Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Paul Walker - "I'm a Christian now...Who couldn't believe there's a God?"

Paul Walker on Christian Faith: 'Who Couldn't Believe There's a God?'
December 1, 2013
paul walker

Actors (L-R) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel and Tyrese Gibson pose at the
world premiere of "Fast Five" at the Cinepolis Lagoon theatre in
Rio de Janeiro April 15, 2011. The movie, the fifth in the Fast and Furious
film series, opens in theaters on April 29.
Paul Walker, 40, will best be remembered by the public as the blond-haired, speed-loving, tough guy with a swagger Brian O'Conner of the successful "Fast & Furious" movie franchise. But less known is that Walker, who died in a tragic and fiery car crash on Saturday, was a Christian and had grown up in the Mormon Church.
Walker was born on Sept. 12, 1973, in Glendale, Calif., and was raised up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but he graduated from Village Christian School in Sun Valley, Calif.
"I'm a Christian now. The things that drove me crazy growing up was how everyone works at fault-finding with different religions. The people I don't understand are atheists. I go surfing and snow boarding and I'm always around nature. I look at everything and think, 'Who couldn't believe there's a God? Is all this a mistake?' It just blows me away," Walker was quoted as saying by IMDb.
The late actor was a non-denominational Christian who in a GQ UK magazine interview talked about how his Christian education and Mormon background influenced his thinking about family.
"It's so funny, my daughter now lives with me full time and my original plan was to work up until I was 40 then reassess my life, even go in a completely different direction with things," Walker had told GQ in an August 2013 interview. "I thought at this point in my life I would need to be home with her (16-year-old Meadow Rain Walker), but she wants me to keep acting so she can travel around the world with me. Would that be so bad?
"Thing is, I went to a born-again Christian high school, was brought up in a traditional Mormon family where these ideas about parenting are of structure and sacrifice. To think outside of that idea of family and parenting that I've grown up with is tough, but also very freeing."
In the same interview, the journalist asked Walker what he hoped to achieve before he died. And Walker responded by talking about his previous experience being part of the National Geographic Channel series "Expedition Great White" where he was part of a crew that caught and tagged great white sharks off the coast of Mexico. Walker majored in marine biology in college and was a great enthusiast of all things related to the ocean, including surfing.
"To now be going on an expedition with National Geographic? Are you kidding me?! Where are we going? It's just one of those opportunities I had to seize," Walker had exclaimed to GQ.
Walker died in a car crash in Santa Clarita, Calif., on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. PT, while riding as a passenger in his friend's Porsche. His friend who was driving also died.
"When they arrived, deputies found the vehicle engulfed in flames," the local police said in a statement. "The Los Angeles County Fire Department responded, extinguished the fire and subsequently located two victims inside the vehicle. The victims were pronounced dead on the scene."
Authorities are still investigating the cause of the accident.
A statement on Walker's official Twitter account said that he was attending a charity event Saturday afternoon for his non-profit, Reach Out Worldwide, that would benefit Filipino victims of Typhoon Haiyan.
Universal Pictures, which is behind the "Fast & Furious" franchise, released the following statement: "All of us at Universal are heartbroken. Paul was truly one of the most beloved and respected members of our studio family for 14 years, and this loss is devastating to us, to everyone involved with the 'Fast and Furious' films, and to countless fans. We send our deepest and most sincere condolences to Paul's family."
Walker was scheduled to star in the seventh installation of the "Fast & Furious" franchise, which was slated for release in July 2014. It is unclear how the seventh "Fast & Furious" movie will manage after losing one of its biggest stars that has been in six of the seven films.


Kari Jobe - Saviors Here

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Christmas This Year - TobyMac [Featuring Leigh Nash] (+playlist)

TobyMac's Christmas Single With Lyrics. Featuring Leigh Nash Of 6PENCE. End song By LZ7, link down below. Thanks for the support.

Get your copy:
UK: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/chri...
US: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/chri...

End song (This Little Light: Starz Angels Remix):http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/this...
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"I Want You to Write a Large Future" - for 2014 - Garris Elkins (The Elijah List)

Garris Elkins:
"I Want You to Write a Large Future"

A Clean Sheet

Recently I was teaching in a training school for emerging leaders in California. During a question and answer session someone asked me, "What are you seeing for the year 2014?"

I responded to the question by saying that at the end of each year, I would normally ask and wait concerning a word from the Lord for the upcoming year. I did not, however, have a specific word at that time. As I was responding to the question, the Lord gave me a picture.

I saw an immense sheet of paper that covered a huge tabletop. The sheet was so large it extended out to the edge of the visible horizon line where it disappeared. The paper was brilliant white. Nothing was written on the paper – it was a clean sheet.

The next day, after returning home from the ministry trip, the image came to me once again. This time I saw a large pen – one of those antique, feathered writing pens – it descended down into the image and rested just above the surface of the unmarked sheet of paper. As the pen was suspended over the paper the Lord began to speak to me.

"I Want You to Write a Large Future"

"I want you to write something new. I did not just erase words from the past. Rather, I have provided a new place for you to write a fresh script for your life. This is something new I am inviting you to write.

"This is your assignment. I want you to write a large future – a future that may seem presumptive at first. I give you permission to presume on My goodness.

"Write like a person who has discovered My love for the first time. I want you to write in excitement without punctuation. I want your writing to be breathless with anticipation and expectation – a writing that flows from an increasing excitement at what might be.

"I promised in My Word to give you the desires of your heart

I instructed David to write the words, 'Delight yourself in Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.' I am telling you to delight yourself in Me as you write and I will give you the desires of your heart.

"As you write, your inspiration will come from the increasing level of your delight in Me. Write as a lover would write from the depths of a shared passion. Write from your delight in Me and let your passion for Me fuel your text."

When the Lord finished speaking, the pen was still suspended above the sheet of paper. I sensed the pen was waiting for a hand to reach out and take it and begin writing.

Our Heart's Desire is Purified When We First Delight in Him

God has provided us with prophetic paper, pen and ink. He wants us to believe He is comfortable with His children writing out a new future as He watches. Our delighting in the Lord protects what will be written. Our heart's desire is purified when we first delight in Him. Our delighting in God must precede our desire for a new future if our desire is to remain pure. 

Pick up the pen and begin to write:

• Write a new future for your family.

• Write a new future for your health.

• Write a new future for your church.

• Write a new future for your finances.

• Write a new future for your nation.

• Write a new future for your dream.

• Write a new future for your ministry.

• Write a new future for your city.

Write! Write! 

Write with a delight in God's goodness

The words you write will invite the promises of God to come and join the text of your future. This new script will become the story of a new chapter in your life that is about to unfold in 2014.

Garris Elkins, Senior Leader
Living Waters Church – Medford, Oregon

Garris Elkins' ministry, Prophetic Horizons, is a ministry of teaching, writing and prophecy committed to raising up a prophetic generation to speak to the cultures of our world with the empowered voice of Heaven. Garris and his wife, Jan, are the Senior Leaders of Living Waters Church in Medford, Oregon, and have two grown children, Anna and David.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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The Leadership Rock:
A Journey of a Life in Leadership

by Garris Elkins
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ebookPrayers From the Throne of God
by Garris Elkins
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It's Time to Tear Down the Walls of Self-Protection By Eileen Fisher - Identity Network

It's Time to Tear Down the Walls of Self-Protection By Eileen Fisher

The Lord kept giving me a vision of how many times we try to reach through to Him-we pray, we fast, we read His Word, we worship. And He said, "If only you knew how hard the enemy tries to block you but how easy it is to come into My presence when you declare I am Lord - because he must bow down. For greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world."

And He said, "It's a very, very short trip, because when you live in holiness, you're living in My presence. For holy cries out to holy, and holiness cries out to wholeness. What you need right now, whether it be your children, your spouse, your finances, your health, lift it up to Me right now, for I can make all things whole. Like the woman with the issue of blood, she pressed through, and I made her whole. Not only did I heal them in the physical, but I also made them whole."

"The man who had the legion - he was insane, and he couldn't even reach out, other than to recognize Me. But he cried out with what little bit he could, and I made Him whole."

Going Beyond Circumstances

"The man who couldn't walk, even his parents were afraid. But I go beyond circumstances. And I establish wholeness, for I am the God of wholeness - the Alpha, the Omega. I understand every heart, every wall that has been put up for protection because of woundedness or simply because of just not knowing."

"Open your heart and your hands! I want you to open your hands right now and allow Me to come in and take down any wall, any kind of hindrance, whether it be a large wall that you've been hitting your head against for years or a teeny, tiny picket fence-anything that would block My presence from just devouring you to where you could be swallowed up in the goodness of God, to where fear could not find a landing place but faith would be the landing place."

"Faith conquers all fear. For I would say, in whom do you believe? Don't make Me small. Understand the King of the universe came to serve, to set free, to save and to heal, and to bring the good news that the kingdom of God is not only around you but is within you. Let My kingdom come forth."

"But I also made a command to you to seek first My Kingdom, and then everything will be added unto you. Seek it."

"And even the word seek starts out with see, and then it ends with a k for kingdom. So, see My kingdom; seek My kingdom; become kingdom-minded saints."

Another Kingdom - Another Spirit

"Continue to pray My kingdom come. Continue to pray My will be done. For, yes, I brought My kingdom to earth - for you are of another kingdom as well as of another Spirit."

"Let My Spirit lift you up from glory to glory. Then you can look down and come to understand who you were called to be. For I am looking for a hungry people, a trustworthy people, overseers in My kingdom, overseers in My vineyard. Whether they have pain or whether they have strength; whether they have fame or whether they be hidden-it makes no difference. I look at the hearts of My own."

"For I say seek first the kingdom of God. Let My righteousness do rightness all around you. For understand, when those come to oppose you, lift up My right hand, My Word, against that. For My left hand will sustain you, and My right hand will give you the direction of counsel by My Spirit."

"For I am raising up a people who are hungry to seek My kingdom, hungry to taste of the kingdom, and hungry to rule in the kingdom. Understand and meditate; dwell upon My Word."

Kingdom People

"Seek My face, for when you seek Me with your whole heart-absolutely, positively, unconditionally - you will find Me. For you must realize I present Myself to you, for My kingdom is among you, and My kingdom is within you. Change citizenships. Think of My kingdom. Understand as My kingdom people."

"Demand the rights of My kingdom, but be humble enough to understand you serve a King - the King of kings - who came and walked among His own as a carpenter."

"I worked in the trade of the object I would die upon. Do you not realize how many times I touched the wood? How many times I understood what nails would do? How many times I heard the sound of pounding? And then, as I hung on the cross, once again My identity on earth was meshed with the kingdom of God."

"Strive to become citizens of My kingdom, knowing My knowledge, knowing the authority I have given you in My name. Use it with My Spirit, for He will not leave you alone, but He will direct, lead, counsel and anoint you. For I have called you to do the works of My kingdom," says the Lord your God."

Eileen Fisher

Paul Crouch - Christian Leaders Mourn Loss and Honor His Memory

Christian Leaders Mourn Loss, Honor Memory of Paul Crouch

Paul Crouch
Paul Crouch
Paul Crouch, who co-founded the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN) with his wife, Jan, 40 years ago,passed away Saturday at 2:32 a.m. at the age of 79 after more than a decade of chronic heart problems.
Under his direction, TBN has become the most-watched faith network in the U.S. TBN reaches every major continent via 84 satellite channels and more than 18,000 television and cable affiliates around the world.
Christian leaders across denominations are offering their condolences to the family and honoring the memory of the Christian television pioneer.
Billy Wilson, Oral Roberts University
“I am deeply thankful for life of Paul Crouch Sr. and his passionate work sharing the gospel around the world through media. I am confident that his contribution to the growth of the global Spirit-empowered movement will continue to bear fruit as TBN continues into the 21st century. Our prayers are with the entire Crouch family during this time of loss.”
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
"Everyone at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association extends our condolences to the family of Paul Crouch Sr., who, along with his wife, Jan, founded the Trinity Broadcast Network in 1973. ... He and the TBN family have been longtime friends and supporters of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse."
Military Bible Association
Dr. Crouch had a passion for missions to the military, such that he visited the troops in Baghdad and invited military personnel on the air at TBN, which encompasses 26 global networks and affiliates around the world.
One such guest was retired U.S. Army Chaplain (Maj.) Jim Linzey, who recalls the honor of being with Dr. Crouch on Behind the Scenes and when singing on TBN with the Vanguard Chorale when he was a student at Southern California College:
"Dr. Crouch was a deeply spiritual man and extremely professional. He was absolutely a delight to be with and discuss anything in front of the camera. I appreciated the opportunity to talk about military ministry in the Middle East."
Linzey also opened the Praise the Lord program with prayer at Dr. Crouch's invitation.
GEB America
“The ministry of Paul Crouch Sr. is truly remarkable,” says GEB America President Ossie Mills. "GEB America founder and chancellor of the university that bears his name, Oral Roberts, was a pioneer in Christian television. Without a doubt, Paul Sr. took that concept to the next level and beyond.
“The entire family of networks of TBN throughout the world has and continues to impact the entire world for Jesus Christ. We are so deeply grateful for Paul Sr. allowing God to use his life to send His message of hope into homes everywhere. The GEB America family is praying for Jan, Paul Jr., Matt and their entire family and celebrates his life with them.”

Editor's Note: I watched TBN a lot during the '80's and beyond. We have much gratitude for the pioneering and courageous spirit Paul Crouch shared during his lifetime here on earth. Enjoy heaven for eternity Paul!  
Steve Martin
Love For His People

Indeed. - "How Long..."

How Long Must Israel 'Give Peace a Chance'?

Tuesday, December 03, 2013 |  Aviel Schneider, Israel Today
Since US-brokered peace talks resumed at the end of July, Israeli and Palestinian delegations have held more than 15 sessions. The meetings, which took place in Jerusalem and Palestinian-ruled Jericho, focused on thorny “final status” issues: Jewish settlements, Palestinian refugees and the future borders of a Palestinian state; but the most dramatic debate was on Jerusalem.
US Secretary of State John Kerry stepped up the pressure on Israel to reach a deal within the nine-month framework (i.e., by the end of April 2014), warning that failure could spark a Third Intifada (Palestinian uprising).
“How many times does Israel have to make concessions until the world realizes that peace with the Muslim nations is almost impossible?” an official in the Prime Minister’s Office said to Israel Today. “The Arab states cannot come to terms with a Jewish state in their midst.”
The rest of this story can be read in the December 2013 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
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Is the Temple menorah from 70 A.D. there in Rome?

Holiness, mystery and ancient secrets: Inside the Vatican

Israel Hayom diplomatic correspondent Shlomo Cesana on his meeting with Pope Francis • "Jerusalem is important to both of us," I say. He smiles and recites a blessing in Latin: "Next year in Jerusalem."

Shlomo Cesana
Israel Hayom political correspondent Shlomo Cesana with the pope. "Jerusalem is important to both of us" 
 Photo credit: Amos Ben Gershom

More Amazing Photos by Shlomo and Sonia Narinsky -- Jewish Photographers Exiled by the Turks, Swept Up by the Nazis

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 02 Dec 2013 04:08 AM PST

"A Vernomito (Yemenite) Jew in Jerusalem"
 (Library of Congress, 1921)
See also "A
Spanish Jew of Jerusalem"
"A Bedouin in his happy mood,"
(Library of Congress, 1921)

rabbi and his grandson
(Ynet News)

We first introduced our readers to theNarinskys' photographs in July 2013.  

Last week we were contacted by Laurent Phillippe who introduced us to his Jewish post card blog which contains more photos taken by the Narinsky's.  We're happy to present them here and to encourage readers to visit Phillippe's site.

To recap, Shlomo Narinsky was born in the Ukraine in 1885 and studied art in Moscow,
Jewish woman
(Phillippe collection, 1921)
Paris and Berlin before moving to Palestine where he set up a studio.  In 1916, Shlomo and his wife were exiled to Egypt by the Turkish rulers.  They returned to the Land of Israel after the British captured the territory in 1918.

In 1932, the Narinskys opened a studio in Paris, but Shlomo was arrested when the Nazis captured France. He was later exchanged for a German spy caught in Palestine after the intercession of David Ben-Gurion and Yitzchak Ben-Zvi. The Narinskys returned to Israel, eventually moving to Haifa where Shlomo taught as a photography teacher.  He died in 1960, relatively unknown.

Laurent Phillippe's collection also includes many vintage postcards/photographs of Jewish life a century ago in North Africa and Europe.

Subscribe to www.israeldailypicture.com by entering your email address in the right column of the Internet site.

Jewish village of Yavniel established in the Galilee in 1901 
(Phillippe collection, 1921)

Beneath Mt.Tabor in the Galilee
(Phillippe collection, 1921)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes

Jerusalem, a mosaic of different peoples, faiths, and nationalities. Nevertheless, despite this diversity, under the sovereignty of Israel, Jerusalem is a city that works. But has it always been this way?

Israel's Independence Day May 1948

Hanukkah's 6th night

The server candles and six candles
are lit the 6th night of Hanukkah.

Love For His People & Desire of All Nations (Jim Nesbit)

A good cup of coffee

(Artwork of Lion of Judah 
Jim Nebit's - "Desire of All Nations"

You too can get Jim's artwork here: