barrenness. Are you willing to wait on the Lord's timing?
An Ordinary Life "Finally, after several years in Egypt, God spoke to Joseph again in a dream. Herod was dead. This time it was I who grabbed Jesus and ran out the door with Joseph trailing behind. We couldn't get home fast enough.
"Things eventually settled down, but mothering Jesus was always a challenge. Once, when He was 12 years old, and we were returning in a large group from the festival in Jerusalem, I realized He wasn't with the other children. We frantically returned to the city to look for Him. Finally, we found Him in the temple. You know what He said? He said I should have known He was there! Oy vey! I wanted to ground Him until He was 21!"
Do you feel as if you're on a shelf, living an ordinary life? Are you changing diapers, cooking dinner and dealing with the neighbors while crying out in your heart: Lord, have you forgotten me? Why don't people recognize my gifting? Don't they realize I had a radical visitation back in 1990?
Mary had 30 years of obscurity to develop a hidden testimony--a secret history with God. You, too, have an appointed time to build family, community and greater intimacy with Jesus. In the midst of that time you may feel like crying out, What's taking so long? By the time my destiny comes, I'll be pursuing it in a wheel chair! But seasons of preparation are important. These are the times when God works patience, radical passion and deep devotion into your life.
Finally, Ministry Begins "When I was 45 years old, life changed dramatically for Jesus and me. He started bringing home a ragtag bunch of fishermen to dinner. Then, at a wedding, He changed water into wine. From then on He moved in amazing signs and wonders, and a huge crowd followed Him everywhere. The excitement grew daily as Jesus walked among the people, bringing revival. But I still don't understand what He meant when He said, 'Who is my mother?'"
Mary had to relinquish control of her life and Jesus' life in the midst of an outpouring of the Spirit. In your life and ministry, you also have to let go--of your plans, your expectations, your ways. Just as Jesus had to leave His home and follow the Father, you also have to relinquish control of your life and follow the Father, even if it takes you to the cross.
And it will.
The Dark Night "Why God, why? Why have You forsaken Him? Why have You forsaken me? He was supposed to deliver us. He was our salvation, and now He's gone. If you really love us, why have You allowed this to happen?"
Jesus was in the prime of His life. The countryside was in the midst of a tremendous revival. But now He was dying on the cross--and so was Mary. Overcome by feelings of abandonment and betrayal, she was in the middle of a crisis of faith.
When Jesus chose to go to the cross, Mary was compelled to go there, too. The truth is, the cross is always being worked in our lives--sometimes through the choices of others. Your daughter has an abortion; your son abuses drugs; your husband files for divorce. You never intended to go to that cross, but there you are.
You want to believe the Lord will rescue you at the last moment, but often His plan is to crucify you. Everything dies at the cross: relationships, ministries, agendas, reputations, finances. It's painful, but it's necessary. If you cry out to be part of the bride of Christ, then you must be--you will be--identified with the sufferings of the Bridegroom.
Resurrection "He's alive! I thought I'd cried all my tears on Golgotha, but when our eyes met, it was like a flood. As I ran into His open arms, He scooped me up and spun me around in joyous laughter.
"The times we shared after the resurrection were the most precious of my life. They made it easier to release Him--again. As I watched Him ascend, I prayed again, 'Lord, let it be unto me according to Your word, for the rest of my life.'"
Out of great death comes great life. Mary's prophetic promises had been limited by her worldview. In her mind's eye she had seen Jesus as king over the little nation of Israel for the span of His lifetime. In reality, He was King of kings and Lord of lords for all people and all time.
At the cross, God crucifies our limited view concerning the fulfillment of our prophetic destiny and resurrects it to His eternal view. The Lord revives our broken dreams--when they come to pass, they rarely look as we thought they would.