Showing posts with label Savior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Savior. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Billy Graham: What Is This Country Coming To?

Billy Graham: What Is This Country Coming To?

Billy Graham
Billy Graham (Courtesy/BGEA)
The great need in America is not for a new organization. Our great need is not for more economic prosperity. Our great need is for a real spiritual awakening, a revival in which men and women will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways to the God of our fathers.
In my opinion we've had four major crisis periods in American history. The first was the Revolutionary War. We did not even know whether we could be born as a nation or not. It was my privilege to be at Valley Forge when President Eisenhower made this statement there: "This is where they got [our independence] for us.
In the midst of that winter, General Washington was seen time and again on his knees out in the snow calling upon God for victory. Out of that winter of prayer, George Washington led that little, beaten, discouraged, tattered army to a great victory that brought about the independence of the United States from Great Britain. I believe God helped that little army as it marched all the way to Yorktown.
The next great crisis in American history came when a Constitutional Convention was called in Philadelphia to ratify a Constitution for the new country that was being born. The delegates got angry with each other; they couldn't agree on a thing. Benjamin Franklin eloquently called on the Convention to pray for God's assistance: ["We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that 'except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it.' I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel."]
Out of that Convention came the Constitution of the United States.
The next great crisis came during the Civil War. Men on both sides were killing each other, brothers against brothers, and it seemed that our little country would be torn apart. It seemed that we would become two separate nations or that some European power would come and take us over because we had weakened each other. But thank God, on both sides we had some men and women who believed in God.
A man came to Abraham Lincoln one day and said, "Mr. Lincoln, don't you believe that God is with us?" Mr. Lincoln said, "I'm not interested as to whether God is with us; I'm interested as to whether we are on God's side." President Lincoln called the nation to a day of prayer, and in his call of prayer he recommended individual repentance. He called for a renewed faith in God. He said, "We are a nation of sinful people, and God has brought us to this point; let us pray to God."
The day that General Lee surrendered, President Lincoln called the Cabinet to prayer, and at the suggestion of the president the whole Cabinet dropped to its knees and offered thanks to Almighty God for the victory that preserved the Union.
Down in the South many people had also been praying. Robert E. Lee had been asked one day, "Aren't you praying for victory?" General Lee said, "No, I'm praying that the will of God be done." We believe that God's will was done. The shackles of slavery were thrown off. The Union was preserved and the nation reunited.
The fourth great crisis in American history was not World War I. We were never threatened in World War I. Nor was it World War II. We were really never threatened as a nation in World War II. The fourth great crisis in American history is the crisis of the present moment. Our nation at this moment is being threatened as it has not been threatened since the Civil War. We are being threatened by moral deterioration.
We have seen this country plunging deeper and deeper, at a rapidly gaining momentum, into moral deterioration. Honesty and truthfulness have been thrown out the window. The nation is on a mad pursuit of amusements, pleasure and immorality.
The same symptoms that were in Rome during its last days are now seen and felt in America. Walk down the streets of our cities and see the current names of today's films. Many are either psychopathic or centered on sex.
What is this country coming to?
We need a moral revival. We need a spiritual revival that will put a new moral fiber into our society, or we will have collapsed internally before any enemies even get here. We are being softened up right now by the devil for the kill.
We are also being threatened today by racial tension, strife that has at times brought us to the brink of cultural war between the great races in this country.
It is high time that we come to the foot of the cross. When you come to the foot of the cross and receive Christ as Savior, He gives you the capacity to love your neighbor.
There is no superior race in God's sight. God does not look upon the outward appearance. God looks upon the heart. God sees our pride. We are going to have to come to where we love each other as neighbors and to where we look through the eyes of Jesus at sin.
God is looking for real and genuine repentance. To whom much is given, much is required. Much is given to America, and much shall be required of America.
There are several reasons why God has spared us this long. First is the very nature of God. Psalm 130:3 says, "If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?" The Bible teaches that God is a God of mercy, long-suffering and love. And God loves you as an individual. He is a God of mercy. He gave His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the cross, to shed His blood for your sins, to rise again for your justification. He loves us, and every time I look at the cross I see written over it in letters of fire, "God is love, God is love, God is love. He loves you, He loves you."
Second, He is not willing that any should perish. God does not want you to go to hell. He does not want you to be lost. He loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you. But God gave you a will of your own. You can say "no" to God or you can say "yes" to God.
Third, God has spared America because of the great number of born-again Christians in America.
Isaiah 1:9 says, "Unless the Lord of hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah." If it were not for God's people in this country, it would have been destroyed long ago. Don't despise that godly Christian who lives next door to you. Don't laugh at that Christian student you go to school with. I tell you, he or she is one of the reasons that this nation has the blessings and prosperity that it has.
But unless the Lord's people discipline themselves to prayer, unless the Lord's people discipline themselves to Bible study, unless the Lord's people discipline themselves to living a Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring life, that blessing will not last very long.
There was a time when Christians would not dare to look at some of the things we are now seeing every day. We are gradually taking in the amusements and the pleasures until our spiritual life is being dulled and the Bible no longer has the glow to it. The time of prayer no longer has the desire that it used to have. You know that is true. We need to repent of our sins.
I am convinced that our nation is in peril. The handwriting is on the wall. The signs of the times are everywhere. American people cannot long continue in their moral degeneracy. A cancer is eating at the heart and core of the American way of life.
The Bible says that we are to humble ourselves. No man or woman can come to the kingdom of God proudly. You must come in humility.
The only prayer that you can pray if you have never come to Christ is, "God, be merciful to me a sinner" (Luke 18:13). Have you prayed that prayer?
I'm not asking if you have partaken of the sacraments. I'm not asking if you belong to a church. I'm asking you, have you said, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner"? Have you come to the foot of the cross in humility and received Him as your Savior and Lord, and asked Him to cover your sins with His blood? If you haven't, you can right now. Your life can be changed and transformed.
The only way that we can have our lives changed and find peace, joy and the fulfillment of life; the only way to have sin forgiven; the only way to know that you are going to heaven, is to receive Christ as your Lord, Savior and Master. "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" (John 1:12). "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Rom. 10:9).
The place where we belong is at the foot of the cross. The great need in America is not for more guns or more smart bombs—it is for more men and women who have been transformed by the power of Christ and are living dedicated lives for Christ in the office, on the production line and in the school. The great need is for men and women who will take their stand for the Lord Jesus Christ, no matter what the cost may be.
Pockets of true revival are breaking out across America. Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire's new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.
©1988 BGEA

Monday, April 13, 2015

"My Beloved" - (Hebrew - "Ani l'dodi v'dodi li") - a Wedding Waltz sung by Joshua Aaron

Joshua Aaron and wife Jeannie 

Published on Oct 2, 2014
Joshua Aaron singing his popular wedding song, "My Beloved" (Ani l'dodi v'dodi li) with his wife Jeannie (lyrics and info below). Available at: or on itunes at

info and lyrics below

אני לדודי ודודי לי (Ani l'dodi v'dodi li) is taken from Song of Solomon 6:3 and translates, "I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine".

Song of Solomon 6:3


Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li
I am my beloved's, my beloved is mine
Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li

I have a song that I learned from my Savior
When He gave His life for His bride
Now I sing it for you now that you are mine

It's a song of redemption, of selfless love
That I'm learning from Him, God above
Now I sing it for you my one and only bride

Lai, Lai...

I am no longer mine, I am yours forever
I give it all to you, my beloved x2

Lai, lai...

I will dance with you, I will walk with you
Let no man separate what God has placed together
I will dance with you, I will walk with you
I am yours, you are mine, my beloved x2

Lai, lai...

Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li
I am my beloved's, my beloved is mine
Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li

Produced by Tim James and Joshua Aaron
Mixed by Ainsley Grosser
Mastered by Jason Shaffer

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Rediscovering Jesus in the Christmas Madness - J. Lee Grady

Nativity scene
It's discouraging for believers when Disney Christmas ornaments outsell nativity scenes. (iStock photo)
I've often wondered what extraterrestrial aliens would think if they came to earth during December and watched people celebrate Christmas. Would they be able to figure out what this holiday season is about? I doubt it.
Today the story of Jesus' birth is pretty much buried under tons of stringed lights, crass materialism, political correctness and songs about cold weather (which is odd, considering the fact that most people in the world celebrate Christmas in warm climates). Somehow we forgot the point of this celebration.
I proved this last week when I went to a large store to find a nativity scene. This well-known discount retailer had rows and rows of Christmas trees, Disney ornaments (because anything with a Frozen theme sells), Hello Kitty ornaments, martini ornaments (Christmas is about drinking?), inflatable penguins, Santa Claus toilet seats, Darth Vader nutcrackers, reindeer oven mitts and battery-operated Christmas hats.
But no nativity scene. When I asked a manager why they didn't have any, he said apologetically: "You're right. We should probably stock those."
But I'm not going to depend on Target, Wal-Mart or Macy's to show me the real meaning of this season. I always read the gospel accounts of Jesus' birth in Matthew and Luke during the month of December so I can rediscover the miracle of the Incarnation.
I encourage you to study those passages as well. And as you do, meditate on these seven different names of Jesus that are recorded in the Christmas story:
1. He is the Son of David (Matt. 1:1). Matthew's gospel, which was written primarily to Jews, stresses that Jesus was in the royal lineage of Israel's kings. The genealogy that appears in Matthew 1 traces Joseph, the husband of the virgin Mary, to David's line—and then back to Abraham. Even though Jesus was not the biological son of Joseph, He could legally claim the family name. He was King of the Jews in the truest sense; yet unlike the sinful kings of Israel, Jesus was the perfect ruler—and His kingdom will never end.
2. He is the Son of Adam (Luke 3:38). Luke's gospel, written to a Gentile audience, focuses on Jesus' humanity. And the genealogy that appears in Luke 3:23-38 is not about kingly succession. Instead, it traces Jesus' lineage through Mary's family tree and goes all the way to Adam—establishing the case that Jesus was a descendant of the first man. Through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit, God's eternal Word impregnated Mary, making her child both God and man. Yet Jesus, unlike Adam, never disobeyed God. He remained sinless so He could sacrifice His life for us.
3. He is Emmanuel (Matt. 1:23). An angel told Joseph in a dream that Mary would conceive a son miraculously—and that His name would be Emmanuel, which means, "God with us." Wrapped up in this name is the mystery of the Incarnation. Jesus is, as John's gospel emphasizes, the Word that "became flesh" (John 1:14). He was with God before the creation of the world as the glorious firstborn Son, but He left the glory of heaven to dwell among sinners on earth.
4. He is Jesus, the Savior (Matt. 1:21). The angel told Mary she would give birth to the "holy child" and that she would call him Jesus, which is the Greek form of the name Joshua (or Yeshua in Hebrew). Jesus means "the Lord saves." Just as Joshua in the Old Testament succeeded Moses and took God's people across the Jordan into the Promised Land, Jesus led us out of the wilderness of sin and ushered us "by grace" and "through faith" (Eph. 2:8) into the blessings of salvation.
5. He is the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6). Angels said to the shepherds in Bethlehem: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased" (Luke 2:14). This harkens back to Isaiah's ancient prophecy that the Messiah would institute peace on earth. The gift of Christ was, in fact, the greatest peace treaty ever enacted. Wherever the true gospel of Christ is preached and believed, hatred is uprooted in human hearts and wars and violence cease.
6. He is the Light of the Gentiles (Luke 2:32). Simeon, the old prophet who met Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus outside the temple in Jerusalem, recognized that the long-awaited Son of God was not sent just to Israel but to all people. Jesus' mission was a global one. This was also confirmed by the visit of the mysterious magi—wise men from a Gentile country who bowed before the Christ child and honored him as a true king. They knew that some day this King would be worshipped everywhere.
7. He is the Messiah, Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11). This is how the angel described Jesus when he spoke to the shepherds in Bethlehem. The word "Christ" means "the anointed one"; the Hebrew word is Ha-Mashiach, or Messiah. It speaks of the Deliverer God promised to send to earth. Abraham saw Him from a distance; King David sang and prophesied of Him; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Micah, Haggai, Malachi and many other prophets foretold His coming. He was not only anointed by the Holy Spirit to heal the sick and raise the dead during His short time on earth; He was anointed to die on the cross for our sins and to be raised from the dead so that we could live with Him forever.
Amid this crazy holiday madness we endure every year, let's simplify. Filter out all the noise about snow, elves, gift cards, holiday sales and buying sprees and instead rediscover the point. Find the manger scene again—and put Jesus in the middle of your Christmas.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady (He finally found a manger scene at Michael's craft store).
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Expectations - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.” Col. 3:2-4 NASU

Expectations come and go, rise and fall, and can be fulfilled or left hanging as we press forward. We experience different levels of expectations during our lifetime, as we seek to know the will of our Father, Who knows all and desires to see us walk in His way. Along that way, each of us will be given the opportunity to learn to trust in Him, expecting His promises and purposes to come about as He has said. Often that trust and faith in Him is tested, even as disappointments and setbacks occur.

In times past I have been told that my expectations were too high, that I need not hope as much as I did. Most often it was because I was looking at people to bring about a certain fulfillment in my dreams, rather than the Lord Himself. There had been opportunities to experience something different and new, but when circumstances or the people I looked to did not bring about the expected result I was hoping for, I had to guard my heart from disappointment and press hard into the Father’s heart for an answer. At times it was not easy. At times it seemed that I had gone as far as I would or could go, and really didn’t want to believe again for a better result. The temptation was to settle for things as they were, and be content with that. But we all know that that doesn’t bring fulfillment, does it?

After spending another time slowly re-reading the biblical story of Joseph and his expectations, and the resulting situations, I once again became encouraged to trust that the Lord does redeem our times and seasons. It is though in His time. Those pits and prisons are real. But also the release and triumph can be just as real. It becomes a matter of time for His plan to become reality for us.

As we hear or read of others who have gone before with their life stories, we realize that they too had to overcome the disappointments, the failures of oneself and others, the unfulfilled expectations that they had placed their hope in. They had to daily press on, to push forward, to contend for the prize set before them, in order to gain the higher ground. It was a battle, in an even great spiritual war.

In Isaiah 40:30-31 the Word says, “Young men may grow tired and weary, even the fittest may stumble and fall; but those who hope in Adonai will renew their strength, they will soar aloft as with eagles’ wings; when they are running they won’t grow weary, when they are walking they won’t get tired.” Complete Jewish Bible

Whether young or old, we must keep our hope in Adonai, our Savior, in order to renew our strength. When anticipated expectations do not come about as we had hoped, once again we must stand on the foundation He has laid. Once again we must experience His renewal, His uplifting of our wings, as we run the race set before us. Though we will become weary and tired, He will not fail us in our journey.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

 If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People. If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #164 - “Expectations” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (11.11.14) Tuesday at 8:30 am in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

People are looking for something good to believe in...

"People are looking for

something good to believe in, to stand on, to support,

in their knowing that what they believe is what they

should believe, no matter what the surrounding

culture says otherwise. Or is trying to push down their

throat and into their minds.

People still believe in supporting Israel, the family,

and the good things that God, our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ, has given to us to enjoy."

Steve Martin
Mountain Top View, page 18

Monday, April 14, 2014

Blood moons...signs in the heavens...What Does It Mean?

Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ

Blood moons...signs in the heavens... 
What Does It Mean?

April 14, 2014

To those who know the times and the season we live in,

There have been many articles, books and TV interviews, from several known and not so known sources, on the "blood moons" events over the past year, that are to come. They have been said to be in the heavens in 2014 and 2015, during the Feasts of the Lord, beginning with Passover (Pesach) on April 15, 2014.

I personally appreciate all the attention given to these signs in the heavens, for they will come, as Jesus prophesied in Luke 21:25, "There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves." NASB

Whichever position you believe, or have understanding about, the main thing is that you are looking to Jesus (Yeshua), the Savior (Messiah), for He is the One who must have our attention in these last days. We must trust in His prophetic words being fulfilled and Holy Spirit's guidance into all truth, as the days get closer to His return.

Keep looking up, with your eyes fixed on Him, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is coming back soon, as the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The Lion of Judah will return as promised.

Be ready.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

He is coming back... the Lion of Judah!

Yeshua - the ONLY Name that saves.

I love Jesus, 
my Lord and Savior.
Redeemer of the nations,
And lover of my soul.

The ONE Who LOVES You too
So believe in HIM today.
Seek Him, as He will
Show you the way.

He IS the Passover Lamb,
Slain for the sins of the world;
The Sacrificed One,
The coming King of kings.

His Love is everlasting,
And worthy of all praise,
Keep your eyes on Jesus,
All through these last days.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sharing Love From Sweden - "It Costs"

by Eva Haglund 
(Stockholm, Sweden)

Counseling at breakfast,
talking about the cost;
I could not go because 
I did not have the price.

My friends could not go either,
because they could not afford to pay;
My heart was sad thinking, 
" Do people have to give 
before they get comforted?"

They without money - 
are stopped at the door?
Were they who did not have enough 
at home for breakfast
Welcome  to the  meal?

Jesus shared the breakfast 
at the sea without fee.
The Samaritan comforted too 
without a price for he.

Was not the gospel for the poor?
Or just for them with money?
In the church would be agape,
To share our bread and honey.

Will the Bread of life -
the Word from heaven cost?
The Bread came to Bethlehem (House of Bread)
For you, and I, and all lost.

Would  He be welcome today?
Or would we close the door?
He gave His life, His Bread, 
He gave his life for the poor. 

Share His love to all,
Even as you are able.
Open the door
To the Star in a stable.

Rev.22:16, Luke 10:30-37 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Blessed Man, 'Tis I

I am a blessed man...

To have two fathers in heaven who love me 
- my heavenly Father and my Dad.

To have a Savior who has forgiven me of my sins, 
and loves all as no other can.

For having my Mom for over 59 years now, 
who cheers me on. And with Bill too.

To have a good wife for 36 years, and counting.
My helpmate through and through.

For my four adult children, their spouses, 
and our six grandchildren... 
whom they are now raising
 in a godly manner.

For having many brothers and sisters too. 
One right after another!

Giving thanks for Laurie's Mom Lorraine, 
and good sister Linda.
And remembering Otto, my father-in-law, 
a godly man, what a wonder.

I am a blessed man, 
to have faithful friends 
who stand with you, 
while others have 
come and gone.

Such as these, Peter & Joy Wyns,
who held us up in transition times, 
when ministry desires seemed thin.

For worldwide bonds 
in Israel, 
Canada, the UK; 
and even far beyond.

Daily I see His 
purposes and plans 
being worked out here. 
Accomplished they are!

For these I give thanks 
to the Lord on High;
A blessed man, 'tis I.


Steve Martin
Nov. 23, 2013

And for our pet Dachshund Zoe, 
who loves her daddy too!

Friday, November 22, 2013

“Birthdays” - Ahava Love Letter (Steve Martin)


“Let me tell you what God said next. He said, "You're my son, and today is your birthday. What do you want? Name it: Nations as a present? Continents as a prize?”
(Psalm 2:7-8 from THE MESSAGE)

Dear family of friends,

Celebrating a birthday each year can be a great time for family and friends to gather together and bless. Bless the one whom the Lord has given another year to share his or her life with us. What fun!

I love birthdays. Even the many ones that come past 29 - which some seem to forget what their math grade school teacher taught them when it comes to the next number! Just having that special day that YOU are given notice to in a unique way is great. What a joy that is! I know it gives our Father tremendous joy, as He continually gives life to new and old.

The verse I shared with this Ahava Love Letter certainly reads different in The Message than in the New American Standard Bible I normally read, or even the Complete Jewish Bible which I like to also meditate on. Here the Lord God is asking if this person wants the nations as a present, and the continents as a prize? Can you imagine One that big, being able to give you this? I love the WalMart and the Movies 10 ($2 shows!) gift cards, but to be asked if you want a nation as a present? How awesome is that???!!

Love for His people – that ahava (Hebrew) love that Yeshua (Jesus) can only put in your heart, makes my heart burst with emotion when I dwell on this. Having a godly compassion and desire to see the peoples, the tribes and nations come to know Him as the Savior He is, has become the one motivating factor in my life that really drives me to push forward for another year. Being persistent in doing the daily stuff, to get you further along the path you are on in fulfilling your destiny, is enough for me, as each birthday comes again.

Being grateful to parents, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, relatives, longtime friends, and work family, for the love they express on your special day, is certainly a special treat. Much appreciation is to be given for those who do express their love to you.

Amazement for the Lord’s gift to us – for life itself – and then for blessing us with opportunities, open doors, and expanded relationships in other nations, is also a great thing to behold and to give thanks for. This year, and every year while I am still on this planet, I am rejoicing in the fact that our Messiah and King is offering you and I the nations as a gift, as a prize for enduring the race He has set before each of us, as we press on in His purposes and realize His promises.

Make your birthday milestones count each year. Keep the flame of love for His people and all the nations in your heart – to bless, curse not, and see His Kingdom come.

I know I am!

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.

Please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless the known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. 

Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People

If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
Be sure to get my two books The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both available through Xulon , plus other website book stores.
You can also order both books, The Promise (on for $7.19 plus $3.95 S/H) and Ahava Love Letters Xulon Press for $14.90, plus $3.80) or you can get both from our office for $29. Send check to the address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office. (Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)
Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

            Ahava Love Letters
Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #87   “Birthdays”  ©2013 Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (11/22/13 Friday at 5:30 am in Charlotte, NC). The day before my 59th birthday!

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava Love Letters