Monday, May 20, 2013

Nazi flag flies south of Jerusalem

Nazi flag flies south of Jerusalem

Monday, May 20, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Residents of the Arab town of Beit Omar between Jerusalem and Hebron strung up a large Nazi flag adjacent to their local mosque on Monday in a clear message to the Jews living nearby.
A resident of the nearby Jewish communities of the Etzion Bloc said the incident was very jarring. "I felt we were going back 75 years, losing our hold on the land," he told the Tazpit News Agency. "The Arabs no longer feel the need to hide their murderous intentions, announcing out loud that they wish to annihilate us."
The Israeli army was notified about the Nazi flag, and sent in a team to remove it.
The Nazis and Adolf Hitler have long been idolized in much of Palestinian society. Hitler's "Mein Kampf" remains one of the 10 bestselling books in the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories today, and has a local distributor.
During World War II, the Palestinian leader in the Middle East, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was a close confidante of Hitler, and actively recruited fellow Muslims to the Nazi cause.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Our 888th Post - Thank You Lord!

Ben Gurion airport - I love the place!

A word from Steve: 

In honor of our 888th post (occurring Sunday May 19, 2013) I want to say I am grateful for the over 55,888 page views. It gives me encouragement that this Blog is being seen and read.

888th post and 55,888 views
on May 19, 2013

55,755 page views occurring at 
5:55 pm on 05.18.13
(Can you tell I am an Accountant?!)

Sharing my Ahava Love Letters, photos from 10 previous trips to Israel, and additional historical and current truth, both from those who also stand in support of Israel and myself, has been a true blessing and fulfillment of His purposes and ongoing will.

Most importantly, I am grateful to my Lord, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) who had me begin Love For His People, Inc. in 2010, and this specific Blog site in October of that year. 

It has been quite an interesting and rewarding journey, and I look forward to the many opportunities and open doors He has in store for the work yet ahead. 

As we press on in our support of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide, we look to the One Who put this desire in our hearts. 

And that desire, to pay back our "debt to Israel" and the Jewish people, while serving the King of kings and the Lord of lords, is stronger than ever.

Blessings on ye all!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin

Come ride along in this Ahava Adventure journey!
(Ahava - "love" in Hebrew)

Some of our popular postings come from the website "Israel's History - a Picture A Day. Here is a portion of their latest posting.

When I discovered 22,000 newly digitalized antique pictures of Eretz Yisrael in the Library of Congress archives two years ago, I immediately recognized the pictures' hasbara value. The photos showed Jewish life in the land 150 years ago, well before Herzl and the establishment of the State of Israel.  
Lenny Ben-David

Grave of Maimonides (Rambam) in Tiberias (circa 1920). A version of this picture 
also appears in the HarvardLibrary archives attributed to the Central Zionist Archives

 In 1980,  I started an organization called "Doctors To The World" which took medical personnel to various areas in the world to do volunteer work in needy areas.  We sent dentists into villages in Israel to serve mostly Israeli Arabs and anyone else needing help.  That was when I took out Israeli citizenship so I could get a medical license in Israel.

Bedouin Arab family near Lake Hula and their reed huts

My father took only some of the photos.  Many were either post cards or some other stock photos.  Those that had an imprint
 on the back [some are stamped "Keren Hayesod Photo] I assume is that of the developing and processing individual. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Ahava Love Letter (#55) - Lost, But Not Forgotten, Friends

“Lost, But Not Forgotten Friends”

"The way God designed our bodies is a model for understanding 
our lives together as a church: every part dependent on every 
other part, the parts we mention and the parts we don't, the parts 
we see and the parts we don't. 

If one part hurts, every other part is involved in the hurt, and in 
the healing. If one part flourishes, every other part enters into the 
exuberance. You are Christ's body — that's who you are! You 
 must never forget this. Only as you accept your part of that body 
does your "part" mean anything.”

(from THE MESSAGE: 1 Cor. 12:25-27)

Dear family of friends,

My nephew Chris is in the Army. He has been a member of the USA armed services for many years now, serving proudly and courageously. I think he will be a “lifer”, if that is the proper wording. (I hope my military friends will inform me of the correct terminology! Or his mom Linda!)

Chris has never told me personally, but I would think he may have lost a few, close buddies while he was on tour of duty in Afghanistan. I am almost certain several were injured and taken out of action. Some may have gone AWOL, and others later may have tragically committed suicide. Far too many are no longer part of the unit.

War is never pleasant, but because of the world we live in, it is often necessary to defend and maintain our freedom, and the life Americans take for granted. We are to hold tight our relationships with friends. They can easily be picked off.

For me, I have never been in the military. At least, not in the natural realm. But I have lost a few buddies, and hoping a few are just temporarily AWOL, and yet still coming back.

Often I think of Mike, the worship leader who had a big heart and was great on the guitar, adding to his pleasant voice. I have his name on a 3” x 5” note card on my office desk, to remember to pray for him.

And there was Ben, who faithfully helped me in the ministry back in the day, with his computer skills, when I knew nothing about that stuff, and so desperately needed those skills and the Lord’s gifting.

I am not sure what happened to Michelle, who served with gusto alongside her husband for years.

Even a real close friend, whom I worked with on two different ministry staffs for so long, had many vital and meaningful times together. And yet I never see or hear from him now, three years later, after repeated attempts. (His picture is on my office desk, along with others I hired, blessed, and encouraged in the Lord.)

They are missed. And my “body” feels the longing to be in fellowship with them once again.

I often think about what my friends from times gone by are now doing. Are they still walking with the Lord? Have their lives gotten better, or gone in the opposite direction.  You know the Liar hates us all.

There are just too many of them who once were, and now lost in contact. His Body hurts.

When Yeshua (Jesus) said He was coming back for His Bride, there is no way she won’t be the most beautiful creation He has ever created. Every part, every connection, every cell necessary to move in graceful form, power and agility, will be in perfect function and shape.

I miss my buddies, my friends, parts of His Body that I was connected to. But I know I serve the living God of Israel, and what He says, goes. Therefore, His Body will get it together. He will see to that. Thank you Lord that Your promises are true. I hope to see those friends again, and to reconnect.

In the meantime, thanks for the work You are now doing in reconnecting Your Body here on earth. Your purposes will be accomplished. Your will – WILL be done.

Ahava (love in Hebrew) to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

P.S. If you see any of my old friends, tell them I think about them, pray for them, and hope to get together again. Send them this ahava love letter, because I do love them.

I hope many of you, who once served together as friends in churches and ministries, make it to the “ReUnionize Time” set for Aug. 10, 2013 in Pineville, NC. Please search for that Ahava Love Letter on the Love For His People blog. That edition is the same title as the event.

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider sending a monthly charitable gift of $5-$25 each month to help us bless Messianic Jews in Israel. You can send checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2013 Steve Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134      


Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       

Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Ahava Love Letter #55   Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (05/17/13 Friday, 5:00 pm. Charlotte, NC)

Shmuel from Russia

Shmuel Carmeli and Jerusalem friend

In my opinion, life is about people. I would like to introduce you to Shmuel Carmeli. Born 1934 in Austria. 

In 1944 with the Soviets pushing their offensive on the Nazis eastern front, Shmuel's mother, sisters and extended family were shipped to Aushwitz to be murdered. His father and brother took to the woods and met up with Jewish partisans running illegal "teen immigration" past the British naval blockade of the soon to be formed nation of Israel.

This 10 year old dodged Austrian Nazi death squads and fearing conscription into the advancing Soviet infantry Shmuel and his brother linked up with what would become Israel's Mossad and boarded a ship to Israel.

Upon arrival, he settled in Tel Aviv and was given an ID number and was placed in a kibbutz for the children from Europe to learn Hebrew and build a new life.

Shmuel witnessed the rebirth of Israel. In 1967, Shmuel was a member of the Jerusalem Brigade that fought the Jordanian army from the UN complex in Jordanian controlled east Jerusalem into the the Abu tor wadi ( now called the Forest of Peace) up the ridges of Mt Zion to recapture the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.

When not in uniform Shmuel spent his entire career working as a youth worker for the city of Jerusalem .

Shmuel told me that: "Every Jew has a Hagadah and an Agada. I have just shared a portion of his Agada.

(Hagadah is our Passover story
Agada is our personal story.)

Shabbat Shalom!

לכל יהודי יש הגדה ואגדה

A friend From Jerusalem.
Friday, May 17, 2013

Israel's Messianic Jews celebrate Shavuot

Israel's Messianic Jews celebrate Shavuot

Thursday, May 16, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israeli Messianic believers in Yeshua from across the country gathered in the Jerusalem-area village of Yad Hashmonah on Wednesday to mark the biblical festival of Shavuot.
Shavuot is one of Israel's most revered biblical holidays, as it commemorates, among other things, the giving of God's Word at Mt. Sinai. The holiday has entered the Christian calendar as Pentecost, the day of the outpouring of God's spirit on the local body of Yeshua's followers in Jerusalem. So, for Israeli believers, Shavuot is doubly important.
As with every year, hundreds of Messianic Jews and Christians living in Israel made their way to Yad Hashmonah for the festive event. Among those addressing the gathering was a Ugandan pastor who two years ago had acid poured over his head by an angry Muslim gang. He is currently living in Israel to undergo treatment in Tel Aviv.
The African visitor said he was raised a Muslim who hated the Jewish state, but after finding the Bible realized that every passage made clear that the God of Israel is the one and only true God.

The Lions Roars - "In the Midst of Darkness A Great Arising and Shining"

A Prophetic Newsletter                  
By Karla Shrake

May 16, 2013
Volume 18


"And the Lord Roars from Zion...
And utters 
His voice from Jerusalem."
 Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before
His Army; 
Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is he who Carries out His Word."
 Joel 2:11
In the Midst of Darkness
A Great Arising and Shining
by Karla Shrake
May 16,2013

"In the midst of deep darkness I am raising you up My children, to execute vengeance upon My enemies and yours," laughs your jubilant Father. "For surely this is the time that was spoken of by My prophets that I will do a new thing in the earth. My mighty right arm is lifting My faithful ones, those broken ones considered to be beyond repair, even yourselves. I am now raising up those who have been faithful through all that hell has thrown at them in recent years."

"You will begin to observe what a mighty God I truly am and you will observe My strategies that are beyond knowing, winning strategies that will surprise and ambush the enemy and even also surprise My own children. For I have always waited until the darkest hour to shine forth My greatest and brightest light as I have judged the enemy and rescued My own. Out of the dark mud-pits of Egypt I surprised Pharoah by using a broken and exiled vessel named Moses. During the time Israel was oppressed by the Midianites I chose a fearful vessel named Gideon to surprise and overturn them. During a dark time of lack I chose a woman, a prophetess-judge named Deborah. I filled her mouth with a faith-filled roar as she rode into battle alongside the army's commander securing a solid victory on behalf of My people."

 "The greatest victory of all time was that of My Son Jesus/Yeshua who on Calvary overcame sin and He descended into the region below and took captivity captive and took back the keys of death and hell.   He overcame and defeated for all time the most hideous and cruel darkness, including the gross darkness that is now layering the earth." 

"And while these testimonies are your history My children, you must understand they are not only your history, they are also your heritage.  A heritage of strength, courage and fortitude in the face of great opposition for you must understand My seed has always overcome. Because I am above dear ones, you cannot be beneath and because I am strong you cannot be weak, because I am triumphant you cannot fail, for My overcoming DNA lives and flourishes within you. No matter how black the darkness or how deep the dungeon be assured that I always have a plan, a winning strategy."

"Now you must draw near My precious ones, draw near and allow Me to encourage, strengthen and console you. Allow Me to hold you in My oversized Father's lap while you lean your weary head against My loving bosom. For My heart contains nothing but good and blessing for you little children.   Receive refreshing as I give you fresh perspective of the hour in which you live and also the role you will play in it. For it is the victor's role - the overcomer's crown - you are destined to wear as you rule and reign in My name."

"Again I say I will execute My vengeance upon My enemies in this dark day for I will overturn many conspiracies and plans of the enemy, I will pluck up and root out as never before in human history as I lose the fire of the spirit of Elijah. Yielded and surrendered ones, you are the very ones through whom I will do this. Be assured I am with you and I am for you as you go forth in My name doing My business in the earth. My eyes are upon you and My love is ever-toward you as I hold you in My heart," comforts your eternal Father. "Be strong and of good courage for surely I am with you to win."
 Davidic Warriors,

Again I felt led to send out the word to all on The Lion Roars newsletter list.  But please receive the word above personally as from the Father's heart directly to yours.  I speak blessings over you as we all stand together in the greatest season of human history.  I loved His invitation to us to draw near and climb up into His wonderful lap, the best place to be.  Abba, we ask that you hold us close - close - close, for You are good - good - good!
My love to all

Our Thursday prayer-decree is on my website under the Davidic Warriors page.

A Prophetic Word to this Generation
      Click for more information  
Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation.   Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households. 

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers.  As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Click Here to Buy 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Roots & Reflections with Barry Segal - Succot Celebration (Clip 1)

Barry Segal - host of Roots & Reflections

Celebrate Succot, or the Feast of Tabernacles, 
as Barry Segal worships in the Holy Land.
Roots and Reflections TV

Possible Web - We Use Them!

Possible Web designed and maintains our full website.

Love For His People - Full Website

Stakelbeck on Terror: From Samaria, Israel's Biblical Heartland


On this week's edition of the Stakelbeck on Terror show, the world calls it the West Bank but we call it Samaria: Israel's Biblical heartland.
We're on the ground in the mountains where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob walked to bring you the truth about those so-called illegal settlements that Israel is being pressured to abandon.
Click here to watch. 

Ariel University

Jewish residents in Samaria with Stakelbeck

David Haivri, Shomron Regional





New York - May 16, 2013: Named after former Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek, the new "Teddy Park" will open this summer in Mitchell Park beneath the Old City walls near Jerusalem's Jaffa Gate.

Teddy Park commemorates the life and vision of Jerusalem's legendary Mayor Teddy Kollek, who, during his tenure from 1965 to 1993, spearheaded dozens of development projects in Jerusalem including the creation of outdoor public spaces, the installation of outdoor sculptures and the smooth reunification of the city in 1967.

The focal point of Teddy Park is the Hassenfeld Family Fountain, a colorful display featuring computerized floodlit water performances accompanied by specially composed music created by the New Jerusalem Orchestra. The multimedia fountain will feature nightly sound, light and water performances, free of charge.

Teddy Park will also include a visitor's center with a 3D film depicting the development of Jerusalem during Kollek's nearly three-decade tenure as mayor; a sun dial designed by Israeli artist Maty Grunberg; an eight-foot globe sculpture designed by British artist David Breur-Weil; a family wishing-well made of Jerusalem stone; and environmental sculptures.

"We are thrilled to unveil this innovative new park in my hometown of Jerusalem," said Haim Gutin, Israel Commissioner for Tourism, North and South America. "Teddy Park will serve as an exciting new attraction for both residents and visitors to Jerusalem."

Teddy Park is an initiative of the Israel Ministry of Tourism in conjunction with the Jerusalem Municipality and the Jerusalem Foundation's private donors from around the world.

For more information about tourism to Israel, visit


Ross Belfer at WEILL - - 1-866-PRWEILL

Israel Ministry of Tourism, N.A. - Gail Barzilay - - 212-499-5647

Israel Government Tourist Office, Southern USA - Dana Shemesh - - 404-541 2770

Israel Government Tourist Office, Midwest USA - Jill Daly - - 312-803-7077

Israel Government Tourist Office, Western USA - Dan Manor - - 323-658-7463


New York ◦ Director: Shahar Alon ◦ 212-499-5650

Canada ◦ Director: Ami Allon ◦ 416-964-3784

Los Angeles ◦ Director: Eliezer Hod ◦ 323-658-7463

Atlanta ◦ Director: Joe Diaz ◦ 404-541-2770

Chicago ◦ Director: Omer Eshel ◦ 312-803-7080

Geoffrey Weill Associates
Informational material is disseminated on behalf of the Israel Ministry of Tourism.
Additional information available at the Department of Justice

Stakelbeck on Terror: In Judea, Where Israel's Biblical Forefathers Walked

First we took you to Samaria. Now we're in Judea, the other half of Israel's Biblical heartland. 

We visit the ancient city of Hebron, burial place of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rebecca, Sarah and Leah. 

Also, Israeli Minister of Public Diplomacy ...