Wednesday, June 18, 2014

He made the earth with His might - ISRAEL365

He made the earth with His might, He established the world with His wisdom, and with His understanding spread out the heavens.

JEREMIAH (10:12)

עֹשֵׂה אֶרֶץ בְּכֹחוֹ מֵכִין תֵּבֵל בְּחָכְמָתוֹ וּבִתְבוּנָתוֹ נָטָה שָׁמָיִם

ירמיהו י:י’’ב

o-SAY e-RETZ b'-ko-KHO may-KHEEN tay-VAYL b'-khakh-ma-TO u-vi-t'vu-na-TO na-TA sha-ma-YIM

Today's Israel Inspiration

While Eskimos may have dozens of words for snow, the Jewish people have several words for knowledge. In this verse we are introduced to khach-ma-TO (wisdom) and t'vu-na-TO (understanding). With such a strong value placed on learning and growing each day, it comes as no surprise that the Israelis have done it again with an amazing innovation!  An Israeli startup called Consumer Physics has created a new hand-held device which allows users to scan items in their environment and analyze precisely what they are made of. The applications are endless, from calorie-counting to discerning which pill is which. This innovation was made possible in no small part by equity crowdfunding team OurCrowd, which matches investors with promising Israeli startups like Consumer Physics, recently named one of the top Israeli startups for 2014 by Business Insider.

Startup Tel Aviv

What is it about Tel Aviv that spawns such incredible creativity and innovation? It's all about an ecosystem of talented people who constantly grow from challenges and are idealistic about changing the world.

Israel's Newest Innovation

Israeli tech company Consumer Physics has a dream: to bring our knowledge of the physical world closer to home.  Until recently the stuff of science fiction, their new hand-held device allows users to scan items in their environment and know precisely what they are made of.

Glass "Shalom" Cube

Enhance your office or home with this stunning glass cube which is etched with an image of a peaceful dove and the word "Shalom."

Today's Israel Photo

Boruch Len captured this beautiful photo of a sunrise over the Jordan Mountains.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo showed the Israeli Air Force flying above Masada. Reader Vincent Morgan wrote: "I was working at the Masada excavation and dug up many date seeds, olive seeds, grape seeds, etc. in the bathtub room of the western palace ... Sleeping quarters for dignitaries was directly above that room and would have been furnished with fresh fruit for the guests. During the time of the zealots, they would also have kept fruit in that room. So, it was only natural that we would have found the seeds."

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I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA  Thank you for the information in each email. Carol E.

Love to watch the news and videos every day. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Ross Reed, Walling, Tennessee, USA
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What do We Mean when We say, God is in Control? by Tania Harris

What do We Mean when We say, 

God is in Control? 

by Tania Harris

Identity Network

It's a phrase we use often, mostly as an easy slogan when something goes wrong. "God is in control," we say when someone dies; when we lose our job; when our health fails.

But what do we mean by this?

Do we mean that God controls every decision, every event; every single thing that happens?

The color of the socks I wear, the speed of the cyclone, the actions of my boss?

That's Muslim theology. Inshallah. Nothing happens without the direct, intervening hand of Allah willing it so.

But Christians don't believe this. We hold firmly to the notion of free-will. We are free to decide how we spend our money, how we drive our cars, who we marry, what career path we should follow.

So herein lies the thorny theological paradox. How does God's sovereignty and human free will interact? It's a debate that's older than time. Paul in his all-over-the-place discussion of this as it applies to salvation of the Jews and Gentiles, declares it a mystery and proclaims: "Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments and his paths beyond tracing out!!" (Romans 11:33) Theologians in history have tried to reconcile the issue and the recent work of Gregory Boyd in God of the Possible has opened the discussion again.

What does this Mean?

So what exactly does this phrase mean?  Here's what we can be sure of:
  • God is not controlling.
God does not control us. He does not give us free will then take it away. He offers us blessing and cursing, life and death. He gives us options. He says; "Stay faithful to the covenant life," but doesn't usually hit us over the head with a sledgehammer when we don't.
  • Not everything that happens is God's will.
If everything that ever happened on earth was God's will, there would be no reason to pray; "Thy will be done on earth as it heaven." (Matthew 6:10). Much of what we see here is not God's will. That's heaven.

Sometimes I think using this phrase can be dangerous. It can lead us to blame God and avert taking our own responsibility.

So if I chose to drink myself silly during pregnancy and my baby is born with a disability as a result, was God in control of that?

If I don't my pay my bills on time, recklessly whittling away my budget on luxuries and go bankrupt with crippling debt, was God in control of that?

If I don't resolve the failings of my relational behaviors, learn to manage my anger and my marriage falls apart as a consequence, was God in control of that?

I wonder if we should re-work that statement a little. I wonder if we should change the default line from "God is in control" to; "God is always good. He is always able to bring good from any situation as we trust him."

Yes, His awe-inspiring, miraculous and mysterious, all-knowing sovereignty means while I make my choices and they have consequences, a life consecrated to God means that he can take my fumbling weaknesses and use them for his glory. 

It means that when people wrong me and the consequences of their decisions fall upon me, I don't miss out on his favor. That no matter what happens to me that is outside God's perfect will, he is able make all things work together for those who love him.

Tania Harris

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                                          Morris Ruddick in Benin, West Africa


June 18, 2014
Dear Friends, 

In God's strategy of things, it is more often the simple things that confound the wise.

Benin, a nation of less than 9 million people is a fertile valley, Geographically shaped like a key, it is less than 300 kilometers from one end to the other. Yet, it is situated adjacent to the most populated nation in Africa, one struggling to produce sufficient crops for its own very fast-growing population.

Its capital city, Cotonou, is a major port for the entire West African region. As such, it supplies wholesale goods to the surrounding nations. Its market, which also serves numerous surrounding nations, is the largest in West Africa with revenues averaging $12 million (US) daily. Benin's sidewalk economy has been estimated by some to be as much as 67% of GDP. This compares with 27% for Vietnam's significant sidewalk economy.

Despite cultural roots of darkness that plague all West Africa, the last two presidents have been committed Christians, intent on establishing righteous standards in otherwise deep-seated infrastructures of corruption.

With this brief snapshot of Benin, each situation we ministered in, emerging opportunity has been the byword. God's people are truly reaching for that dimension that only God can bring. Each place we went, we experienced fervent prayer and serious commitment.

Our first workshop was one of the most remarkable that we have ever had. Those attending were leaders, some from high levels in business, government and Beninese society. Some we believe are destined to serve in the highest levels of this nation. This group was comprised of an array of genuinely called Josephs and Daniels, poised and prepared for the message of God's economy.

From the beginning, each reflected the heart-cry of the Macedonian call with their hunger and grasp of our message, God's strategy for change. Their response was to mobilize this strategy to support one another and nurture the callings of the other members..

We next went to a very poor section of the city for a special evening with a group of committed Christian entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs. The Macedonian callwas evident there as well. We navigated dirt roads with deep, water-filled chuck-holes getting to their church. Their hunger for the God's economy message pulled hard, as we ministered late. The anointing of the very seasoned pastor overseeing them grasped the importance of the strategic nature of the entrepreneurial. His prayer that wrapped things up spiritually shook the rafters as these brethren reached hard for that dimension of "something more" as community builders and people of influence.

That spiritual searching is also reflected in Benin's strong Muslim population. One of the groups we ministered to was led by one of the active Christian leaders who attended our first workshop. They were a group of young people aged 17 to 35, desiring to become people who make a positive difference in their community and nation. They included a mix between Christians, Muslims and those whose spiritual roots were still tied to superstitions and occult ways of the past.

I spoke to them about something they all wanted: success and leadership. However, what I shared was success and leadership as has been outlined in the Bible. I told them about the people of the Bible who influenced, but survived all the civilizations that have come and gone over the centuries because of God paving an enduring pathway for those who would put their trust in Him. The response was mixed, from those who were skeptical, to those who were curious, to the ones who shouted with joy at the hope it reflected.

The Macedonian call was also reflected by those who arranged our second workshop. It was done for a bishop of a network of churches. Upon conclusion of the workshop, hehad a video made of testimonies of those who attended. This pioneer for the Kingdom in his nation attended the entire two-day workshop. He began his own video-testimony with the words: "We have had a visitation."

There was more, a lot more. Yet, the bottom line of what I'm describing is a people poised and prepared to accept their assignment from God, as a people. Cultures that have their foundations in the occult understand the reality of God's power. They likewise understand the realities they face. While poverty is systemic, evil is at its core.

In the final church service where we ministered, the pastor expounded on my message by telling the congregation of the need to change their way of responding to the realities. He noted that in Ghana, to be a pastor, you have to support yourself in business. His observation was that too many African Christians try to extract themselves from poverty by going into ministry. His point was the need for the entrepreneurial to be foundational to the Christian community for us to be the light and example to those around us.

So it is that within cultures that have been assailed by Babylon and Chaldea, there is now arising a remnant that God is using strategically in these times. We have an extensive track record within Africa. The long-time struggle for the soul of this incredible spiritually- and resource-potent continent is now experiencing a turning.

Our time in Benin has been something of a crossroads, in terms of the turning underway not only for Africa, but globally, with steps of restoration being evidenced as God reestablishes His order in His creation.

I have long had the perception that God intends to strategically mobilize and connect those in Asia persecuted for their faith with the brethren I've been describing in Africa. This connection will serve Isaiah 60 restoration purposes tied to God's set-times for His covenant people Israel. I believe we are at that juncture of turning.

It goes back to the simple things. Over the centuries God has mobilized the most unlikely of His people, to execute the most unlikely strategies, to bring about the most unlikely change. It's now happening at an incredible level for the generation taking the helm. Thank you for praying for our role in preparing these key members of the Body for their timely mantles.

Gratefully in Jesus,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Israel Determined to Crush Hamas

Israel Determined to Crush Hamas

Tuesday, June 17, 2014 |  Ryan Jones ISRAEL TODAY
Israel is working hard to find and rescue three abducted Jewish youth, but it is also using the crisis as an opportunity to hopefully deal a debilitating blow to the Hamas terrorist organization.
Israel has determined that Hamas was behind the kidnapping of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel last Thursday, and that assessment has been largely backed up by the United States, Europe and the Palestinian Authority.
Israel has issued a limited call-up to IDF reservists as it arrests hundreds of Hamas leaders and lays siege to the Judean town of Hebron, a stronghold for the radical Islamist group. On Tuesday, Israel extended the operation to the Samarian town of Nablus (biblical Shechem), where even more Hamas leaders were rounded up.
“As long as our boys remain abducted, Hamas will feel pursued, paralyzed and threatened,” said army spokesman Lt. Peter Lerner. “We are committed to resolving the kidnapping and debilitating Hamas terrorist capacities, its infrastructure and its recruiting institutions.”
Army Radio called the operation as a “root canal” aimed at “uprooting everything green in the West Bank,” referring to Hamas’ official color.
Economy Minister Naftali Bennett was even harsher in his remarks. “We will turn membership in Hamas into an entry ticket to hell,” he told reporters.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meanwhile, cautioned Israelis to be patient and prepare for an extended ordeal. “We are here in the midst of a complex operation. We need to be prepared for the possibility that it may take time. This is a serious event and there will be serious consequences,” said the Israeli leader.
The Palestinian Authority condemned what it called escalating Israeli aggression, but also took steps to halt implementation of its recently signed reconciliation pact with Hamas. A senior PA official told The Times of Israel that if Hamas truly was behind the abduction, then the Palestinian unity deal of which Israel was so derisive would become null and void.
For its part, Hamas condemned cooperation between Israel and the PA in the search for the missing Jewish youth, and said Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas should instead be declaring jihad against the Jewish state.
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Happy To Be God’s Treasure - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Happy To Be God’s Treasure
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy 14:2 NKJV

“But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it will be evident that such overwhelming power comes from God and not from us. We have all kinds of troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, yet not in despair; persecuted, yet not abandoned; knocked down, yet not destroyed. We always carry in our bodies the dying of Yeshua, so that the life of Yeshua may be manifested in our bodies too.” 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 Complete Jewish Bible

A chosen people, called by God, to do His work – the One New Man, Jew and Gentile, saved and appointed together to be His feet and hands on this planet. That is who we are.

I like how Peter says it, being ones chosen by God as “God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others…from (being) rejected to accepted.”

1 Peter 2:9-10 in The Message version reads, “But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you - from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.”

We are God’s treasure, chosen by Him.

But I don’t recall thinking of myself as His treasure.

I am very familiar with the verses that speak of Him being the treasure, the One that we are to go out and seek in the field, and the verses that tell of the Jews being His special treasure above all the peoples on earth, which now also includes those of us grafted in with them into the olive tree.

But to think of ourselves also as God’s treasure? Wow, that is really special!

Knowing the high value placed on treasure of any kind - be it gold, silver, jewels, or more importantly a dear friend, one who is very close to us – for us to be known as a treasure to the Lord gives us value beyond all of these in comparison to His love He has for us.

When you have treasure, you protect it, secure it, guard it from being harmed, lost or stolen. You keep it in a safe place. But you at times also let it be displayed, for all to see the glory and the beauty that it is. Be it as a piece of art in a gallery, or an ancient artifact that has been found, making it very rare and precious, you even display it for many to see. That is how the Lord views each of us.

Along with being His treasure, we have the honor of manifesting the life of Yeshua (Jesus) in our lives too, so that those we walk among may see Him shining through us. Though “We have all kinds of troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, yet not in despair; persecuted, yet not abandoned; knocked down, yet not destroyed” as Paul states in 2 Corinthians. We have Him, this treasure in us, to be evidence of His power working through us. That will not only give hope to us in our daily walk, but to those we come in contact with - our families, those we work with on our jobs and the ones we gather with on occasions.

I am happy to be God’s treasure. Knowing of the value He has placed on us and in us, showing forth His love for me and you, strengthens our hearts and emotions, in order to let others know of their value they also have because of Him, their Creator. They too can receive His salvation through Jesus, and be a chosen vessel for His good pleasure.

May you know deep in your heart that you are His treasure, highly esteemed and valued, loved and admired, known by Him, and thus enabled and empowered to let others know of Him.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #156 “Happy To Be God’s Treasure” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (6.18.14) Wednesday at 5:15 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

King of the Universe - There IS Only ONE

The Lion of Judah
Jesus Christ
Yeshua HaMashiach

Artwork by James Nesbitt. See his entire collection of prophetic art: James Nesbit Art Collection

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sharing Love from Sweden - HUNGRY FOR GOD by Eva Haglund

Hungry for God

We need more of God.

In John.6:35 is written that Jesus is the Bread of life.  We need the heavenly Bread.

We need more of Jesus. We need to seek Him more. We also need the Word because Jesus is the Word. We  need to be hungry for it - to read it more. If we do not have Jesus we starve in the world because the Bible say He is the Bread. The Bread came to House of Bread - Bethlehem. The Bread came to the earth. In John.1.14 is written that the Word became flesh.

In nature we can see nestlings who open their mouth very big longing for food from a parent. We need to be hungry like this birds after food -after more of God.

Many people are starving today. They do not have usual food. Also many are starving if they do not have the Bread -Yeshua in the world. Like nestlings who are waiting for bread they need the heavenly Bread.

Christians need to learn to know God more and His Word more - to know God more - more of Him.

The enemy want us to think that we do not need more of God and to read His Word more, but we need more of Him and His Word! In Matt.5:3 we read, " Blessed are the poor in spirit. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I am thinking that this means that we shall be poor - thinking that we do not think we  have "anything" - what we have is not so much of God but we need more. In churches leaders sometimes there can have  attitudes - " see what we have"  and  "see what we have done. See how good we are." They boast about themselves. Their attitude is not humble when they ought to be.

Sometimes people want to have like a party when it is time for humility, crushed heart, tears before God and the church, to seek Him in prayer. I am not against parties but it is not always right time for it when the church needs to be humble and seek God.

We need to be humbly like children who has an attitude to a parent: " I need you."

To be poor I think is to think that I need more. I have not "got it." I need more of God. GOD  has got it.

To learn to know him is like to learn to know a big sea because he is so big. The Word is like a golden mine.

 It is like a big treasure. In Isaiah 45:3  we read, "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places." God want us to get more of this treasures. We need to seek Him.

To learn to know God is not boring because He is love. To seek Him more is good for us. To read the Word build us up.

David says in Ps. 63:1 "O God, You are my God,early will I seek You. I thirst for You. My flesh longs for you. In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water." Here we read about a hunger for more of God.

In Ps. 42:1 David says, "As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, oh God." Here we see again a longing for God.

I think God wants us to learn to know him more as a friend and to know more of the heavenly treasures.

It is good to learn to know his voice more and this needs time with God.

 We need to be like the nestlings.

"I am so hungry! I need food!"

In Isaiah 55:1 it is written, "Ho,Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters. And you who have no money,Come buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk.

Without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good. And let your soul delight itself in abundance."

We need to be hungry for God.

We need Him!

Eva Haglund





Dutch Sheets: God Is Not Done With America

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media

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American flag
(Courtesy of Dutch Sheets Ministries)
A demonic tide of destruction has been unleashed upon our nation, and is taking ground at an increasingly rapid rate. Politically, economically and humanistically, there is an agenda to make this nation never again look the way it has looked before. Yet, God has not given up on America! He has great a plan and a purpose for this nation and He is calling on us to partner with His heart and His strategy in this critical hour.
Discouraged Hearts, Defeated Plans
The book of Ezra paints a picture of where we are today, as well as God's desire to awaken, revive and restore a nation whose God is the Lord. The Israelites began rebuilding the temple after it had been destroyed because of their sin. While they were hard at work, the people of the land—the enemies of God—discouraged the people of Judah, causing them to be filled with a paralyzing fear.
Counselors were also hired to work against the people of God, and frustrate their strategy. This resulted in a 16-year delay in the rebuilding of the temple—the place, in that day, where God's presence and glory dwelled.
In many ways, America currently finds herself in this sort of delay. After making great advances in kingdom building, many have let discouragement and fear gain a foothold in their hearts. They've laid down their tools and folded their hands. Others are busy with good kingdom works, but don't dare challenge the status quo, much less, the systems aimed at shredding the moral fabric of our nation, destroying the institution of the family and stripping us of our religious freedoms.
As in the days of Ezra, "wicked counselors," known today as lobbyists, are diligently and strategically opposing God's people to advance the antichrist agenda in every sector of society. This is a fulfillment of the first few verses of Psalms 2, which describe those who hate God and take counsel together, devising plans to contend against Him and His people. These counselors think they've overthrown God's rule and conquered His people and, in their arrogance, openly decree this.
Notwithstanding, Psalm 2 describes several terrifying things God does in response. First, He laughs a mocking laugh of derision toward them. Then, He asserts that His Son will rule the earth. Lastly, God takes His rod and begins to break and shatter kingdoms in order to reestablish His reign in the earth. The good news is clearly laid out here—in the end, we win!
Fellow warriors, we cannot fear that if we resist the government and the political activists, we might be taken out. Neither can we fear that we might go to jail, lose our government funding or tax-exempt status, or have our business shut down for speaking the truth or refusing to marry same-sex couples. Yes, these things are already happening—some are already paying a high price to stand for righteousness—but we cannot cower and live in a paralyzing fear. We must only move in the fear of the Lord.
Repentance and Restoration
The account from Ezra that I've told thus far is only half the story. After a 16-year delay, upon seeing the hunger and desperation of the people, God raised up a company of leaders who worked together to steer His people toward repentance and the restoration of the temple.
First, God raised up two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, to boldly awaken the people to their true condition, and to His desire for them. The moment God's people responded in repentance, God began to work in their behalf. He frustrated the plans of the lobbyists and gave the people of Judah favor with the politicians. Everything they needed for the restoration of the temple was provided.
The most amazing part of the story, in my opinion, is how God's spokesmen (the prophets Haggai and Zechariah), God's government (Joshua the priest) and civil government (Zerubbabel the governor) came together to lead the people into reformation. In response to their obedience and righteous partnership, the Lord blessed them by decreeing that the glory of the latter house would be greater than the former.
Zechariah later prophesied to Zerubbabel saying, this mountain in front of you is going to be brought low and become a plain. Not by might or power but by my Spirit, you will tear it down with shouts of grace, grace! This is a picture of what God wants to do in America!
If the church wakes up from her slumber, heeds the voice of the prophets and begins to partner with righteous government leaders to take her stand, the Lord will make a way for our nation's biblical foundations to be restored. His glory will fill our land once again. God's desire is that you would contend for and see revival in your city and nation!
Church, we cannot become so busy making money and building our own houses, that we lay aside the often painful and sacrificial work restoration required for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done in America.
It is OK to grieve, like Jeremiah or Nehemiah, over the condition of our nation, but we must not give in to discouragement and fear. God is calling forth an army of faithful followers who will come up out of their discouragement to boldly push back the darkness.
Many leaders in government, health, education and ministry are having to make a decision right now—am I going to make my stand or am I going to compromise and yield to the enemy's plans? I, for one, say what America's founding fathers said upon signing the Declaration of Independence and, thereby, committing an act of treason against the crown: I pledge my life, my fortune, my sacred honor—everything to stop this insidious plan of hell. Will you join me?
Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized teacher, conference speaker and author of The Power of Hope. He has written more than 20 books, translated into over 30 languages. His first work, Intercessory Prayer, sold nearly a million copies and is being used to empower believers worldwide for passionate prayer and societal transformation. He and his wife, Ceci, make their home in the Dallas area.
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