Friday, June 21, 2013

The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again

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A Prophetic Newsletter

By Karla Shrake

June 20, 2013,Volume 19

And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem."
Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before
His Army;
Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is he who Carries out His Word."

Joel 2:11

The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again

Part 1

by Karla Shrake

June 20, 2013

"My dear America you have seen both good times and bad but you must understand this is your prophetic hour to wake up for I am beginning to reveal Myself to many across this great land," says your Founder-Father. "This is the hour to search for Me with all your heart and to heed My word with great diligence and care.

 As you do you will find the deliverance and healing you are in such desperate need of. The hour is short and you must respond quickly for the prophetic wheels of time and eternity are turning and the appointed hour of deliverance has begun," exhorts your loving Father.

Time to Rouse from your Comfort-Nests:
"Yes American church I understand your joints, shoulders and muscles have become stiff and even atrophied from so many years of dryness, lethargy and ease. Now is the time to forsake business as usual and the comfort of your nests.

I am coming to awaken you so that you will remember who you are, the greatness that I your covenant Father imparted to from your inception so long ago. You must again lift up your eyes toward heaven so that your spiritual understanding, reasoning and true identity will return. I have called you to be My humble and obedient ones to represent My father's heart of love for the lost and dying in your own country as well as around the globe."

The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail:

"Yes it is true the very gates of hell are battering against you yet again and again with great ferocity even as hurricane winds and waves batter the coastline, but know that they will not prevail against you My faithful ones. You must learn to continually hide yourself in Me and in My latter-day purposes for this is where you will find protection and victory."

"As you learn to truly hide yourself in Me you will discover that I will shield you from the batterings and beatings that hell is spewing forth with such great intensity. Humble yourselves, seek Me while I may be found and stay under the shelter of My strong, eternal wings. Hide yourself in that secret place of intimate fellowship with Me," exhorts your loving Father. "But do not become comfortable for I am moving suddenly and frequently in this critical hour of preparation therefore you must be prepared to move quickly with Me."

Lean into My Faithfulness:

"You must turn toward Me My beloved Eagle and stretch forth the wings of your faith, trusting in Me as your Father-Founder once again. As you lean into Me in this dark hour you will encounter My covenant faithfulness and the lifting of My Spirit."

"Take courage dear ones as the winds of heaven are stirring across this great land as I your Maker have a plan and a purpose from long ago. I am the Alpha and the Omega, and I know the end from the beginning. Find your your strength in Me and in the power of My might, for truly My might has no end." (Part II coming in next week's newsletter.)

*Note from author Karla Shrake:

The above are excerpts taken from the last section of my book "Mantles of Glory,

this section received and penned in 1999. As the author I have taken liberty in making changes, edits and additions to the original text, although the essence of the message remains the same.

Davidic Warriors

Dear Friends and Fellow-Patriots,

The Lord quickened to me to go back and reread the last section of my book "Mantles" about America, that part written 14 years ago.  As we are three weeks away from July 4th, the anniversary of our liberty, I felt He wanted to release a word of perspective, encouragement and exhortation to us and to those this word might be forwarded to.  This is not just about patriotism, it is about His kingdom plans and purposes for our country - that they be fulfilled and not aborted.  

I pray this word will stir the hearts of many to pray and fast for our country and for the leaders of the Body of Christ in America.  Ultimately a nation is ruled by the righteous who bow before Him in faith and humility.   So let us pray that His children would take their rightful places as they kneel before Him in the courtroom of heaven where our Righteous Judge rules according to the everlasting covenant.   Let us stand in agreement with the Mayflower Compact and many other founders and believers who shed both tears and blood for a land of liberty based on the Bible and on The Lamb's eternal sacrifice, the only way to true and lasting liberty.

Blessings to all in the Davidic Warrior prayer-fasting-decree family for although we are decreeing in a hidden and private way, it is divinely powerful for the establishing of His plan and Kingdom in our lives, destinies and families.  May your heart's desires come to pass quickly and surely in this season as He richly rewards faithfulness and devotion to Him.  Know that you are remembered and honored not only in heaven but on earth as well.
love to all,
A Prophetic Word to this Generation
      Click for more information  
Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation.   Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households. 

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers.  As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Click Here to Buy 

Don't think their agenda has changed. Not for one minute.

New Iranian president tied to Jewish center bombing

Friday, June 21, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might be famous forwanting to kill Jews, but his predecessor, the allegedly "moderate" Hassan Rohani, has apparently actually done so.
An American newspaper this week pointed out that a 2006 indictment by the government in Argentina had listed Rohani as one of the co-conspirators in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires.
The attack, which killed 85 people and wounded hundreds more, was, according to Argentina, carried out by Hezbollah, but was ordered from Tehran.
The Argentine government investigator stated that the attack was planned and given a green light by Iran's Supreme National Security Council, which is headed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini.
A former Iranian intelligence official testified in the case that Rohani was also a member of that council, as was former Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, himself hailed throughout the West as a "moderate."
As Israelis have been pointing out since his election last week, Rohani might have more tact and style than Ahmadinejad, but he hates Israel every bit as much.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Jerusalem, The Soul of Israel Forever!

Jerusalem, The Soul of Israel Forever!!

Matisyahu - "Jerusalem If I Forget You"

If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill (Psalm 137:5)

Jerusalem, if I forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
Jerusalem, if I forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.

In the ancient days, we will return with no delay
Picking up the bounty and the spoils on our way
We've been traveling from state to state
And them don't understand what they say
3000 years with no place to be
And they want me to give up my milk and honey
Don't you see, it's not about the land or the sea
Not the country but the dwelling of his majesty

Rebuild the temple and the crown of glory
Years gone by, about sixty
Burn in the oven in this century
And the gas tried to choke, but it couldn't choke me
I will not lie down, I will not fall asleep
They come overseas, yes they're trying to be free
Erase the demons out of our memory
Change your name and your identity
Afraid of the truth and our dark history
Why is everybody always chasing we
Cut off the roots of your family tree
Don't you know that's not the way to be

Caught up in these ways, and the worlds gone craze
Don't you know it's just a phase
Case of the Simon says
If I forget the truth then my words won't penetrate
Babylon burning in the place,
can't see through the haze
Chop down all of them dirty ways,
That's the price that you pay for
selling lies to the youth
No way, not ok, oh no way, not ok, hey
Aint no one gonna break my stride
Aint no one gonna pull me down
Oh no, I got to keep on moving
Stay alive.

Song by Matisyahu
Presented by: P.C.Anton

I want to walk like He does...

Today, I want to walk like He walks...

...being a daily servant to all. faith, for all good things He has appointed me to do.

...seeing the big picture with world glasses, and not with my microscope.

...knowing the Holy Spirit is guiding me.

 ...standing for who He stands for, 
supporting Israel and the Jewish people
 with all that I have.

...declaring His victory over my family, friends, co-workers, and the world.

 ...knowing He is Messiah! love, and not hate or regrets.

...praying the Aaronic blessing over all.

...declaring His blessings, as I look to His guiding hand.

Praying daily for His promises to be fulfilled in the nations...

...and aim for the heart!


...with all my heart. 
 Steve Martin

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Editor's Note: This blog was placed on Facebook by a friend. After reading it, I wanted to share it with others.

Whatever you are waiting for, and for some it HAS BEEN years, I can testify (after 50+ years), that God is Faithful. The plans He has for each of us are the best we could ever hope for. 

Be encouraged in your walk with Him today. Eternity is a long time, and we will get there with Him as our Shepherd and Friend, after He has become first our Lord and Savior.


Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I was hoping the Lord would give me something special for the 1000 posting on this Blog. And He did!


When I was 16, I got a purity ring.
And when I was 25, I took it off.
I didn’t tell anyone I was doing it — it wasn’t a statement or an emotional thing. I just slipped it off my finger that day and, before tucking it away in a box, ran my finger around the words on the familiar gold band.
“True Love Waits.” Waits.
What’s it “waiting” for, anyway?
I had my reasons for deciding not to wear it anymore. Other people might have other reasons. It’s a graveyard of hearts, this place where single church girls crash into their late 20s and early 30s. Churches see the symptoms. They scramble to reach out to the ever-growing young adult singles crowd who feels alienated by family-oriented services.
But there’s something bigger behind it than that.
Much bigger.
There are a lot of girls out there who don’t know who God is anymore – the God of their youth group years just isn’t working out. Back then, that God said to wait for sex until they are married, until He brings the right man along for a husband. They signed a card and put it on the altar and pledged to wait.
And wait they did.
And waited and waited and waited.
Some of them have prayed their whole lives for a husband, and he hasn’t shown up. They’ve heard the advice to “be the woman God made you to be, focus on that, and then the husband will come.” They’ve read “Lady in Waiting,” gotten super involved in church and honed their domestic skills.
And still they wait.
More than a decade ago, a youth leader handed them a photocopied poem in Sunday School written to them from “God” that said, “The reason you don’t have anyone yet is because you’re not fully satisfied in Me. You have to be satisfied with Me and then when you least expect it, I’ll bring you the person I meant for you.”
And the girls see it posted on their bulletin boards from time to time.
“You’re right, God,” they say. “We’re not satisfied in you yet. We will put you first and then you can bring us a husband in your timing.”
But many of them – if they’re honest – will tell you that time has passed, and it’s wrecking their view of God.
If this is who God’s supposed to be, then He’s tragically late.
So some decide to chuck “Lady in Waiting” out the window … and possibly their virginity with it. Church goes next. God might go next, too. If He doesn’t answer these prayers after they’ve held up their end of the bargain, why would He answer any others?
Whether it was the fault of the leaders, the fault of us girls, or both, a tragedy happened back then.
A lot of girls were sold on a deal and not on a Savior.
I had that poem on my bulletin board all through high school – the one where “God” was telling me to fall in love with Him first and then I would be able to fall in love with a husband later.
Who wrote that poem anyway?
Pretty sure it wasn’t God.
When Jesus was here on the earth, the crowds would follow Him because they saw He gave good things. But that’s not what He wanted. He wanted their hearts for Himself. So He would turn to them and say things like, “If you don’t love Me so much that every other relationship in your life looks like hate by comparison, you can’t follow Me.” (Matthew 10:34-39, paraphrase)
That sounds a lot different from the poem.
Christ is the source of everything we need and the giver of all good gifts … but in telling people about Him, it’s possible we’ve sold them on a solution for life’s problems and not life itself.
What if we as girls had learned early on that having Him was everything, not a means to the life we think He would want us to have.
If we had learned we don’t abstain from sex because we’re “waiting.” We abstain because we love Him.
If I’d had on my bulletin board, “Fall in love with Jesus.” That’s it. Bottom line. That’s everything you need to know, to work toward, to put your hope in.
If I’d learned who He is, what He wants, how to give Him everything, not “wait” so that one day I could give my everything to someone else.
If I’d learned that it’s not bad to pray for a husband, but that my greater prayer should be for Him to spend my life as He chooses for His glory.
If we as believers make that our message, things could be drastically different for a lot of girls wondering why the God they think they learned to follow doesn’t compute. It doesn’t necessarily stop the desire for a husband or end all feelings of loneliness, but it does show a God who provides, loves and gives infinite purpose even to our singleness rather than a God who categorically denies some who pray for husbands while seemingly giving freely to others.
It shows that while marriage is good, He is the greater goal.
Don’t think I’ve done this perfectly.
I’d be deceiving you if you thought that. I’ve had relationships where I made major mistakes. I’ve gone through angst-ridden phases where I met with friends to plead together with God to bring us husbands. I’ve planned major life decisions around possibilities.
I lived like I was waiting for something.
And that’s why I slipped off my ring that day. It wasn’t that I wanted to sleep with people – I haven’t. It wasn’t a slap to True Love Waits, or to anyone who wears a purity ring – saving sex for marriage is good and is His design.
I just didn’t want to wait anymore – didn’t want to live like I was waiting on anyone to get here.
I already have Him … and He is everything.
“Follow Christ for His own sake, if you follow Him at all.” – J.C. Ryle
Website for more from her: Grace For The Road

Leadership Through Love - Chapter 4 - "Train and Let Loose" (Steve Martin)

Chapter 4

Train and Let Loose

A.    It Is Who You Know
B.     Hire To Complement Your Strengths
- where, not if, you are weak, then let them be strong
     C.  Outsource as needed

People come and people go. So much of the USA is on the move, shifting here and there. No wonder residential real estate firms continue to do well most of the time, as people change jobs, and often need to re-locate within cities, or to other cities.

When my father, Louis Martin, retired from the Viking Pump Company, he had been there for over 30 years. When our family lived at 1116 Main Street in Cedar Falls, Iowa, I had been in that same home from 1st grade until my first (and only) year in college. My wife’s parents lived in the same house for 48 years, in Peru, Illinois. (As of June 2013, Laurie’s Mom, Lorraine Unzicker, has now lived there 54 years...and counting.)

Lorraine Unzicker (front left) - Laurie's Mom 
Photo taken at Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC
- 2010

It is more common these days for people to move from house to house, city to city, state to state, as jobs change, due to transitions with companies themselves, and with the employees.  How do leaders and administrators find good people to meet the business, church or ministry needs, as they themselves grow, or fluctuate with life around them?

Often it is said that it is not “what you know but who you know.” And I would agree, based on my understanding of relationships, and the years of experience which has proved this to be so in my hiring selections.

Personality tests abound, resumes are plentiful, but I have yet to be convinced that what is “tested” in a twenty minute survey or written by a potential candidate in a resume’ is as trustworthy as knowing people themselves. And how do you get to know people that can do what you need done on the job?

The Holy Spirit is my guide. He has promised to lead me and direct my steps. I believe that holds true when it comes time for an administrator or human services director to make the changes necessary within the staffing positions. Out of relationships within the church, or through networking with other ministries and businesses, we can get to know people who have the skills required, or can be trained to do the tasks needed.

My first goal as the one doing the hiring is to know the person’s character, which weighs more heavily in my book than even their skill level. If I see someone who is trustworthy, diligent, having a servant’s heart and attitude, and teachable, then I am far better ahead bringing them on staff, than going out and selecting someone who I have no history of involvement with. I have found that selecting someone with the character within, who has the willingness and the spirit to be taught that which they may not know as yet, will better serve the organization, and will learn the tasks that the work requires.

One who “knows it all” brings a pride and attitude with them that has proven detrimental when placed on your team in the workplace. Those not willing to cooperate, receive instructions, and “hear and obey” your leadership will only bring trouble down the road. Careful observance beforehand will save a lot of headache later.

Once a new employee is trained sufficiently to do the regular routines, let them have enough space to create better ways of doing them. Freedom to grow, by not being controlled by the boss, will cause the employee to “make it their own”, or “take ownership” as my good friend Jack Alongi so often said, at Derek Prince Ministries.

Jack Alongi (3rd from the right)

Included in the photo are the 
Love For His People, Inc. Board Members (2010)
(L-R) Curtis Loftin (seated), Cathy Hargett, 
Jeanette Alongi, Dr. Bill & Cindi Duerfeldt, Jack Alongi
Laurie and Steve Martin

We had one employee, a young man with no leadership skills initially, that came to work before my time at one ministry. He started out in the shipping department, doing the mail runs, filling book and cassette orders, and basically doing what he was told to do. At times though he had disagreements with his supervisor, and on one occasion, after she and I concurred on what to do, we gave him a day off with no pay, over an incident that required noticeable action. This drove home our point.

As the years went by, his supervisor, Liz Spooner, (another employee who had worked 25 years on the job!) retired, and because he had put himself “under the rule” to be taught, we gave him the staff position of being the Shipping Supervisor. Today, he has his own web design business, and has grown into a very fine man. His character allowed him to mature, and his teachable spirit gave him the means to learn the job, and become that which his mentors had taught him over the years.

The Lord has given each of us gifts. Encouraging your staff to take something, and expand it, brings fulfillment to them, and will “profit” the organization more. Controlling every situation, such as micro-managers do, only stifles the atmosphere and the office members.

Once certain boundaries have been put in place, for the Lord is a God of order and not chaos, then let the staff member operate out of his or her ability to think, respond, and implement new ideas and ways to complete the task. Even accounting, which I myself learned on the job, has standard operating procedures, but there is always more than one way “to skin a cat.”

Boredom caused by mundane routine produces wasted man hours. Let the people have some freedom in their positions, and offer new ideas for consideration. Reward them when new their ideas are put into practice.

Another practice I have found very beneficial in my hiring methods is to look for people who can do those tasks I either cannot do, nor have the time to do. As the leader of the group, you need to have those surrounding you who can complement the team. Face it, you don’t have all the answers, nor do you have the time to learn all the answers. But by adding people who are more skilled in areas you are not, and don’t even have knowledge about, you make the team stronger, which results in more production.

If someone shows a talent for organizing the office supply cabinet, then give them another task that requires even more arrangement of pieces and product. If someone shows a delight in sharing with visitors who come to see the structure of the organization, then make them the “tour guide” for those times.

On the lighter side of the job, as I expressed in a previous chapter, have times to celebrate with the staff a birthday or the completion of a big event, such as a weekend conference. The guy who enjoys cookouts at home can be the “grill master” for the company, and use this joy of cooking to express himself in this manner, while blessing the others.

There are certain jobs that you may not have the skilled personnel or equipment to do what is needed. At these points, outsource to those businesses which are available for such needs.  And even as you are doing this, your church or ministry becomes even more known within the community. Scripture speaks of the elder having a good reputation outside the church. Even the leader should be spoken highly of in this manner, as he conducts business with those helping him fulfill his tasks for the work.

If a job is one that is only needed for one time, or occasionally, then outsourcing, rather than getting someone trained, is worth the money. Or if the equipment costs prohibit the job from being done internally, then look for a good, reputable company that does this work, and contract the job with them. Employee costs are not only spent for salary, but also insurances, vacations and other benefits. It pays to consider both of these options – hiring or outsourcing.

Bottom line, relationships tend to allow the leader the better choice in finding and keeping good staff members. Allowing staff members to grow in their positions, without the micro-manager dictating each task and oversight of it, and outsourcing when needed brings a profitable staff climate in the office.


Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider sending a monthly charitable gift of $5-$25 each month to help us bless Messianic Jews in Israel. 

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©2013 Steve Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134      


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Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Note: To read the Intro, Chapter Listings and first two chapters please use the Search Box in the top right hand corner of this Blog, and enter "Leadership Through Love." Be blessed in your reading!

Leadership Through Love

Chapter Listings

1.      A Gift for His Purposes

- The Early Years
- On the job training

2.      Use the Tools You Have, But Not the Staff

- Treasure the people, while digging the foundations
- Do unto them as you would…
- Bless and curse not: honor those who serve with you

3.      Right Man (or Woman!) for the Job

- All are created equal – make the most of this!
- If the Shoe Fits, Have Them Wear It

4.      Train and Let Loose

- It IS Who You Know and Are Known By
- Hire To Complement Your Strengths
- if you are weak, then they are strong
- Outsource as needed

5.      Burn Candles At Both Ends? – NOT!

- Rest and Sabbath Days
- Mornings with the Lord
- Trust in Him at all times
- We all are given 24 hours each day

6.       The Visionaries Need You!

-          They dream it - you make it happen
-          It takes a team
-          Head Won’t Get Far without the Neck
(or heads will roll)
7.      Field Trips and More!

- Staff Retreats
- Party Time!
- Birthdays and BBQs
- After Hours

8.      It Doesn’t All Depend On You

- The Lord is the Rock – Not You
- Whose strength  - yours or His?
   - Key Staff to Lean On
    - Trustworthy managers and assistants

9.      Practically Speaking…and Walking

- Handle each piece of paper once
- File so you can find it!
- Early morning – before the others come
- Take a Break

10.  Meetings – Time-manger or Time-waster?

- Do you really need all those meetings?
- Group or One-On-One?
- Why Morning and Mid-Week?
 - Prov. 24:6 “By wise counsel…multitude of counselors

11.  Acknowledge Him in All Your Ways

- Heart of Thankfulness
- Heart of Worship
- Heart of Service

12.  Another Man’s Vineyard

-          Follow & help fulfill their vision
-          Faithful with another’s
-          Learn and growth until your time
-          The proper way of moving on